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US ICE Updates Immigration Raid Timestamps to Game Goggle Search Results

Accepted submission by TheReaperD at 2025-02-06 13:20:04 from the The Department of Government Evasion dept.

News of mass immigration arrests has swept across the US over the past couple of weeks. Reports from Massachusetts to Idaho have described agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) spreading through communities and rounding people up. Quick Google searches for Ice operations, raids and arrests return a deluge of government press releases. Headlines include “ICE arrests 85 during 4-day Colorado operation”, “New Orleans focuses targeted operations on 123 criminal noncitizens”, and in Wisconsin, “ICE arrests 83 criminal aliens”.

But The Guardian [] took a closer look at these Ice reports tells a different story.

All the archived Ice press releases soaring to the top of Google search results were marked with the same timestamp and read: “Updated: 01/24/2025”.

So, it looks like rather than actually doing any immigration raids, they're simply changing the timestamps on raids dating back to 2008 to claim credit again for raids they did long. Once again, hype over substance.

Original Submission