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New techniques in 3D printing using ... knitting?

Accepted submission by ElizabethGreene at 2024-08-07 15:22:41 from the Not just for sweaters dept.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a new type of 3D printer that knits 3-dimensional solid objects, according to a new paper published in ACM Transactions on Graphics. From the introduction:

Unlike standard knitting, which makes hollow surfaces, solid knitting makes dense volumes by layering knit sheets—much as 3D printers layer plastic sheets. We envision a future where everyday objects like furniture or shoes—including soles—can be knit as one piece. Since the layers are topologically intertwined during fabrication, solid dense volume knitting requires no adhesives, allowing fabricated objects to be unraveled easily to recover the constituent yarn

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  Yuichi Hirose, Mark Gillespie, Angelica M. Bonilla Fominaya, and James McCann. 2024. Solid Knitting. ACM Trans. Graph. 43, 4 (July 2024) []
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This begs the question, "Would you download a couch?"

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