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VW Considers Cutting 30,000 Jobs

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2024-09-19 23:21:56 from the crushing-beetles dept.

VW is considering axing as many as 30,000 jobs as it scrambles to save billions of euros amid a slowdown in the car market, German media has reported []:

The carmaker recently announced it could close some of its German factories for the first time in history as it struggles to reinvent itself for the electric era.

Analysts at Jefferies said VW is considering closing two to three facilities, with as many as five German sites under threat, putting 15,000 jobs at risk.

[...] A VW spokesman said: “We do not confirm the figure. One thing is clear: Volkswagen has to reduce its costs at its German sites.

R&D will likely be hit hard []:

While Volkswagen is staying tight-lipped on specifics, Manager Magazin suggested research and development could take a massive hit. If their numbers pan out, roughly 4,000 to 6,000 R&D employees could be cut from the current number of around 13,000.

Previously: VW Turns on Germany as China Targets Europe's EV Blunders []

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