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Eureka moments

Accepted submission by Snotnose at 2024-11-17 15:12:47

Eureka moments [] shared by Chemists.

Interviews were conducted with 18 chemists from several subdisciplines of chemistry and include a diversity of demographics on the topic of creativity as seen through the eyes of Eureka moments. The experiences fell within three categories, i.e., (1) analytical problem-solving which can be reconstructed into a series of logical steps that can be identified; (2) memory retrieval processes of previously acquired knowledge; and (3) insights characterized by a sudden and unexpected understanding. There were variations of detail within each category. Suggestions for enhancing the probability of experiencing Eureka moments are provided.

Derek Lowe [] shares his thoughts, always worth a read.

I've had 2 in my life. 11 y/o me was struggling with fractions when suddenly all became clear. Then a few years later while teaching myself Z-80 assembly I watched my debugger single step into a text string and suddenly how computers execute code crystallized. What Eureka moments have you had?

Original Submission