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Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2024-09-20 14:21:41 from the redundant redundant dept.
News []

Microsoft announced today that it's releasing a new app called Windows App [] as an app for Windows that allows users to run Windows and also Windows apps (it's also coming to macOS, iOS, web browsers, and is in public preview for Android).

On most of those platforms, Windows App [] is a replacement for the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, which was used for connecting to a copy of Windows running on a remote computer or server—for some users and IT organizations, a relatively straightforward way to run Windows software on devices that aren't running Windows or can't run Windows natively.
Microsoft says that aside from unifying multiple services into a single app, Windows App's enhancements include easier account switching, better device management for IT administrators, support for the version of Windows 365 for frontline workers [], and support for Microsoft's "Relayed RDP Shortpath []," which can enable Remote Desktop on networks that normally wouldn't allow it.
For connections to your own Remote Desktop-equipped PCs, Windows App has most of the same features and requirements as the Remote Desktop Connection app did before, including support for multiple monitors, device redirection for devices like webcams and audio input/output, and dynamic resolution support (so that your Windows desktop resizes as you resize the app window).

[Obligatory: Which Windows App did you want?]

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