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Pagers kill a dozen, injure thousands... Huh? Pagers?

Accepted submission by mcgrew at 2024-09-17 23:27:11

If you know what a pager is, you're OLD. Or are a Hezbollah terrorist. According to the Washington Post (shitwalled), [] Wall Street Journal, [] CNN, [] and just about every outlet, about a dozen people were killed and thousands reportedly injured.

See, kid, back in the stone age we didn't have supercomputers in our pockets acting as telephones, we only had telephones. They were a permanent part of a room. If you weren't home, nobody could call you. But if you were a physician, people need to call you. So they had "pagers", also called "beepers," that alerted you to call the office.

They're not supposed to blow up. This is James Bond stuff. Since the Israelis can listen in to every cell phone call in the area, Hezbollah needed a secure way to communicate, so used pagers. But who loaded them with explosives? How? Pagers weren't big, the explosive must be high tech.

What was 007's tech guy's name?

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