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Tell Congress: We Can't Afford More Bad Patents

Accepted submission by upstart at 2024-09-17 22:46:20

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Tell Congress: We Can't Afford More Bad Patents []:

Patent trolls—companies that have no product or service of their own, but simply make patent infringement demands on others—are a big problem. They’ve cost our economy billions of dollars. For a small company, a patent troll demand letter can be ruinous.

We took a big step towards fighting off patent trolls in 2014, when a landmark Supreme Court ruling, the Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank case, established that you can’t get a patent by adding “on a computer” to an abstract idea. In 2012, Congress also expanded the ways that a patent can be challenged at the patent office.

These two bills, PERA and PREVAIL, would roll back both of those critical protections against patent trolls. We know that the bill sponsors, Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Chris Coons (D-DE) are pushing hard for these bills to move forward. We need your help to tell Congress that it’s the wrong move.

Original Submission