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Old Computer Challenge v4 Annonced

Accepted submission by tekk at 2024-06-25 14:37:39 from the Junk Drawer dept.

The 2024 Old Computer Challenge [] has been announced. The challenge started 4 years ago with the challenge to use a computer with 1 core at a max of 1 GHz and 512MB of RAM for a week and grew a small community surrounding them with 34 entrants for 2023. This year's theme, however, is no theme at all. The announcement post includes suggestions however there's no set of official rules this time around.

Anyone interested in participating can take a look at Headcrash's OCC Site [] to look at previous years' entries and find instructions for how to get listed this year.

Personally I'm planning on running a classic Clamshell Mac with OS9 as my daily driver :)

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