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Ad-Blocking Showdown: Google Forces Popular Ad-Blocker Off Chrome

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2024-10-16 15:09:38 from the assault-on-the-senses dept.

Google has initiated the discontinuation of support for uBlock Origin, the popular ad-tracking blocker, in Chrome []:

The migration to Manifest V3 []—a new extension framework believed to reduce the effectiveness of certain ad blockers—is the underlying cause and is seen as part of Google’s big move against ad and tracking blocks. Developer Raymond Hill highlighted this shift by sharing a screenshot depicting Chrome automatically disabling uBlock Origin due to incompatibility with the upcoming regulations.

To circumnavigate these limitations, Hill has developed uBlock Origin Lite, which conforms to the Manifest V3 guidelines, though it needs to be installed manually because, as Hill points out in a GitHub FAQ, the differences between the original and the Lite versions are too significant for an automatic update.

The essence of a manifest involves defining extension attributes such as name, version, and required permissions. Manifest V3 changes key aspects of this definition, notably removing the ability to execute code from external servers. According to Hill, the newer version of his ad-blocking tool, uBlock Origin Lite, may not perform as robustly as its predecessor due to its diminished filtering capabilities.

Previously: Google Chrome Is Killing The Ublock Origin Ad Blocker Extension []

Original Submission