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U.S. Engineers’ Salaries Up in 2023

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2024-10-18 20:56:11

There’s good earnings news for U.S. members: Salaries are rising. Base salaries increased by about 5 percent from 2022 to 2023, according to the IEEE-USA 2024 Salary and Benefits Survey Report [].

Last year’s report [] showed that inflation had outpaced earnings growth but that’s not the case this year.

In current dollars, the median income of U.S. engineers and other tech professionals who are IEEE members was US $174,161 last year, up about 5 percent from $169,000 in 2022, excluding overtime pay, profit sharing, and other supplemental earnings. Unemployment fell to 1.2 percent in this year’s survey, down from 1.4 percent in the previous year.

As with prior surveys, earned income is measured for the year preceding the survey’s date of record—so the 2024 survey reports income earned in 2023.

To calculate the median salary, IEEE-USA considered only respondents who were tech professionals working full time in their primary area of competence—a sample of 4,192 people.

I suppose it is good news for many of our members. Interesting analysis of salary trends ...

[Source]: IEEE SPECTRUM []

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