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The rise and fall of Heathkit

Accepted submission by Snotnose at 2024-11-14 04:23:37 from the They don't make 'em like they used to dept.

The history of Heathkit, part 1 [] and part 2 []

If you came of age in the 1960s or 1970s and then later became an EE, chances are you’re more than casually acquainted with Heathkit. Many engineers started their budding careers by building one or more kits made by the Heath Company. I certainly did. When I stumbled across a brief interview with Chas Gilmore, who joined the Heath Company in 1966 as a design engineer and worked at the Heath Company on and off for more than two decades, eventually becoming VP of product development, marketing, and sales, I knew I needed to interview him.

Teenage me built a shortwave radio and a HAM transmitter for myself, and a TV for a neighbor.

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