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Idiosyncratic use of punctuation - which of these annoys you the most?

  • Declarations and assignments that end with }; (C, C++, Javascript, etc.)
  • (Parenthesis (pile-ups (at (the (end (of (Lisp (code))))))))
  • Syntactically-significant whitespace (Python, Ruby, Haskell...)
  • Perl sigils: @array, $array[index], %hash, $hash{key}
  • Unnecessary sigils, like $variable in PHP
  • macro!() in Rust
  • Do you have any idea how much I spent on this Space Cadet keyboard, you insensitive clod?!
  • Something even worse...

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posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 10 2023, @07:31PM   Printer-friendly
from the long-way-to-go dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

US scientists responsible for a historic nuclear fusion breakthrough say they have repeated the feat—this time achieving a greater yield of energy.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory stunned the world in December when it announced it had carried out an experimental nuclear reaction that put out more energy than was put into it, a holy grail of science in the quest for unlimited, clean power to end the era of fossil fuels.

"We can confirm the experiment produced a higher yield than the December 2022 experiment," public information officer Paul Rhien said Monday in an emailed statement, without disclosing specific figures.

He added the California lab planned to report the results at upcoming scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications.

[...] Nuclear fusion has been touted by its supporters as a clean, abundant and safe source of energy that could eventually allow humanity to break its dependence on coal, crude oil, natural gas and other hydrocarbons driving a global climate crisis.

However, there is still a long way to go before fusion is viable on an industrial scale, providing power to homes and businesses.

[...] During December's experiment, the lab used 192 ultra-powerful lasers to deliver 2.05 megajoules of energy to a tiny capsule smaller than a pea containing isotopes of hydrogen. It produced 3.15 megajoules of fusion energy output.

While the result was a net energy gain, 300 megajoules of energy was needed from the electrical grid to power the lasers.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 10 2023, @02:44PM   Printer-friendly
from the deal-breakers dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Just because EV technology is rapidly advancing doesn't mean it's without its flaws. Electric vehicle adoption in the U.S. remains relatively low, and for a good reason — many of the biggest remaining problems are considered deal breakers by buyers and will need to be fully remedied before EVs become the default option for most people. The trouble is, solutions for these problems are not always straightforward, taking years of work and potentially billions of dollars to fix, and that's if they can be fixed at all.

Here are the most important issues that EV designers are still working to solve.

Perhaps the biggest hurdle facing the EV industry is the lack of accessible charging infrastructure available to drivers. America has had over 100 years to develop its network of gas stations, but if EVs are to become widely adopted, an equally comprehensive EV charging network needs to be developed within the space of the next decade. The government does recognize this, and in 2022, Congress passed a bill to fund 500,000 new electric vehicle chargers, with a focus on delivering infrastructure to more remote, rural parts of the country.

[...] A closely related problem to the insufficient charging infrastructure is range anxiety. Even though the longest-range EVs today can travel more than 300 miles on a single charge, a patchy charging network and the sometimes inconsistent range indicators on EVs can make longer trips a stressful experience. Most people, understandably, would rather not add any extra stress to their everyday lives and choose to dismiss buying an electric car altogether as a result.

[...] Even if EV chargers end up becoming as ubiquitous as gas stations, there's still the issue of the amount of time it takes to fully charge a car. A range of chargers are available for both home and public charging, with the fastest of those being able to deliver over 100 miles of range in 10-20 minutes, but that's still significantly slower than a gas station stop. Those top-spec Level 3 chargers can't be installed at home either. To make matters worse, not every EV supports the same level of fast charging, so depending on the model of your car, you might not be able to make use of those higher-speed chargers even if you have one nearby.

[...] Ensuring that's all correctly set up adds extra time and complexity, making for a much more time-consuming experience than pulling into a gas station and simply filling up the tank.

Despite a downward trend in recent months, EVs still remain, on average, more expensive to buy than gas cars, and that's a big issue for buyers on a tighter budget. 

[...] Another key factor for buyers to consider when purchasing a car is how long they expect it to last. Modern cars now last longer on average than ever before, largely due to improvements in materials and the manufacturing process over time. However, EVs also feature an extra variable that, for now, remains largely unknown: how much the battery will degrade over the years it's on the road. Most of the current data we have to examine degradation comes from Tesla, and it seems promising –- on average, the brand claimed its battery lost only 12% of its capacity over 200,000 miles.

However, data from other manufacturers is extremely limited or non-existent. A study by UK-based Autocar claimed certain models could reach problematic levels of degradation in less than a decade, with batteries degrading more rapidly once they lose 30% capacity. This, in turn, could make older EVs effectively unsellable, especially those with lower ranges from the factory to begin with. 

[...] With extreme temperatures becoming more common in the face of climate change, another flaw EVs face is that they generally don't cope very well with colder climates. In fact, temperature can affect range significantly, with the average range dropping by 41% at 20°F compared to 77°F, according to the Department of Energy. In comparison, a gas car only loses 15% of its range on average. A 41% drop in range is a deal breaker for many people, especially in places where such temperatures are expected throughout significant parts of the winter months.

Not only that, but a study by the Idaho National Laboratory found that charging times were much slower in cold weather too. A 30-minute charge with a DCFC fast charger saw researchers achieve an 80% charge at 77°F, but at 32°F, they only recorded 44% charge. 

There's no obvious solution to these issues for now, but EV manufacturers will have to address them in the immediate future if they have any hope of convincing northern buyers that it's worth the switch to electric.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday August 10 2023, @09:59AM   Printer-friendly
from the view-from-30,000-feet dept.

There's a transition in car computing hardware from roughly 100 little modules all over the car, each with a tiny amount of computing, to, "domain controllers" that each manage a lot of I/O using more powerful computing. MotorTrend gives an overview here,

A few of the dozen or so domains include:

This central hub connects to the various domains, serving as a connection port for service and managing much of the data-privacy and cybersecurity functionality by demanding multi-factor authentication and other countermeasures that comprise a firewall against malware attacks and attempts to hack into vehicle controls or data. The gateway continuously monitors the various vulnerability fronts (USB ports, SD card slots, connectivity ports, etc. ).

Vehicle Experience
This domain informs and entertains the vehicle occupants, providing infotainment, augmented and virtual reality, onboard gaming or shopping, etc. Sound systems and screens are managed by this domain, often communicating with offboard entertainment providers via the connectivity domain.

This domain oversees data communication between the car and the cloud, the vehicle manufacturer, telematics systems (e.g., the various global-positioning satellite systems), the road infrastructure and other road users (aka V2X—vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, etc. ), charging stations, home or office, and myriad other nodes on the global "internet of things." This communication can be via cellular networks, WiFi, Bluetooth, wired connections, and other means. This domain serves as the conduit for over-the-air updates of software and firmware.

Paraphrasing an auto technician training site (can't find reference now):
Mechanical problems are easy/fast to diagnose (they can be seen), but time-consuming / hard to fix.
Electrical/electronic problems are hard/slow to diagnose, but fast/easy to fix.

What are the chances that the car companies will give more than lip service to the questions of service/diagnosis for all this electronics?

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posted by hubie on Thursday August 10 2023, @05:13AM   Printer-friendly
from the ode-to-the-wandering-earth dept.

Planets that go rogue orbit no star. They wander the vacuum of space alone, having been kicked out of their star systems by gravitational interactions with other planets and stars. Nobody really knows how many rogue planets could be out there, but that may change in a few years.

Researchers from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and Osaka University in Japan have used the phenomenon of gravitational microlensing to estimate the number of rogue planets that could be revealed in the heart of the Milky Way. They analyzed data from the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) survey that searched for gravitational microlensing events from 2006 to 2014 to figure out how many more of these events we could expect to find with NASA's upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.

[...] "Gravitational microlensing enables us to study a variety of objects with masses ranging from that of exoplanets to black holes," the researchers said in the first of two studies soon to be published in The Astronomical Journal. The second study can be found here.

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posted by hubie on Thursday August 10 2023, @12:24AM   Printer-friendly

Processor companies typically iterate off proven designs, and for good reason. Changing too many things at once introduces a lot of risk. A lot of changing parts makes it hard to get a good picture of overall performance, so it also makes tuning difficult. Pentium 4 and Bulldozer made clean breaks from prior architectures, and both were unsuccessful designs. But sometimes, making a clean break does pay off.

Sandy Bridge is one such case. It inherited architectural features from Intel's prior P6 and Netburst architectures, but can't be considered a member of either line. Unlike Netburst, Sandy Bridge was so successful that Intel's high performance cores to this day can trace their lineage to back to it. In the early 2010s, Sandy Bridge was so successful that Intel went completely unchallenged in the high end CPU market. And as a testament to the architecture's solid design, Sandy Bridge CPUs still deliver enough performance to remain usable across a range of everyday tasks.

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posted by janrinok on Wednesday August 09 2023, @07:43PM   Printer-friendly
from the a-long-chain-of-failures dept.

A bunch of networks, including US Government networks, have been hacked by the Chinese. The hackers used forged authentication tokens to access user email, using a stolen Microsoft Azure account consumer signing key. Congress wants answers. The phrase "negligent security practices" is being tossed about—and with good reason. Master signing keys are not supposed to be left around, waiting to be stolen.

Actually, two things went badly wrong here. The first is that Azure accepted an expired signing key, implying a vulnerability in whatever is supposed to check key validity. The second is that this key was supposed to remain in the the system's Hardware Security Module—and not be in software. This implies a really serious breach of good security practice. The fact that Microsoft has not been forthcoming about the details of what happened tell me that the details are really bad.

I believe this all traces back to SolarWinds. In addition to Russia inserting malware into a SolarWinds update, China used a different SolarWinds vulnerability to break into networks. We know that Russia accessed Microsoft source code in that attack. I have heard from informed government officials that China used their SolarWinds vulnerability to break into Microsoft and access source code, including Azure's.

I think we are grossly underestimating the long-term results of the SolarWinds attacks. That backdoored update was downloaded by over 14,000 networks worldwide. Organizations patched their networks, but not before Russia—and others—used the vulnerability to enter those networks. And once someone is in a network, it's really hard to be sure that you've kicked them out.

Sophisticated threat actors are realizing that stealing source code of infrastructure providers, and then combing that code for vulnerabilities, is an excellent way to break into organizations who use those infrastructure providers. Attackers like Russia and China—and presumably the US as well—are prioritizing going after those providers.

News articles.

See also this article from ComputerWorld, : which adds the following information

This is from Microsoft's explanation. The China attackers "acquired an inactive MSA consumer signing key and used it to forge authentication tokens for Azure AD enterprise and MSA consumer to access OWA and All MSA keys active prior to the incident—including the actor-acquired MSA signing key—have been invalidated. Azure AD keys were not impacted. Though the key was intended only for MSA accounts, a validation issue allowed this key to be trusted for signing Azure AD tokens. The actor was able to obtain new access tokens by presenting one previously issued from this API due to a design flaw. This flaw in the GetAccessTokenForResourceAPI has since been fixed to only accept tokens issued from Azure AD or MSA respectively. The actor used these tokens to retrieve mail messages from the OWA API."

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Wednesday August 09 2023, @02:52PM   Printer-friendly

NASA back in touch with Voyager 2 after 'interstellar shout':

NASA has succeeded in re-establishing full contact with Voyager 2 by using its highest-power transmitter to send an "interstellar shout" that righted the distant probe's antenna orientation, the space agency said Friday.

Launched in 1977 to explore the outer planets and serve as a beacon of humanity to the wider universe, it is currently more than 12.3 billion miles (19.9 billion kilometers) from our planet—well beyond the solar system.

A series of planned commands sent to the spaceship on July 21 mistakenly caused the antenna to point two degrees away from Earth, compromising its ability to send and receive signals and endangering its mission.

The situation was not expected to be resolved until at least October 15 when Voyager 2 was scheduled to carry out an automated realignment maneuver.

But on Tuesday, engineers enlisted the help of multiple Earth observatories that form the Deep Space Network (DSN) to detect a carrier or "heartbeat" wave from Voyager 2, though the signal was still too faint to read the data it carried.

In a new update on Friday, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which built and operates the probe, said it had succeeded in a longshot effort to send instructions that righted the craft.

"The Deep Space Network used the highest-power transmitter to send the command (the 100-kw S-band uplink from the Canberra site) and timed it to be sent during the best conditions during the antenna tracking pass in order to maximize possible receipt of the command by the spacecraft," Voyager project manager Suzanne Dodd told AFP.

This so-called "interstellar shout" required 18.5 hours traveling at light speed to reach Voyager, and it took 37 hours for mission controllers to learn whether the command worked, JPL said in a statement.

The probe began returning science and telemetry data at 12:29 am Eastern Time on August 4, "indicating it is operating normally and that it remains on its expected trajectory," added JPL.

Previously: NASA Mistakenly Severs Communication to Voyager 2

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posted by hubie on Wednesday August 09 2023, @10:06AM   Printer-friendly
from the your-cars-will-be-next dept.

Pirates hack superyachts' cybersecurity

Most modern marine vessels are heavily equipped with technology, from GPS and navigation systems to electronic chart displays and information systems (ECDIS). The arrival of this new technology has sailed superyachts into dangerous waters with a new type of pirate.

Owning a superyacht is a luxury for the world's financial elite due to the exorbitant cost of buying and maintaining one. High-tech superyachts with wealthy owners create the perfect combination for bounty-hungry hacking pirates.

[...] Cyber security expert Naveen Hemanna explains how the rise of digital banking and cryptocurrencies helps fuel this form of crime. He told Euronews, "The pirates need not be on the boat. It's all virtual warfare, which is happening because your wealth is also not physical. It's virtual, so you don't really need to have a physical presence to get that money out".

Cyber threats to yachts have increased since COVID, proving that it's not plain sailing for yacht owners in the modern world. However, the future of marine vessels is becoming more sustainable and eco-friendly for the waters they are sailing in.

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posted by janrinok on Wednesday August 09 2023, @05:22AM   Printer-friendly

The Most Popular Meteor Shower Of The Year Peaks Next Week:

When NASA says a celestial event is noteworthy, you know it should be spectacular.

That's certainly the case with the Perseid meteor shower, which NASA calls "the best meteor shower of the year," and is correspondingly the "most popular meteor shower," according to the American Meteor Society (AMS).

Although the Perseid meteor shower is visible this year from July 14–September 1, it is expected to peak on August 12 and early on August 13. Stargazers can expect to see up to 100 meteors per hour traveling at 37 miles per second, NASA notes.

"With swift and bright meteors, Perseids frequently leave long 'wakes' of light and color behind them as they streak through Earth's atmosphere," NASA explains. "Perseids are also known for their fireballs, which are larger explosions of light and color that can persist longer than an average meteor streak."

Comets, which originate far outside the orbit of the outermost planets, have elliptical orbits around the Sun. For perspective, since they can be miles in diameter, NASA notes that they are about the "size of a small town."

Comets are essentially a giant "dirty snowball" made of frozen gasses with embedded rock and dust particles, NASA continues.

As comets near the Sun during their orbit, they warm, freeing bits of rock and dust that are then left behind in what can be thought of as a trail of debris. Every year, when Earth passes through these trails of rock and dust on its own orbit around the Sun, the debris particles collide with Earth's atmosphere.

When this happens, the particles heat up to temperatures of around 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, creating streaks across the sky, explains. Those streaks, or shooting stars, stop abruptly when the intense heat evaporates most meteors.

The fragments of space debris that collide with Earth's atmosphere to create the Perseid meteor shower each summer were left in the wake of a comet named 109P/Swift-Tuttle. The comet has a unique name because it was discovered in 1862 independently by both Lewis Swift and Horace Tuttle, NASA explains.

Swift-Tuttle is a large comet with a nucleus that is 16 miles wide. Amazingly, it takes 133 years for it to orbit the Sun.

Although meteor showers are caused by comet debris colliding with Earth's atmosphere, they are named for their radiant — where they appear to come from in the night sky.

The Perseid meteor shower gets its name because its meteors appear to come from the constellation Perseus, named for the famed Greek hero. Perseus not only slew Medusa the Gorgon who had snakes as hair, he also rescued his future wife Andromeda from a sea monster sent by Poseidon to destroy the coast and land of Ethiopia.

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posted by Fnord666 on Wednesday August 09 2023, @12:37AM   Printer-friendly

In a couple of days, I pack up my bags to head for DEFCON. In a rare moment of pre-planning, perhaps spurred by boredom, I looked through the schedule to see what's in store in the world of telephony. There is a workshop on SS7, of course [1], plenty of content on cellular, but as far as I see nothing on the biggest topic in telecom security: STIR/SHAKEN.

I can venture a guess as to why: STIR/SHAKEN is boring. So here we go!

The Nature of Circuit Switching

Understanding today's robocalling problem requires starting a long time ago. Taking you all the way back to the invention of the telephone would be a little gratuitous, but it is useful to start our discussion with the introduction of direct distance dialing in 1951. In that year, the first long-distance call was completed based only on the customer dialing a number. Over the following decades direct distance dialing became more common and fewer telephone users had to speak to an operator to have a long-distance call established. Today, it's universal.

Handling dial calls over long distance trunks is a bit complicated, though. For local calls, handling was relatively simple. The other customer was connected to the same exchange that you were, so the exchange just needed to be able to detect your dialing and select the correct local loop corresponding to the number you dialed. Step-by-step (SxS) switches have been handling this problem since the turn of the 20th century. For long distance calls, though, the recipient will not be on the same switch---they'll be on a foreign exchange.

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posted by janrinok on Tuesday August 08 2023, @07:53PM   Printer-friendly

When things don't work out for scooter rental companies and they shut down or pull out of a city, they usually take spare stock with them. However, when Spin backed out of Seattle, many locals discovered unused scooters scattered throughout the city. Upon closer inspection of these abandoned devices, or should we say dissection, it was uncovered that they each have a Raspberry Pi 4B inside.

This discovery was recently shared on social media. Legally, if the scooters are abandoned then snagging one for the Pi inside is fair game but it's not clear if Spin has plans to recover their remaining assets.

The Seattle city government official website confirm that Spin originally arrived in 2021 as a fourth scooter rental option. However, the company did not renew its license for the most recent cycle. Because of this, you can find a few remaining Spin scooters around the city.

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posted by requerdanos on Tuesday August 08 2023, @03:07PM   Printer-friendly
from the this-one-weird-old-trick dept.

An 800-Year-Old Math Trick Could Be The Key to Navigating The Moon:

We've been landing people on the Moonsince 1969, but as we start to explore the lunar surface, how will astronauts find their way around? We need a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) for the Moon, and an 800-year-old math trick could help.

The math trick in question is known as the Fibonacci sphere. Here, researchers from Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary used it to better estimate the Moon's rotation ellipsoid, its ever-so-slightly squished shape as it orbits Earth.

Despite what Solar System illustrations might suggest, Earth and the Moon aren't perfect spheres: the influence of gravity, rotation, and tidal fluctuations means they're more like squashed balls.

For simplicity's sake, our GNSS technology uses a rough estimate of Earth's squashed ball shape. If we're to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the lunar surface, we need the same estimate for the Moon's selenoid (the equivalent of Earth's geoid, or true, irregular shape).

"Since the Moon is less flattened than the Earth, most lunar GIS applications use a spherical datum," write geophysicist Gábor Timár and student Kamilla Cziráki in their published paper.

"However, with the renaissance of lunar missions, it seems worthwhile to define an ellipsoid of revolution that better fits the selenoid."

Journal Reference:
Cziráki, Kamilla, Timár, Gábor. Parameters of the best fitting lunar ellipsoid based on GRAIL's selenoid model [open], Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica (DOI: 10.1007/s40328-023-00415-w)

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posted by requerdanos on Tuesday August 08 2023, @10:50AM   Printer-friendly
from the Musk-is-seemingly-unaware dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Elon Musk is at the center of yet another legal battle over money allegedly owed by X, the company formerly known as Twitter. A French international news agency, Agence France-Presse (AFP), announced yesterday that it has taken legal action in the Judicial Court of Paris to compel X to provide the data needed to assess compensation owed for X users sharing AFP news content on the platform.

Musk's only reported response so far comes in a post formerly known as a tweet.

"This is bizarre," Musk wrote. "They want us to pay *them* for traffic to their site where they make advertising revenue and we don't!?"

Musk is seemingly unaware of a European Union directive from 2019 granting news agencies' so-called "neighboring rights." These rights were designed to reduce the "value gap" between publishers and the online platforms that profit off of promoting publishers' content.

AFP filed the copyright case after becoming concerned about "the clear refusal" from X to "enter into discussions regarding the implementation of neighboring rights for the press," the AFP press release said. During discussions, AFP said that X was expected to share data that would help the news agency calculate how much money X owed for profiting off of AFP's news content.

Now AFP is seeking an "urgent injunction" ordering X to "provide all the necessary elements required for assessing the remuneration owed to AFP under the neighboring rights legislation."

X and AFP did not immediately respond to Ars' request to comment.

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posted by hubie on Tuesday August 08 2023, @08:12AM   Printer-friendly
from the o-RIP-Bram-ESC-:wq dept.

The creator of Vim, Bram Moolenaar, has passed away.

Message from the family of Bram Moolenaar:

Dear all,

It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you that Bram Moolenaar passed away on 3 August 2023.
Bram was suffering from a medical condition that progressed quickly over the last few weeks.

Bram dedicated a large part of his life to VIM and he was very proud of the VIM community that you are all part of.

We as family are now arranging the funeral service of Bram which will take place in The Netherlands and will be held in the Dutch lanuage. The extact date, time and place are still to be determined.
Should you wish to attend his funeral then please send a message to This email address can also be used to get in contact with the family regarding other matters, bearing in the mind the situation we are in right now as family.

With kind regards,
The family of Bram Moolenaar

Dev world mourns loss of Vim creator Bram Moolenaar

Developers across the world are mourning the loss of Bram Moolenaar, renowned Dutch software engineer and creator of the Vim text editor:

[...] Beyond creating an industry standard for text editing software, Moolenaar also pioneered an open-source and community-driven approach to its development.

He was the first to coin the term "charityware." Although users may use and copy Vim for free, they are encouraged to donate to the International Child Care Fund Holland to help children in Uganda.

"I have never wanted to make money from Vim," said Moolenaar in an interview last year. "It started as a hobby and most of the time I had a job that paid well enough."

Donations amount to around €30,000 per year — enough to help about 50 children finish their education, from primary school to university.

[...] While he might have logged off from this world for good, Moolenaar's legacy and Vim — a text editor that continues to empower developers across the globe — lives on.

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posted by hubie on Tuesday August 08 2023, @06:04AM   Printer-friendly
from the whats-old-is-new-again dept.

In 1965, Popular Hot Rodding magazine bought a $250 '57 Chevy for a test bed, to try out various drag racing parts and tuning techniques. It was called Project X back then, here's a capsule history,

The only thing constant with X was change. The yellow tri-five has had everything from a 292 inline-six to small-blocks, big-blocks, mechanical fuel Injection, multibarrel carbs, cross-ram manifolds, superchargers, and even electronic fuel injection. The Project X 1957 Chevy has had it all over the decades. It was a car constantly reinventing itself to keep up with the latest trends in hot rodding.

Along the way it also appeared in the movie Hollywood Knights and has become arguably the most famous '57 Chevy ever. Nearly 20 years ago it want back to GM for a "makeover" including a modified Corvette front suspension, and since then it picked up another nickname, the "Million-Dollar Chevy."

Jump to the present, they recently converted it to BEV, using a new GM "crate motor", including some major teething troubles getting the control software to deliver good power for a whole pass down the drag strip.

At this point our best 60-foot time was a solid 1.54 seconds. We were really happy with that time but at around 100 feet the system was dropping the voltage and killing our ET. The engineers kept working on the issue and eventually the car was waking up again around the 570-foot mark, but that loss in the middle was still hurting our overall time. The best analogy is an EFI car with fuel-control issues, but instead of running out of fuel, we were losing electricity flow.

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