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Plant based meat subsitutes might be bad for diabetics

Accepted submission by at 2024-05-24 00:57:12 from the Lies and other Statistics dept.
Science []

The results showed that “contrary to our research hypothesis, we failed to substantiate any clear benefits for PBMD (Plant-Based Meat Diet) on cardiometabolic health compared with the corresponding ABMD (Animal-Based Meat Diet)”, the team said.

However, one finding might be significant for the 9.5 per cent of the population here with diabetes. The study found that the group on ABMD had better glycaemic control. []

However, time in range was significantly higher in the ABMD group than in the PBMD group [ABMD median: 94.1% (Q1: 87.2%, Q3: 96.7%); PBMD: 86.5% (81.7%, 89.4%); P = 0.041)]. This is shown in Figure 2, where the PBMD group had higher glucose concentration peaks and a greater proportion of time in range during the full-feeding period. No significant differences were found in other glycemic control and variability-related parameters during this full-feeding period.

Original Submission