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Let’s Buy California from Trump – Denmark’s Next Big Adventure

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2025-02-12 11:06:52 from the Måke-Califørnia-Great-Ægain dept.

Several sites are noticing a joke (for now) petition for Denmark to take pesky California off the US' hands []:

Have you ever looked at a map and thought, "You know what Denmark needs? More sunshine, palm trees, and roller skates." Well, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make that dream a reality.

Let’s buy California from Donald Trump!

Yes, you heard that right.

California could be ours, and we need your help to make it happen.

See also English language articles like "Danes offer to buy California to spite Trump’s Greenland aims: ‘We’ll bring hygge to Hollywood’" [] at The Guardian and "Petition for Denmark to buy California for $1 trillion surpasses 200,000 signatures" [] at CBS, among others.

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