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If you were trapped in 1995 with a personal computer, what would you want it to be?

  • Acorn RISC PC 700
  • Amiga 4000T
  • Atari Falcon030
  • 486 PC compatible
  • Macintosh Quadra 950
  • NeXTstation Color Turbo
  • Something way more expensive or obscure
  • I'm clinging to an 8-bit computer you insensitive clod!

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posted by janrinok on Friday December 10 2021, @10:01PM   Printer-friendly
from the how-well-do-the-combat-harassment-IRL? dept.

As Facebook plans the metaverse, it struggles to combat harassment in VR:

Sydney Smith had dealt with lewd, sexist remarks for more than a month while playing the Echo VR video game. But the 20-year-old reached her breaking point this summer.

[...] Smith tried to figure out which player had harassed her, so she could file a report. But that was tough because multiple people were talking at the same time. Since she hadn't been recording the match, Smith couldn't rewatch the encounter and look for a username.

[...] Smith isn't the only virtual reality player who's had trouble reporting an ugly run-in. Though Oculus and Echo VR, both owned by Facebook, have ways to report users who violate their rules, people who've experienced or witnessed harassment and offensive behavior in virtual environments say a cumbersome process deters them from filing a report. Content moderators have to examine a person's behavior, as well as words. (Oculus' VR policy says users aren't allowed to follow other users against their wishes, make sexual gestures or block someone's normal movement.)

As Facebook focuses on creating the metaverse -- a 3D digital world where people can play, work, learn and socialize -- content moderation will only get more complex. The company, which recently rebranded as Meta to highlight its ambitions, already struggles to combat hate speech and harassment on its popular social media platforms, where people leave behind a record of their remarks. The immersive spaces such as Horizon Worlds envisioned by CEO Mark Zuckerberg will be more challenging to police.

This story is partly based on disclosures made by Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee, to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which were also provided to Congress in redacted form by her legal team. A consortium of news organizations, including CNET, received redacted versions of the documents obtained by Congress.

"The issue of harassment in VR is a huge one," Haugen said. "There's going to be whole new art forms of how to harass people that are about plausible deniability." The tech company would need to hire substantially more people, and likely recruit volunteers, to adequately deal with this problem, she said.

Facebook has more than 40,000 people working on safety and security. The company doesn't break down how many are dedicated to its VR platform.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Friday December 10 2021, @07:44PM   Printer-friendly

Two-year follow up shows delaying umbilical cord clamping saves babies' lives: A minute's delay could make a lifetime of difference:

The new study compared outcomes for over 1500 babies from the initial study, 767 with caregivers aiming for 60 second delay in clamping and 764 with caregivers aiming for cord clamping before 10 seconds after delivery.

Researchers found that delaying clamping reduces a child's relative risk of death or major disability in early childhood by 17 percent. This included a 30 percent reduction in mortality before the age of two.

In addition, 15 percent fewer infants in the delayed-clamping group needed blood transfusions after birth.

The study is published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health today.

It is coordinated by the University of Sydney's NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre in collaboration with the IMPACT Clinical Trials Network of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network.

Study lead, Professor William Tarnow-Mordi, Head of Neonatal and Perinatal Trials at the Clinical Trials Centre and Professor of Neonatal Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine and Health said the simple process of aiming to wait a minute before clamping will have significant impact worldwide.

"It's very rare to find an intervention with this sort of impact that is free and requires nothing more sophisticated than a clock. This could significantly contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development goal to end preventable deaths in newborns and children under five -- a goal which has really suffered during the pandemic," he said.

[...] Delayed umbilical cord clamping is routine in full term babies to allow the newborn time to adapt to life outside the womb, however, until recently, clinicians generally cut the cord of preterm babies immediately so urgent medical care could be given.

Journal Reference:
Kristy P Robledo, Prof William O Tarnow-Mordi, Ingrid Rieger, et al. Effects of delayed versus immediate umbilical cord clamping in reducing death or major disability at 2 years corrected age among very preterm infants (APTS): a multicentre, randomised clinical trial The Lancet - Child and adolescent Health (DOI: 10.1016/S2352-4642(21)00373-4)

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posted by janrinok on Friday December 10 2021, @04:56PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

The move is the latest effort by the country to rein in the power of technology companies.

Australia will create a licensing framework for cryptocurrency exchanges and consider launching a retail central bank digital currency as part of the biggest overhaul of its payments industry in a quarter of a century.

The country will also broaden its payment laws to cover online transaction providers like Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google as well as buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) providers like Afterpay Ltd, ending their run of operating without direct supervision.

“If we do not reform the current framework, it will be Silicon Valley that determines the future of our payment system,” Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said in prepared speech notes supplied to Reuters. “Australia must retain its sovereignty over our payment system.”

Australia’s conservative coalition government has been at the forefront of global efforts to rein in large technology companies as it prepares for a federal election by next May.

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posted by janrinok on Friday December 10 2021, @02:41PM   Printer-friendly
from the its-not-over-till-the-fat-lady-sings dept.

Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial:

In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom's High Court ruled that the U.S.'s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.

As a result, that extradition request will now be sent to British Home Secretary Prita Patel, who technically must approve all extradition requests but, given the U.K. Government's long-time subservience to the U.S. security state, is all but certain to rubber-stamp it. Assange's representatives, including his fiancee Stella Morris, have vowed to appeal the ruling, but today's victory for the U.S. means that Assange's freedom, if it ever comes, is further away than ever: not months but years even under the best of circumstances.

In endorsing the U.S. extradition request, the High Court overturned a lower court's ruling from January which had concluded that the conditions of U.S. prison — particularly for those accused of national security crimes — are so harsh and oppressive that there is a high likelihood that Assange would commit suicide. In January's ruling, Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected all of Assange's arguments that the U.S. was seeking to punish him not for crimes but for political offenses. But in rejecting the extradition request, she cited the numerous attestations from Assange's doctors that his physical and mental health had deteriorated greatly after seven years of confinement in the small Ecuadorian Embassy where he had obtained asylum, followed by his indefinite incarceration in the U.K.

In response to that January victory for Assange, the Biden DOJ appealed the ruling and convinced Judge Baraitser to deny Assange bail and ordered him imprisoned pending appeal. The U.S. then offered multiple assurances that Assange would be treated "humanely" in U.S. prison once he was extradited and convicted. They guaranteed that he would not be held in the most repressive "supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado — whose conditions are so repressive that it has been condemned and declared illegal by numerous human rights groups around the world — nor, vowed U.S. prosecutors, would he be subjected to the most extreme regimen of restrictions and isolation called Special Administrative Measures ("SAMs") unless subsequent behavior by Assange justified it. American prosecutors also agreed that they would consent to any request from Assange that, once convicted, he could serve his prison term in his home country of Australia rather than the U.S. Those guarantees, ruled the High Court this morning, rendered the U.S. extradition request legal under British law.

Lots more in the full story.

Also at: Washington Post, c|net, CNN, and Security Week.

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posted by janrinok on Friday December 10 2021, @12:32PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

George Pérez announced his cancer diagnosis on his Facebook page, and fans quickly posted messages of support.

Even Marvel and DC fans who don't normally pay attention to the names of individual comics artists may know George Pérez. The retired artist penciled Marvel's The Avengers in the 1970s and again in the 1990s, drew DC's The New Teen Titans in the 1980s, penciled DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths in the 1980s, and relaunched Wonder Woman in the 1980s as both writer and artist. He also worked on other popular comics, including Superman and Silver Surfer.

On Tuesday, Pérez posted a message on his official Facebook page announcing the sad news that he has stage 3 pancreatic cancer. 

"It is surgically inoperable and my estimated life expectancy is between 6 months to a year," he wrote.

Any fans wish to comment?

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posted by martyb on Friday December 10 2021, @09:40AM   Printer-friendly
from the helped-beyond-"be-leaf" dept.

'Super trees' may help save Houston ... and beyond: Live oaks, sycamores top ranking of trees that mitigate effects of pollution, climate change:

A new study by collaborators at Rice University, the Houston Health Department's environmental division and Houston Wilderness establishes live oaks and American sycamores as champions among 17 "super trees" that will help make the city more livable and lays out a strategy to improve climate and health in vulnerable urban areas.

Best of all for Houston, they're already implementing their plan in the city, and now offer what they've learned to others.

The open access study in the journal Plants People Planet -- led by Houston Wilderness President Deborah January-Bevers and colleagues at Rice and in city government -- lays out a three-part framework for deciding what trees are the right ones to plant, how to identify places where planting will have the highest impact and how to engage with community leadership to make the planting project a reality.

Using Houston as a best-case example, the collaborators determined what trees would work best in the city based on their ability to soak up carbon dioxide and other pollutants, drink in water, stabilize the landscape during floods and provide a canopy to mitigate heat.

With that information, the organizers ultimately identified a site to test their ideas. With cooperation from the city and nonprofit and corporate landowners, they planted 7,500 super trees on several sites near the Clinton Park neighborhood and adjacent to the Houston Ship Channel. (They actually planted 14 species, eliminating those that bear fruit to simplify maintenance for the landowners.) Along with planting native trees, the partners conducted a tree inventory and removed invasive species.

[...] Ranking the species' talents to soak up pollutants, provide flood mitigation and cool "urban heat islands" helped them eliminate most of the 54 native trees they evaluated. Ultimately, they narrowed the list to 17 super trees, with live oakand American sycamore on top.

[...] Live oaks were No. 1 for their ability to soak up pollutants across the board. The No. 2 sycamore was less able to pull in carbon but excelled at grabbing other pollutants, flood remediation and reducing heat on the ground with its wide canopy.

Journal Reference:
Loren P. Hopkins, Deborah J. January-Bevers, Erin K. Caton, et al. A simple tree planting framework to improve climate, air pollution, health, and urban heat in vulnerable locations using non‐traditional partners [open], Plants, People, Planet (DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10245)

Original Submission

posted by martyb on Friday December 10 2021, @06:53AM   Printer-friendly

Italian regulator fines Amazon $1.28 billion for abusing its market dominance:

Italy's antitrust authority (AGCM) has fined Amazon €1.13 billion ($1.28 billion) for "abuse of dominant position," the second penalty it has imposed on Amazon over the last month. Amazon holds a position of "absolute dominance" in the Italian brokerage services market, "which has allowed it to promote its own logistics service, called Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)," the authority wrote in a (Google translated) press release.

According to the AGCM, companies must use Amazon's FBA service if they want access to key benefits like the Prime label, which in turn allows them to participate in Black Friday sales and other key events. "Amazon has thus prevented third-party sellers from associating the Prime label with offers not managed with FBA," it said.

The authority said access to those functions are "crucial" for seller success. It also noted that third-party sellers using FBA are not subject to the same stringent performance requirements as non-FBA sellers. As such, they're less likely to be suspended from the platform if they fail to meet certain goals. Finally, it noted that sellers using Amazon's logistics services are discouraged from offering their products on other online platforms, at least to the same extent they do on Amazon.

[...] In a statement to Engadget, an Amazon spokesperson said the company "strongly disagreed" with the decision and will appeal. It also noted that non-FBA sellers can use its Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) service, which gives them access to Prime benefits without having to use Amazon's logistics services.

We strongly disagree with the decision of the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) and we will appeal. The proposed fine and remedies are unjustified and disproportionate. More than half of all annual sales on Amazon in Italy come from SMBs, and their success is at the heart of our business model. Small and medium-sized businesses have multiple channels to sell their products both online and offline: Amazon is just one of those options. We constantly invest to support the growth of the 18,000 Italian SMBs that sell on Amazon, and we provide multiple tools to our sellers, including those who manage shipments themselves.

Italy Fines Amazon, Apple $230M (€203M) Over Reseller Collusion

Original Submission

posted by martyb on Friday December 10 2021, @04:06AM   Printer-friendly
from the making-spacefright-safe-for-non-astronauts dept.

Japanese Billionaire Arrives at Space Station for 12-Day Tourist Trip:

Yusaku Maezawa, a Japanese billionaire and fashion retail mogul, arrived at the International Space Station for a 12-day stay on Wednesday. [Dec 8] He is the latest privately funded traveler to the orbital laboratory in a year that has seen more tourists making voyages to space than ever before.

Mr. Maezawa, the founder of Zozo, a Japanese online fashion retailer, launched to space from Baikonur, Kazakhstan at 2:38 a.m. Eastern time (10:38 a.m. local time) on a Russian Soyuz rocket with Yozo Hirano, a production assistant who will document his trip. Alexander Misurkin, a Russian astronaut, was also on board. The three-man crew docked to the space station six hours later at 8:40 a.m. and boarded the outpost around 11:12 a.m.

[...] Mr. Maezawa, an animated adventure-seeker, drew international attention in 2016 when he spent $57.3 million at an auction for a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat. In 2017, he paid $110.5 million for another painting by the same artist. In 2018, he declared his interest in spaceflight at an event at the Southern California headquarters of SpaceX, where he joined the company's founder, Elon Musk, onstage to announce that he would be the first passenger to ride SpaceX's Starship, a massive next-generation rocket that will one day ferry NASA astronauts to the lunar surface.

[...] The space station jaunt for Mr. Maezawa, 46, was announced in May, and he has been training for weeks at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center just outside Moscow.

Read more of the article for estimates of how much Yusaku may have paid for his ride to space.


Japanese Billionaire Seeks 8 Crewmembers for Moon-Bound Mission on SpaceX's Starship
SpaceX Moon Passenger Yusaku Maezawa Has 20,000 Applicants to be Girlfriend He Takes on Journey
SpaceX Reveals Plan to Fly Yusaku Maezawa and Artists "Around the Moon" in a BFR

Original Submission

posted by martyb on Friday December 10 2021, @01:21AM   Printer-friendly
from the that-sucks! dept.

Space sleeping bag to solve astronauts' squashed eyeball disorder

Scientists have developed a hi-tech sleeping bag that could prevent the vision problems that some astronauts experience while living in space.

In zero-gravity, fluids float into the head and squash the eyeball over time. It's regarded as one of the riskiest medical problems affecting astronauts, with some experts concerned it could compromise missions to Mars. The sleeping bag sucks fluid out of the head and towards the feet, countering the pressure build-up.

[...] The sleeping bag, developed with outdoor equipment manufacturer REI, fits around the person's waist, enclosing their lower body within a solid frame.

A suction device, that works on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner, creates a pressure difference that draws fluid down towards the feet. This prevents it from building up in the brain and applying damaging pressure to the eyeball.

Several questions need to be answered before the sleeping bag technology is used routinely, including the optimal amount of time astronauts should spend in the sleeping bag each day.

Journal Reference:
Christopher M. Hearon, Katrin A. Dias, Gautam Babu, et al. Nightly Lower Body Negative Pressure and Choroid Engorgement in Spaceflight-Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome, JAMA Ophthalmology (DOI: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.5200)

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posted by janrinok on Thursday December 09 2021, @10:35PM   Printer-friendly
from the sweet-results dept.

Where did western honey bees come from? New research finds the sweet spot:

The western honey bee is used for crop pollination and honey production throughout most of the world, and has a remarkable capacity for surviving in vastly different environments -- from tropical rainforest, to arid environments, to temperate regions with cold winters. It is native to Africa, Europe and Asia, and was recently believed to have originated in Africa.

The research team sequenced 251 genomes from 18 subspecies from the honey bee's native range and used this data to reconstruct the origin and pattern of dispersal of honey bees. The team found that an Asian origin -- likely Western Asia -- was strongly supported by the genetic data.

"As one of the world's most important pollinators, it's essential to know the origin of the western honey bee to understand its evolution, genetics and how it adapted as it spread," says corresponding author Professor Amro Zayed of York University's Faculty of Science.

The study also highlights that the bee genome has several "hot spots" that allowed honey bees to adapt to new geographic areas. While the bee genome has more than 12,000 genes, only 145 of them had repeated signatures of adaptation associated with the formation of all major honey bee lineages found today.

Journal Reference:
Kathleen A. Dogantzis, Tanushree Tiwari, Ida M. Conflitti, et al. Thrice out of Asia and the adaptive radiation of the western honey bee, Science Advances (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj2151)

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Thursday December 09 2021, @07:43PM   Printer-friendly
from the now-you-see-it-now-you-don't dept.

An Anonymous Coward offers the following story:

Here's yet another reason that (assuming the article is correct) current self-driving technology has a long ways to go before it is ready for large-scale roll out in urban areas.

One particularly vexing problem for autonomous driving systems is how to deal with situations where sensors lose sight of other road users. For example, a cyclist dropping out of view behind a car or other obstruction.

Now, researchers at Örebro University in Sweden say they have developed an AI application that can account for such occurrences. "We have succeeded in developing a new way for self-driving vehicles to understand and explain the dynamics of our world just like people do," said Mehul Bhatt, professor of computer science at the university.

[...] The researchers noted that in traffic, humans are used to constantly anticipating what will happen next. This reasoning ability is something that current self-driving vehicles and AI systems in general are lacking. In the study, Bhatt, together with colleagues in Germany and India, stated that combining modern neural learning with common-sense reasoning can overcome some of these pitfalls. "The developed AI method results in self-driving vehicles learning to understand the world much like humans. With understanding also comes the ability to explain decisions," added Bhatt.

[...] The AI method also enables autonomous vehicles to show why they have made a particular decision in traffic – such as sudden braking. Bhatt stressed, "It is of utmost importance that we do not have non-transparent technologies driving us around that no one fully understands, neither the developers of the AI, nor the manufacturer or engineers of the vehicles themselves. If self-driving cars are to share the same space as people, we need to understand how these cars are making decisions."

This, too, is critical, not the least in studying accidents, resolving insurance issues and assisting those with special needs. "At the end of the day, standardization is crucial. We need to achieve a shared understanding of the technologies in self-driving cars – as we do with the technologies in airplanes. At the moment, we're far from it. This will only happen if we fully understand the technologies we're developing," noted Bhatt.

Reference the line "...understand and explain the dynamics of our world just like people do..." - It sounds like more hype to me, but maybe these researchers are on to something useful. Anyone taking bets on the next death from an autonomous car demonstration? My friendly wager is that we'll read about at least one in 2022, probably more. These demo projects are being announced all over the world now.

Journal Reference:
Jakob Suchan, Mehul Bhatt, Srikrishna Varadarajan, et al. Commonsense visual sensemaking for autonomous driving – On generalised neurosymbolic online abduction integrating vision and semantics (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Artificial Intelligence (DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2021.103522)

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Thursday December 09 2021, @04:54PM   Printer-friendly
from the one-person's-hack-is-another's-security dept.

The iPhones of 9 US State Department officials were infected by malware developed and sold by the Israeli exploit firm NSO Group.

The US officials, either stationed in Uganda or focusing on issues related to that country, received warnings ... from Apple informing them their iPhones were being targeted by hackers. Citing unnamed people with knowledge of the attacks, Reuters said the hackers used software from NSO

An NSO spokesperson said in a statement that after learning of the allegations by Reuters, it immediately terminated the responsible customer's access to its system while it looks into the matter

NSO Group says that they only sell to Governments, but what if your government is really into hacking the phones of their opponents (as opposed to the official "national security" reason given for this software)?

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Thursday December 09 2021, @02:10PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

ESA and Airbus have signed a contract to move forward with the design and construction of the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, Ariel, planned for launch in 2029.

Ariel is the third in a trio of dedicated exoplanet missions conceived by ESA focusing on various aspects of this rapidly evolving subject area. It will follow Cheops, which launched in 2019, and Plato, scheduled for launch in 2026.

Ariel will study the composition of exoplanets, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths.

It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of exoplanets, linking them to the host star's environment. This will fill a significant gap in our knowledge of how the planet's chemistry is linked to the environment where it formed, or if and how the type of host star drives the physics and chemistry of the planet's evolution.

Observations of these worlds will give insights into the early stages of planetary and atmospheric formation, and their subsequent evolution, in turn contributing to the understanding of our own solar system. They could help us find out whether there is life elsewhere in our Universe and if there is another planet like Earth.

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posted by martyb on Thursday December 09 2021, @11:24AM   Printer-friendly

TSMC Founder: Pat Gelsinger Too Old to Make Intel Great Again - TSMC and Intel exchange rants.

After less than a year into his tenure as Intel's chief executive, Pat Gelsinger has set up the company's process technology roadmap that spans through 2025 and introduced the company's IDM 2.0 foundry strategy. But the ambitious CEO may not have enough time to bring Intel back to its glory days, said Morris Chang, the founder and a former CEO of TSMC, reports UDN.

Pat Gelsinger is 60, and there is a rule that Intel's executives must retire at the age of 65. As a result, Gelsinger may not have enough time to put Intel back in a manufacturing technology leadership position, Chang noted while delivering his lecture 'Cherish Taiwan's Advantages in Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing.'

[...] TSMC is not particularly happy with Gelsinger. Last week, he said that the reliance on Taiwan as the global hub for semiconductor manufacturing was a significant risk since China had never given up plans to capture the country.

"Taiwan is not a stable place," said Gelsinger at Fortune Brainstorm Tech, reports Nikkei. "Beijing sent 27 warplanes to Taiwan's air defense identification zone this week. Does that make you feel more comfortable or less?"

He also re-emphasized his view that foreign semiconductor companies should not receive subsidies from the U.S. government to build new fabs under the $52-billion CHIPS act. Gelsinger called on the U.S. government to provide incentives only for American chipmakers. He argued that semiconductor companies from China, Taiwan and South Korea received major aid from their respective governments, which made it harder for American companies like Intel to compete.

Original Submission

posted by martyb on Thursday December 09 2021, @08:36AM   Printer-friendly

Intel plans to take self-driving car unit public in the U.S. in mid-2022

Intel has announced that it plans to list Mobileye, the Israeli autonomous driving firm it acquired for $15.3 billion in 2017, as part of an effort to branch out into new markets.

The Santa Clara chip manufacturer said Monday that it plans to take Mobileye public in the U.S. in mid-2022 via an initial public offering of newly issued Mobileye stock. The IPO could value Mobileye at more than $50 billion, according to some reports.

Intel, whose share price has fallen from $68 in April to less than $50 in December, said the listing will create value for Intel shareholders. It added that it will remain the majority shareholder of Mobileye.

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger hailed the acquisition of Mobileye as a success, adding that Mobileye's revenue will be 40% higher in 2021 than it was in 2020.

Intel CEO aims to build chip plants with money raised from Mobileye IPO

Gelsinger said Intel will retain a majority stake in Mobileye and will also receive "the majority of the proceeds" from the IPO. He declined to specify the size of the stake that would be sold or a fundraising target, but said that "certainly it will be helpful in our overall aggressive buildout of plants."

Intel has said it plans to build two chip plants in Arizona, and add other plants in the United States and Europe at sites that have not been announced.

Previously: Intel Buys Driverless Car Sensor Company Mobileye for $15.3 Billion

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