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Capture Google login on desktop to break into Android

Accepted submission by FakeBeldin at 2015-06-27 10:11:44

Security researchers of the security group at the Free University of Amsterdam found a hole in Android. The scoop in Dutch [] - news is 10hrs old at time of writing, I didn't find an English source yet. Heck, the university hasn't even put out a press release, even though this is currently making a splash in the Dutch news.

In short, the researchers hacked the user's (desktop) browser and then installed (via this browser) a malicious app on the phone.This gave them basically full control over the phone: turning camera on/off, replacing installed apps with malicious versions, intercepting text messages, etc. In fact, they used this to reduce a common version of two-factor authentication (know password and have phone) to only one factor: they managed to intercept verification codes (text messages) sent by a bank.

The problem is not in a specific version of Android, but in the deep integration between Google's websites and Android. Google has been made aware of the problems late 2014, but has yet to publicly reply.

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