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One NY Escapee Killed by Border Patrol

Accepted submission by gewg_ at 2015-06-26 23:49:10

from the considered-armed-and-dangerous dept.

The Daily Beast reports []

Escaped murderer Richard Matt was shot and killed by a Border Patrol agent Friday after he and fellow escapee David Sweat tried to carjack a camper vehicle, law-enforcement[...]. The camper's driver called 911 and authorities finally caught up to the men since they broke out of prison on June 6.

Matt was shot in the vicinity of Lake Titus, approximately 10 miles west of Owl's Head, where police said Monday they had found evidence that Matt and Sweat had broken into a cabin this week.

[...]A trail camera outside of nearby Whippleville [...] photographed both men and showed Matt holding a shotgun.

[...]Matt was convicted for kidnapping, killing, and dismembering his boss in 1997 before fleeing to Mexico--where he fatally stabbed an American and was serving a 20-year sentence.

Related: How Two Escaped Killers Could Completely Disappear Off the Grid []

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