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Tesla Cybertruck Owner Goes to ER After Being Sliced During Delivery

Accepted submission by upstart at 2024-05-27 14:42:43

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Tesla Cybertruck Owner Goes To ER After Being Sliced During Delivery []:

The dent got his attention the most. He ran his finger across this damaged area to see if it was indeed a dent or perhaps some kind of residue. As he was rubbing the damaged area of the panel, he felt a sudden sharp pain and jerked his hand away. Due to the angle of his arm, he apparently slit his wrist open on the extremely sharp corner where the side panels and the tailgate meet.

Initially, he thought this was just a superficial cut. So did the Tesla employees who joked, “This thing can be dangerous!” Then they noticed the blood pooling on the ground below him. The service team rushed to get a first aid kit, with which they disinfected and bandaged his wound.

Despite this rather disastrous delivery, bdesign did finalize the paperwork and take the truck home. But by the end of the day, his wound still hadn’t begun to close. So he spent the evening in the emergency room.

Unfortunately, bdesign isn’t the first owner to get a gash from the Cybertruck. Earlier this month, another owner cut themselves on the door's edge [] when exiting the vehicle. Of course, this type of door injury is not unheard of. For instance, a Bolt EUV owner had this happen [] to them on more than one occasion. A Rivian owner injured themselves in a similar manner, gashing their leg on the gear tunnel door [].

But the unusually sharp corners of the Cybertruck’s exterior and could prove dangerous to both owners and pedestrians. This is a concern that automotive reviewers, safety experts and owners have been pointing out for months. We even saw this as far back as December, when reviewer Jason Cammisa ripped his shirt and cut his arm [] on the edge of the vehicle’s hood.

So this is not a one-off occurrence. Hopefully, it will not become more common as more trucks hit the streets, and we hope bdesign has an easier time with his truck from now on.

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