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Microsoft Says That It's Okay for Them to Steal Your Web Content Because It's 'Freeware'

Accepted submission by hubie at 2024-06-29 03:13:17

Microsoft's CEO of AI said that content on the open web can be copied and used to create new content []:

Microsoft may have opened a can of worms with recent comments made by the tech giant's CEO of AI Mustafa Suleyman. The CEO spoke with CNBC's [] Andrew Ross Sorkin at the Aspen Ideas Festival earlier this week. In his remarks, Suleyman claimed that all content shared on the web is available to be used for AI training unless a content producer says otherwise specifically.

"With respect to content that is already on the open web, the social contract of that content since the 90s has been that it is fair use. Anyone can copy it, recreate with it, reproduce with it. That has been freeware, if you like. That's been the understanding," said Suleyman.

"There's a separate category where a website or a publisher or a news organization had explicitly said, 'do not scrape or crawl me for any other reason than indexing me so that other people can find that content.' That's a gray area and I think that's going to work its way through the courts."

[...] Generative AI is one of the hottest topics in tech in 2024. It's also a hot button topic among creators. Some claim that AI trained on other people's work is a form of theft. Others equate training AI on existing work to artists studying at school. Contention often circles around monetizing work that's derivative of other content.

YouTube has reportedly offered "lumps of cash" [] to train its AI models on music libraries from major record labels. The difference in that situation is that record labels and YouTube will have agreed to terms. Suleyman claims that a company could use any content on the web to train AI, as long as there was not an explicit statement demanding that not be done.

[...] Assuming I've understood Suleyman correctly, the CEO claimed that any content is freeware that anyone can use to make new content, unless the creator says otherwise. I'm not a lawyer, but Suleyman's claims sound a lot like those viral chain messages that get forwarded around Facebook and Instagram saying, "I DO NOT CONSENT TO MY CONTENT BEING USED." I always assumed copyright law was more complicated than a Facebook post.

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