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De Blasio to Announce 10-Year Deadline to Offer Computer Science to All Students

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-09-16 16:02:48
Career & Education

To ensure that every child can learn the skills required to work in New York City’s fast-growing technology sector, Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce on Wednesday that within 10 years all of the city’s public schools [] will be required to offer computer science to all students.

Meeting that goal will present major challenges, mostly in training enough teachers. There is no state teacher certification in computer science, and no pipeline of computer science teachers coming out of college. Fewer than 10 percent of city schools currently offer any form of computer science education, and only 1 percent of students receive it, according to estimates by the city’s Department of Education.

Computer science will not become a graduation requirement, and middle and high schools may choose to offer it only as an elective.

40 years into the Information Revolution, and America's largest city is poised to make computer science an elective.

Original Submission