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posted by hubie on Tuesday June 21 2022, @07:57AM   Printer-friendly
from the opening-the-kimono dept.

Regulators in the EU first began probing tech giants' advertising dominance last year:

While Google's multiple antitrust cases continue to drag on here in the U.S., it looks like the search giant's starting to make a few concessions across the pond. Reuters reports that Google's parent company, Alphabet, has made an offer to European Union regulators in response to an ongoing investigation into the tech giants' adtech business: Don't fine us, and we'll let other companies place their ads on YouTube.

Alphabet has reportedly offered to allow its rival advertising technology companies to place ads beside YouTube videos in negotiations with the European Commission, rather than obligating them to use Google Ad Manager, Display & Video 360, and Google Ads to do so. [...]

Amazon has reportedly ceded ground in a similar antitrust investigation. The ecommerce company has offered to boost third-party sellers' visibility in its online marketplace and to share shopper data with them so as to avoid fines, Reuters reports. European regulators could fine Google and Amazon up to 10% of the companies' global revenue if they do conclude the tech giants engaged in anti-competitive practices.

In many ways, the EU probe mirrors another stateside antitrust case against the tech giant that's currently being spearheaded by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. [...]

The biggest difference between the Texas case and the EU case, if the Reuters report is to be believed, would be Google's response. Google filed a motion to dismiss Paxton's case at the start of 2022 on the grounds that, essentially, Google toppled the ad market because it's really good at innovating, and those thousands of other companies just aren't.

"State Plaintiffs' complaint—cheered on by a handful of Google's rivals who have failed to invest properly, compete successfully, or innovate consistently—might serve the narrow interests of those rivals," Google wrote in the motion. "But it also threatens to stifle the dynamism that drives Google and other firms to deliver the products on which businesses and consumers depend every day."

Original Submission

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Are Ads Causing Shoppers to Lose Faith in Amazon Search Results? 37 comments has long been the main go-to place for online product search, but a recent Washington Post article finds that it is no longer giving customers what they want because advertisements are muscling out the real search results:

Running a search for "cat beds," the Post found that the entire first screen of results displayed advertisements masquerading as listings rather than products arrived at because they provided the best combination of price and quality. The results included one ad that featured a dog in the picture, rather than a cat.

On the first five pages of search results, more than half of the listings were either ads or Amazon's own products. A Profitero study found that Amazon lists sponsored products on its first page of search results at a rate twice that of Walmart and four times that of Target. Other online outlets, like food delivery platforms and Google and Apple's app stores, have also started displaying ads as search results.

[...] According to a recap of a webinar published on Search Engine Journal in 2018, 70 percent of customers searching for a product on Amazon never click past the first page of results, 35 percent click on the first product featured on the search page and the first three items account for 64 percent of clicks.

Didn't Google and Amazon both promise to boost third-party sellers' visibility? Originally spotted on The Eponymous Pickle.

Original Submission

The Open Secret of Google Search 41 comments

Over at The Atlantic, Charlie Warzel wonders if Google Search is becoming a victim of its own success:

In February, an engineer named Dmitri Brereton wrote a blog post about Google's search-engine decay, rounding up leading theories for why the product's "results have gone to shit." The post quickly shot to the top of tech forums such as Hacker News and was widely shared on Twitter and even prompted a PR response from Google's Search liaison, Danny Sullivan, refuting one of Brereton's claims. "You said in the post that quotes don't give exact matches. They really do. Honest," Sullivan wrote in a series of tweets.

Brereton's most intriguing argument for the demise of Google Search was that savvy users of the platform no longer type instinctive keywords into the search bar and hit "Enter." The best Googlers—the ones looking for actionable or niche information, product reviews, and interesting discussions—know a cheat code to bypass the sea of corporate search results clogging the top third of the screen. "Most of the web has become too inauthentic to trust," Brereton argued, therefore "we resort to using Google, and appending the word 'reddit' to the end of our queries." Brereton cited Google Trends data that show that people are searching the word reddit on Google more than ever before.

[...] Google has built wildly successful mobile operating systems, mapped the world, changed how we email and store photos, and tried, with varying success, to build cars that drive themselves. [...] Most of the tech company's products—Maps, Gmail—are Trojan horses for a gargantuan personalized-advertising business, and Search is the one that started it all. It is the modern template for what the technology critic Shoshana Zuboff termed "surveillance capitalism."

The article goes on at length about ruthless commercialism via ever-intrusive ads, constant tweaks to the search algorithm, and how different generations use the ubiquitous search engine.

Google's Ad Business Could Finally Crack Open
Google Allegedly Hid Documents From Search Monopoly Lawsuit, DOJ Claims
EU and UK Open Antitrust Probe Into Google and Meta Over Online Ads

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 3, Touché) by Opportunist on Tuesday June 21 2022, @08:09AM

    by Opportunist (5545) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @08:09AM (#1254839)

    Next, crack open the assholes doing it.

  • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @09:18AM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @09:18AM (#1254848)

    Don't fine us, and we'll let other companies place their ads on YouTube.

    Except the ones neither of us like?

    • (Score: 3, Touché) by deimtee on Tuesday June 21 2022, @09:47AM (1 child)

      by deimtee (3272) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @09:47AM (#1254849) Journal

      I expect ad-blockers to get some anonymous code contributions that suddenly make them very good at third-party ad-blocking on youtube, but strangely ineffective at blocking google's own ads.

      If you cough while drinking cheap red wine it really cleans out your sinuses.
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:34AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:34AM (#1255265)

        It wouldn't even take that. Google's ads on YouTube are just other videos on YouTube loaded with JavaScript. Third-party ads, almost by definition, would require making third-party requests.

  • (Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @12:20PM (3 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @12:20PM (#1254871)

    Overpriced, shity packages of shows no one cared about mixed in with the popular and the onslot of commercials in about a 50:50 ratio to the content.

    Then we had freedom for about 5 years as the Internet came to life.


    Holy fuck, YouTube is even more toxic with tracking ads and popup signin messages along heavily filtered woke misinformed content.

    Even the content creators are humping our legs like horny street dogs.
    "click here", "subscribe", "comments below","support Patreon","sponsor Brilliant","hit the bell"."Like Thumbs Up" and "follow me on social media".
    At the beginning, middle and end of each video!
    How do you block that?

    So now we are going to have Google give us more ads along side their vomit of shit so that regulators can feel all cozy that they made the World a better place while bathing in fine money?

    Fucking maggots all the way through.
    This is why we can not have nice things.

    • (Score: 4, Interesting) by Freeman on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:14PM (1 child)

      by Freeman (732) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:14PM (#1254913) Journal

      I find the advertisements put in by the channel owners I.E., the "now a word from our sponsor" kind of things. It reminds me of television 50+ years ago where sure you were getting an advertisement. But, X person that you like to listen to / watch is giving you the advertisement themselves. They are doing what they need to do to make money, so they can do what they like doing. Which works, so long as it doesn't keep shifting to the 15 minutes of commercials, 15 minutes of show, 15 minutes of commercials, then last 15 minutes of show. Because, that's what drove me away from TV. Netflix lured me into their cheap DVD rentals, then pioneered the whole Video streaming thing for entertainment. Now, people want me to pay and watch commercials? Just say No and Amazon, Hulu, etc. won't do it. Straight up ditch them in droves and they will get the hint or go bankrupt. Either one works.

      Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"
      • (Score: 4, Interesting) by FatPhil on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:57PM

        by FatPhil (863) <> on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:57PM (#1254934) Homepage
        I know exactly how long, and typically where, the sponsor messages will be in most of the channels I regularly watch. Two taps on the right arrow key, and I'm back to content again.

        I watch all vids via yt-dlp (done as soon as a vid look interesting, I may watch it only hours, days, or weeks later), so don't get any of the interstitials.
        Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
    • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:25PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:25PM (#1254923)

      Channels need to do that because they can't count on YouTube to not demonetize videos, and people don't click things unless they are reminded, and likes and subscriptions drive growth through YouTube's recommendation algorithms.

      But there is a blocker for it: []

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Mojibake Tengu on Tuesday June 21 2022, @01:26PM (4 children)

    by Mojibake Tengu (8598) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @01:26PM (#1254884) Journal

    A top combo of AdBlocker Ultimate and Privacy Badger official Firefox plugins removes all ads and trackers from YouTube for good.

    Much better difference than Texas and EU taken together...

    Rust programming language offends both my Intelligence and my Spirit.
    • (Score: 4, Interesting) by shrewdsheep on Tuesday June 21 2022, @02:09PM (1 child)

      by shrewdsheep (5215) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @02:09PM (#1254889)

      Does this combination offer any advantage over uBlock Origin alone?

      • (Score: 5, Informative) by Mojibake Tengu on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:34PM

        by Mojibake Tengu (8598) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:34PM (#1254926) Journal

        Yes, Privacy Badger usually handles correctly stuff like embedded Disqus panels or similar, and embedded videos pretty controllable way, as well as filters cookies. Pure static blocker is insufficient these days.

        Rust programming language offends both my Intelligence and my Spirit.
    • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Freeman on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:18PM

      by Freeman (732) on Tuesday June 21 2022, @03:18PM (#1254917) Journal

      I use uBlock Origin since the disaster that became Adblock Plus. It's much better to have a small organization or even single person with morals as the developer. Since, even a small organization is much more susceptible to the almighty dollar. Once you start getting into larger corporations, you have no chance that they have anything resembling morals or ethics. It's just "what will make me money".

      Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @10:48PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @10:48PM (#1255099)

      AdBlocker Ultimate is a copy of AdGuard with the branding changed and more lists enabled by default.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @06:14PM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @06:14PM (#1254969)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @06:23PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @06:23PM (#1254975)

      Who let the retard in?

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @06:54PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @06:54PM (#1254997)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @07:50PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @07:50PM (#1255024)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @08:56PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @08:56PM (#1255054)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:01PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:01PM (#1255105)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:54PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:54PM (#1255132)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:55AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:55AM (#1255152)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @01:48AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @01:48AM (#1255173)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @03:01AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @03:01AM (#1255195)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:17AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:17AM (#1255259)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from []

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well))?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:56AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:56AM (#1255276)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from []

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well))?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk
