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Turns out Martin Shkreli copied his $2M Wu-Tang album—and sent it to “50 different chicks”

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2024-08-28 18:10:19 from the dumpster fire for life dept.
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The members of PleasrDAO are, well, pretty displeased with Martin Shkreli.

The "digital autonomous organization" spent $4.75 million to buy the fabled Wu-Tang Clan album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, which had only been produced as a single copy. The album had once belonged to Shkreli, who purchased it directly from Wu-Tang Clan for $2 million in 2015. But after Shkreli became the "pharma bro" poster boy for price gouging in the drug sector [], he ended up in severe legal trouble and served a seven-year prison sentence for securities fraud.

He also had to pay a $7.4 million penalty [] in that case, and the government seized and then sold Once Upon a Time in Shaolin to help pay the bill.
In a complicated transaction, PleasrDAO purchased the album from an unnamed intermediary, who had first purchased it from the government. As part of that deal, PleasrDAO created a non-fungible token (NFT—remember those?) to show ownership of the album. The New York Times has a good description []
But after purchasing the album and sharing the collective ownership of its NFT, PleasrDAO discovered that its "one of a kind" object wasn't quite as exclusive as it had thought.

Shkreli had, in fact, made copies of the music. Lots of copies. On June 30, 2022, PleasrDAO said that Shkreli played music from the album on his YouTube channel and stated, "Of course I made MP3 copies, they're like hidden in safes all around the world... I'm not stupid. I don't buy something for two million dollars just so I can keep one copy."
Shkreli claimed on a 2024 podcast that he had "burned the album and sent it to like, 50 different chicks"—and that this had been extremely good for his sex life.

Shkreli even offered to send copies of the album to random Internet commenters if they would just send him their "email addy." He also told people to "look out for a torrent" and hosted listening parties for the album on his X account, which reached "potentially over 4,900 listeners."
Shkreli's response to all this is, in essence, "so what's the problem?"

When he purchased the album for $2 million in 2015, he also acquired 50 percent of the copyrights to the package. Before the album was seized by the government, Shkreli says he took advantage of his copyright ownership to make copies as he was "permitted to do under his original purchase agreement."
On August 26, 2024, a federal judge in Brooklyn issued a preliminary injunction [] (PDF) in the case as the two parties prepare to battle things out in court. The injunction prevents Shkreli from "possessing, using, disseminating, or selling any interest in the Wu-Tang Clan album 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin' (the 'Album'), including its data and files or the contents of the Album."

Furthermore, Shkreli has to turn over "all of his copies, in any form, of the Album or its contents to defense counsel." He also must file an affidavit swearing that he "no longer possesses any copies, in any form, of the Album or its contents."

By the end of September 2024, Shkreli further must submit a list of "the names and contact information of the individuals to whom he distributed the data and files" and say if he made any money for doing so.

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