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Make Two Trips

Accepted submission by fab23 at 2024-06-08 13:34:45 from the new-years-resolution dept.
Thomas A. Limoncelli writes in Make Two Trips []:

During an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, comedian Larry David explained that his New Year's Resolution was "make two trips" (episode 857, January 8, 2020).

For example, when carrying groceries into the house, it is tempting to carry everything at once, but then you drop the cantaloupe, and now you have to clean up that mess. While it seemed like one trip would have been faster, if you include the time it takes to clean up the mess, it would have been faster to simply make two trips.

This "make two trips" strategy isn't an earth-shattering breakthrough. It won't cure cancer, end world hunger, or fix the climate crisis. However, I have adopted this philosophy, and it has had many benefits.

The immediate benefit is that I am now more likely to have a free hand to open my house door. Pulling keys out of my pocket no longer involves smashing a grocery bag between my chest and the house.

The larger benefit has come from adopting this philosophy in both coding and operations.

... continue reading the whole article [] at ACM Queue.

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