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Deleting Facebook

Accepted submission by mcgrew at 2024-06-20 13:50:53
Digital Liberty

Of course, you can’t delete their site without going to prison. This is about deleting an account.

        You probably saw the S/N article [] Adobe and Meta Drive the Visual Digital Arts in Deeper Enshit[ment] where it was shown that Meta is changing its policy next week, allowing itself to legally steal your copyrighted content to train its AI (for those under a rock, “Artificial Intelligence”).

        You probably also know that I’m a writer since about 1997. I am also a former visual art and design student with dozens of images, if not hundreds. As I have posted stories here at S/N, and slashdot (years ago, I left when S/N was started), I also posted at Facebook for about five years or so; my daughter convinced me that I could popularize my books there.

        In my last book, Voyage to Madness about a trip to Proxima Centauri via Einstein’s time warp (real science, no fantasy), there are no human visual artists, poets, or writers. It’s all produced by computers. I do not want to be a contributor to that future! So when I first got word of this latest evil from Meta, I posted there that I was deleting my account and where to look for my writing. I set last night as the date, and then forgot until this morning after my coffee.

        Even sober and full of coffee, It was extremely difficult and frustrating. Meta made getting out of their data prison extremely difficult. Harder than Wolfenstein and unlike it, no fun at all.

        First, I suspect that there’s a robots.txt file in the directory that holds the file that actually explains, very poorly, how to delete an account, because I of course googled to see how to do it. It was a file, but very outdated. There is no possible way I found using it to actually delete.

        Even after logging into Farsebook and looking for a help file there, it was obvious that they don’t want anyone to leave. I wish I would have written this as I was deleting the account, I could have given step by step instructions; even following their flawed program (i.e., list of steps, for you non-programmers) they leave out much needed information and force you to guess.

        It took over an hour. But I encourage all of you with Meta accounts to fight this evil. Maybe we CAN delete facebook! If you see me there with the same photo that was posted, please let me know so I can sue them. I don’t need the money, I just want to destroy Meta. If it happens, unlikely as that is, I’ll donate the winnings to S/N.

        I may open another account just to poison their stupid “intelligent” computer.

Original Submission