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Total Solar Eclipse Promises to Boost Scotland Tourism

Accepted submission by TLA at 2015-03-16 00:18:00
On Friday 20th March 2015 between 0740-1150UT, a total solar eclipse will occur across the far Northern regions of Europe and the Arctic. This will mark the last total solar eclipse visible from Europe until August 12, 2026. From London, totality of eclipse will not occur; there will be 84% coverage from there at 0931GMT. You would have to travel North about 600 miles to see totality. The point of maximum eclipse is in the Norwegian Sea, 200 miles North of the Faroe Islands.

Cruise and Maritime Voyages are running three solar eclipse cruises, with more than 2,500 passengers heading north to destinations including Lerwick in Shetland and Kirkwall on Orkney. Visit Scotland say they're expecting thousands of "astro-tourists" to flood the area, looking for dark places to view the eclipse and - weather permitting - possibly hitch a ride on one of the cruises.

Links: [] (STV tourism scoop) [] (NASA's eclipse map with lots of info) [] (Fraction map, useful if you're stuck in one place) [] (comprehensive guide to watching the eclipse, complete with countdown)

But don't worry if you can't get to the Faroe Islands by Friday, even a 90% partial solar eclipse is something special to behold.

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