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Penguin says no to LLM training

Accepted submission by looorg at 2024-10-19 19:48:53 from the dept.
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PRH's changing of its copyright wording to combat AI training makes it the first of the Big Five publishers to take such an action against AI, at least publicly.

The clause also notes that Penguin Random House “expressly reserves this work from the text and data mining exception” in line with the European Union’s laws.

In August, Penguin Random House published a statement saying that the publisher will “vigorously defend the intellectual property that belongs to our authors and artists.”

Penguin Random House will amend their copyright notice with "no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner for the purpose of training artificial intelligence technologies or systems.".

Will it work? Have they just created more job for themselves trying to litigate to all the LLM trainers? How much is to much or enough for it to be distinct from their books or just not words other people have expressed to?

Original Submission