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posted by martyb on Thursday September 20 2018, @09:24PM   Printer-friendly
from the Oh-Shoot! dept.

We had submissions from two Soylentils on this story.

3D-Printed Gun Activist Cody Wilson Charged With Sexual Assault, Misses Flight Back From Taiwan

3-D Printed Gun Promoter, Cody Wilson, Is Charged With Sexual Assault of Child (archive)

Cody Wilson, whose push to post blueprints for 3-D printed guns online has made him a key figure in the national gun control debate, was charged on Wednesday with sexually assaulting a child in Texas.

But law enforcement officers said they were having trouble finding Mr. Wilson, who missed a flight back to the United States from Taipei, Taiwan, his last known location. During a news conference on Wednesday, Cmdr. Troy Officer of the Austin Police Department said that a warrant had been filed for Mr. Wilson's arrest and that local detectives were working with national and international partners to find him.

Mr. Wilson, 30, is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old girl at a hotel in Austin on Aug. 15 and paying her $500 in cash, according to an affidavit filed in Travis County. The girl told the police that she had met Mr. Wilson through the website, where he was using the screen name "Sanjuro," the affidavit says.

[...] She and Mr. Wilson, who identified himself to the girl, exchanged phone numbers and then continued messaging each other, sharing at least one explicit photo apiece, according to the affidavit. During one conversation, Mr. Wilson described himself as a "big deal," the affidavit says.

[...] Neither Mr. Wilson nor his lawyer in the sexual assault case responded to a request for comment. The Austin police said a friend of the victim had told Mr. Wilson before he left for Taiwan that he was under investigation.

Taiwan does not have an extradition treaty with the United States.

Looks like someone else will have to take on the job of defending file sharing in court.

Also at CNN and NPR.

Previously: [Updated] Defense Distributed Releasing Gun Plans, President Trump "Looking Into" It
Federal Judge Imposes Preliminary Injunction Against Defense Distributed's DEFCAD
3D Gun File Downloads Blocked; Selling Begins Instead

3-D gun entrepreneur Cody Wilson accused of paying for sex with underage girl, authorities say

From the Washington Post come this:

Cody Wilson, a 3-D gunmaker who has become embroiled in a national debate about "downloadable" firearms, has been accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl, according to court documents.

Authorities said Wilson, 30, paid the teenager $500 for sex in a hotel last month in Austin after the two met on a dating website, according to an arrest warrant affidavit that was filed Wednesday in district court in Travis County, Tex. Wilson faces a charge of sexual assault, a second-degree felony, according to the court documents.

A spokeswoman with the Austin Police Department said Wilson has not been arrested. It is unclear why authorities are charging him with sexual assault and whether he has an attorney.

I submit this story because it has to do with certain rights. Not who is right.

Original Submission #1Original Submission #2

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  • (Score: 4, Informative) by ikanreed on Thursday September 20 2018, @10:10PM (7 children)

    by ikanreed (3164) on Thursday September 20 2018, @10:10PM (#737780) Journal

    This is a bit complicated, and depends on assumptions I cannot prove.

    The presumption comes from the whole "sugar daddy" site thing. A huge percentage of prostitution now lives under that name. Fairly explicitly. And with underage prostitution, a lot(but obviously, given the nature of the crime, it's impossible to assess exactly how much) of it comes from young girls who get caught up into some kind of exploitive relationship, often with older men, where they're pressured to bring in money this way, and threatened with punishment if they don't. Usually it's runaways threatened with being kicked out, or illegal immigrants threatened with reporting to the authorities.

    Young girls sometimes choose that kind of life for themselves, but it's not terribly common. Surveys of older "voluntary" prostitutes find that fairly often they get pressured into the lifestyle that way young, and in adulthood, see no other options anymore. It's really fucking sad.

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  • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 20 2018, @10:15PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 20 2018, @10:15PM (#737783)

    Thank the black market and puritanical morons for that.

    But unless Wilson was the one who forced her into that lifestyle, her circumstances aren't really relevant to him. And it sounds like he wasn't even necessarily aware of her age, but who knows. Not that that would matter in our awful legal system, anyway.

  • (Score: 5, Informative) by anotherblackhat on Thursday September 20 2018, @10:48PM (2 children)

    by anotherblackhat (4722) on Thursday September 20 2018, @10:48PM (#737804)

    And with underage prostitution, a lot(but obviously, given the nature of the crime, it's impossible to assess exactly how much) of it comes from young girls ...

    As opposed to all those underage old women?

    The best estimate I've seen for underage girls who are prostitutes by force or coercion is 8% - too high IMO, but still a minority of the cases.

    Do you think the police arrested "the victim"?

    • (Score: 2) by ikanreed on Friday September 21 2018, @03:53PM (1 child)

      by ikanreed (3164) on Friday September 21 2018, @03:53PM (#738191) Journal

      Cutting phrases off sentences to make it sound like other people are stating tautologies is A+ good argumentation and not at all really fucking annoying and dumb.

      • (Score: 2) by anotherblackhat on Friday September 21 2018, @08:17PM

        by anotherblackhat (4722) on Friday September 21 2018, @08:17PM (#738332)

        A tautology is true. I'm claiming you posted a lie.

        Most prostitutes choose the profession.
        Most underage prostitutes choose the profession.
        Most underage female prostitutes choose the profession.

  • (Score: 5, Informative) by hemocyanin on Friday September 21 2018, @12:55AM (2 children)

    by hemocyanin (186) on Friday September 21 2018, @12:55AM (#737907) Journal

    No master would let a slave engage in private counseling sessions. This all started when a counselor the girl saw reported the incident to police. Given that it is well known that counselors are mandatory reporters, any reasonably qualified slave-master would expect to counseling sessions to get him or her busted.

    The affidavit said a counselor called Austin police on Aug. 22 to report that a girl under the age of 17 told her she had sex with a 30-year-old man on Aug. 15 and was paid $500. []

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 21 2018, @02:34PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 21 2018, @02:34PM (#738136)

      It all makes sense now.

      The social worker wants their 15 minutes on the nightly news, and is selling out the girls mental health to get it. The girls trauma to date, is nothing compared to what the media circus is going to do to her. So no matter how you look at it, there is malpractice.

      Or perhaps the "counseler" is on an agency payroll as a recruiter? Did the girl ever spend any time in an INS concentration camp?

      Overall I think the message here to young women is: "Get rich and famous by becoming a tart."

      Nice work "counselor".

      • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 21 2018, @03:51PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 21 2018, @03:51PM (#738190)

        2 words: "Mandatory Reporting"
        A "counselor" is not a lawyer or a priest; not going to jail is all the motive they need to rat out their clients.