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The Cost of Debian Taking Bribes From Microsoft (and Letting Microsoft Vote Inside Debian!)

Rejected submission by Anonymous Coward at 2024-07-30 08:07:50
Digital Liberty

Guest Post on the Cost of Debian Taking Bribes From Microsoft (and Letting Microsoft Vote Inside Debian!) []

I found something here ( which almost made me double over and vomit. I can't believe it!

DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!

A Gold Sponsor is this: "Microsoft, who enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more."

You've got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME.

I wouldn't be surprised if Debian is undermined by Microsoft in the long run, which of course I know could be one of their sinister goals.

Look how many distros are based on Debian!

For one thing, that is.

Look at the mess which is snaps in Ubuntu.

IMO Ubuntu/Canonical should just be considered to be a lost cause and Microsoft should just outright buy them out.

Not that I favor it, but I find it to be eventual anyway...

Now to get inside and rot out Debian would be a grand accomplishment for Microsoft.

Original Submission