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Samsung Could Make the Galaxy S26 Extra Thin With New Battery Tech

Accepted submission by upstart at 2025-01-17 13:07:33

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Samsung could make the Galaxy S26 extra thin with new battery tech []:

The batteries that power today’s electronics are a lot more incredible than we often give them credit for. We’ve come a long way from the days of nickel-cadmium and even nickel-metal hydride cells, with lithium-based chemistry [] offering superior capacity and discharge characteristics (if only they didn’t have that annoying tendency to burst into flame). But for as far as we’ve come, it always feels like the next big thing could be right around the corner, as advocates hype next-gen battery tech. We’ve only just started to see silicon-carbon batteries [] emerge, capable of storing even more energy in smaller spaces, and we’ve been hugely curious to see who might take advantage of them next.

new-battery-tech-that-isn't-vapor? dept.

See also:

Original Submission