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Link to Story Build your own Debian live image (via Web)

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2024-09-04 02:07:56

(FAI - Fully Automatic Installation) []

-= Custom Live Media, also for Newer Hardware
-= A web service for building your own customized Debian live image

"At this years Debian conference in South Korea I've presented[1] the new feature of the FAIme web service. You can now build your own Debian live media/ISO.

The web interface provides various settings, for e.g. adding a user name and its password, selecting the Debian release (stable or testing), the desktop environment and the language. Additionally you can add your own list of packages, that will be installed into the live environment. It's possible to define a custom script that gets executed during the boot process. For remote access to the live system, you can easily sepcify a github, gitlab or salsa account, whose public ssh key will be used for passwordless root access. If your hardware needs special grub settings, you may also add those. I'm thinking about adding an autologin checkbox, so the live media could be used for a kiosk system.

And finally newer hardware is supported with the help of the backports kernel for the Debian stable release (aka bookworm). This combination is not available from the official Debian live images or the netinst media because the later has some complicated dependencies which are not that easy to resolve2[2]. At DebConf24 I've talked to Alper who has some ideas[3] how to improve the Debian installer environment which then may support a backports kernel."

- Thomas Lange,
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- Build your own Debian live image
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- Build your own installation ISO for Debian
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Original Submission