from the pushing-back-against-DHS dept.
El Reg reports []
A dozen libraries across the US have asked for details on how to host Tor exit nodes following a decision by the small town of Lebanon, New Hampshire, to [forgo] police warnings.
Following a decision by the library's board of trustees earlier this week to put the exit node back online [], the founder of the Library Freedom Project, Alison Macrina, said that she had heard from a number of other libraries interested in hosting tor nodes.
"Between libraries and community leaders around the country, we've heard from probably about a dozen who are interested in joining this", she told [] Motherboard.
One of those people was present at the board meeting, having driven two hours to attend. As a library trustee at nearby Reading, she revealed that it was going to have its own meeting on the issue next month.
[...]Macrina now says that the DHS' efforts have put her project on the map. "This has catalyzed additional libraries and community members", she told Motherboard. "Folks have emailed me saying 'We don't care if it gets shut down, we want to push back against [the DHS]'."
Previous: Library Running Tor Exit Node Gets Visit from Cops; Takes it Down []
Despite Homeland Security Opposition, Tor is back at New Hampshire Library []