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Raspberry Pi release Pico 2 with new RP2350 MCU

Accepted submission by Rich at 2024-08-08 17:16:00 from the hardware dept.

Raspberry Pi have released the small Pico 2 as an improvement to the original Pico: [].

The small single board computer looks virtually unchanged from its predecessor. All improvement is in a new microcontroller unit, the RP2350, which replaces the old RP2040. Most notable features are twice the memory, low power sleep options, and two added Risc-V cores. The two ARM cores are still there, but upgraded to Cortex-M33 from M0+.

Unlike the RP2040, the new MCU is available in different packages, with more pins and flash memory in-package. Top of the line will be the RP2354B with 80 pins and 2MB integrated flash.

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