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How tiny can you scale it until things won't work?

Accepted submission by anubi at 2025-03-09 03:16:20 from the Think Tiny dept.

Just how tiny can something be made...and still have it work? []

From the story...

Megaphragma wasps do more than just outsmart thrips. They also show how far miniaturization can go before basic features stop working.

Most insects rely on their eyes for movement and exploration. Ommatidia form the building blocks of these compound eyes and act like small detectors for incoming light.

Incredible compound eyes.

In Megaphragma viggianii, researchers have counted a total of 29 ommatidia, which is extremely low compared to the number in the eyes of bigger insects.

Each tiny ommatidium uses a lens that measures around 8 micrometers, but that’s still enough to focus light onto specialized structures below.

... Story continues ... []

... Nature amazes me.

Original Submission