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Truman and the Bomb

Accepted submission by quietus at 2024-05-11 19:31:21

On July 15th, Truman toured the rubble of Berlin. 'What a pity that the human animal is not able to put his moral thinking into practice!' he mused. 'I fear that machines are ahead of morals by some centuries'. Perhaps thinking of the bomb, he added, 'we are only termites on a planet and maybe when we bore too deeply into the planet there'll be a reckoning - who knows?'

Last week, citizens in Belgium were warned that they should have at least a radio and flashlight on batteries, and enough fresh water to cover a couple of weeks, in the home. The warning came from the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, and follows on two subsequent notifications by the national government that iodide pills are freely available in pharmacies.

On that background, I came across an article about the decision process [] surrounding the dropping of 2 nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in '45, that might interest some readers.

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