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Time to check my tire pressures...hand me that hammer

Accepted submission by at 2025-01-23 03:06:08 from the what-will-AI-do-next dept.

Traditionally truck and bus drivers are known to use a small hammer or billy club to tap their tires, as a quick way to check for low air pressure. If you are driving an 18-wheeler, it takes a long time to put a pressure gauge on all those tires. Here's a thread discussing this technique, []

Now trade magazine TTI [] reports on the latest wrinkle on this old technique,

Yokohama has begun testing a novel technology that uses AI to gauge air pressure from the sound made by tapping truck and bus tires. This technology aims to help logistics companies to reduce costs and improve fuel efficiency.

Daily air pressure checks with pressure gauges can lead to valve failure and air leakage. In addition, real-time monitoring can be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, tapping the tire with a hammer remains a commonly used technique for air pressure monitoring. However, this method cannot be used to determine whether a tire has appropriate air pressure.

To solve this problem, Yokohama is working with Metrika to develop an AI algorithm that can distinguish between the sounds created by tapping the tire and a variety of environmental sounds, determine when and how long the sound occurred (the sound interval), and estimate the tire’s air pressure based on the sound. The companies have developed a prototype that is undergoing practical testing at a transportation-related company.

It's a smart phone app that uses the microphone as sensor...and more than likely it then reports the results back to the trucking fleet owner.

Original Submission