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ICE Engine Reborn

Accepted submission by quietus at 2024-05-29 11:35:15 from the vroomm-vroommmm dept.

Three years ago, Subaru, Mazda, Toyota, Kawasaki, and Yamaha announced a joint development scheme for combustion engines based on alternatives to conventional fossil fuels i.e. synthetic fuels, biofuels and liquid hydrogen. Last Monday, May 28, Toyota, Subaru and Mazda unveiled the first results of that cooperation, a set of new ICE engines to go into production from 2026.

From the press blurb:

With the next generation of engines, the three companies will seek to not only improve standalone engine performance but also optimize their integration with electric drive units, harnessing the advantages of each.

While being highly efficient and powerful, the new engines will also revolutionize vehicle packaging by being more compact than existing models. Smaller engines will allow for even lower hoods, improving design possibilities and aerodynamic performance while contributing to better fuel efficiency. The development will also emphasize compliance with increasingly strict emissions regulations.

At the same time, the new engines will be made carbon neutral by shifting away from fossil fuels and offering compatibility with various alternatives, including e-fuel (synthetic fuel), biofuels, and liquid hydrogen. In doing so, these engines will contribute to the broader adoption of CN fuels.

Full video report of the press conference, along with detailed pictures of the new engines, here [].

Last year, Toyota sold 2,248,477 cars in the United States, an increase of 6.6% compared to the year before, keeping its position as the number one passenger vehicle seller for the 12th consecutive year.

Only about 15,000 [] of those cars were BEVs.

Original Submission