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Senior scientists blast Fermilab management

Accepted submission by PiMuNu at 2024-07-23 08:27:26
Science []

Fermilab is a major US national lab with a budget of several 100M$ per year, focusing on particle physics. All is not well at the lab, however, following project delays and huge cost overruns for the flagship DUNE project. The organisation that operates Fermilab, led by University of Chicago, has had its contract withdrawn [] and the lab director Lia Merminga has been laid off. Now a pair of senior and well-respected scientists have put their oar in as well, blasting the management of the lab over the past decade that has led to the current situation in a paper posted to the arxiv preprint server. The pair point at many problems, based on a toxic working environment, giving anecdotal examples supported by indicators such as a fourfold increase in sick leave over the past decade. It's a fun read!

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