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Tetris -- A Cognitive Vaccine

Accepted submission by looorg at 2024-09-21 11:08:55 from the rotate-this-for-20-minutes dept.

There is a fair, and long running, amount of research for that playing Tetris helps people deal with trauma, PTSD of some kind. Adding some more recent research then where it can reduce PTSD symptoms in healthcare workers (nurses) that worked with trauma COVID19 patients.

Playing something such as Tetris (it's a bit unclear if it's just Tetris or a similar style of games of which Tetris is the prime example) can induce some relaxing zen like state or a "cognitive vaccine". 20 minutes is apparently the prescribed dosage of rotational healing experience. There was the 15 minutes of talking to before playing Tetris. But clearly the healing power of Tetris at work ...

The study was carried out with healthcare workers in Sweden who worked with COVID-19 patients and were exposed to work-related trauma. It was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic between September 2020 and April 2022. A total of 164 participants were included. Participants were recruited through information at workplaces. Participation was entirely voluntary. The criterion for participation was that the person had at least two intrusive memories per week due to traumatic events that occurred at work. [] []

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