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Admins wonder if the cloud was such a good idea after all

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2024-09-04 13:03:11

After an initial euphoric rush to the cloud, administrators are questioning the value and promise of the tech giant's services.

According to a report [] published by UK cloud outfit Civo, more than a third of organizations surveyed reckoned that their move to the cloud had failed to live up to promises of cost-effectiveness. Over half reported a rise in their cloud bill.

Although the survey, unsurprisingly, paints Civo in a flattering light, some of its figures may make uncomfortable reading for customers sold on the promises from hyperscalers.

[...] In the IT world, there is an expectation that bang for buck increases as time goes by, but in this example, prices are rising faster than the rate of inflation [], and what customers receive for their money remains unchanged.

[...] The giddy enthusiasm might have waned in favor of some hard-nosed ROI calculations, and some workloads might jump away from cloud vendors, "but this will not constitute a change in direction – just a ripple in the stream of dollars flowing to the cloud."

So, are prices increasing? The answer has to be yes. How much of those rises are down to the major vendors opportunistically adding of a few percentage points versus an increase in fixed costs, such as electricity, is pretty much irrelevant. The advice remains the same: the cloud is here to stay although its luster has dulled over time.

Time, then, to wheel out the ROI calculator and ensure there's been no stealthy vendor lock-in. All clouds and all workloads are, after all, not created equal.

The Register []

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