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I Launched the AI Safety Clock. Here’s What It Tells Us About Existential Risks

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2024-10-13 16:41:53

If uncontrolled artificial general intelligence []—or “God-like” AI—is looming on the horizon, we are now about halfway there. Every day, the clock ticks closer to a potential doomsday scenario.

That’s why I introduced the AI Safety Clock [] last month. My goal is simple: I want to make clear that the dangers of uncontrolled AGI are real and present. The Clock’s current reading—29 minutes to midnight—is a measure of just how close we are to the critical tipping point where uncontrolled AGI could bring about existential risks. While no catastrophic harm has happened yet, the breakneck speed of AI development and the complexities of regulation mean that all stakeholders must stay alert and engaged.

This is not alarmism; it’s based on hard data. The AI Safety Clock tracks three essential factors: the growing sophistication of AI technologies, their increasing autonomy, and their integration with physical systems.

We are seeing remarkable strides across these three factors. The biggest are happening in machine learning and neural networks, with AI now outperforming humans in specific areas like image and speech recognition, mastering complex games like Go [], and even passing tests such as business school exams [] and Amazon coding interviews [].

… There’s no denying the risks are real []. We are on the brink of sharing our planet with machines that could match or even surpass human intelligence—whether that happens in one year or ten. But we are not helpless. The opportunity to guide AI development in the right direction is still very much within our grasp. We can secure a future where AI is a force for good.

But the clock is ticking.

[Source]: TIME.COM []

This is similar to Doomsday Clock [], what effect do you think this AI Safety Clock will have ? Will this serve as a warning to those involved ?

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