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Idiosyncratic use of punctuation - which of these annoys you the most?

  • Declarations and assignments that end with }; (C, C++, Javascript, etc.)
  • (Parenthesis (pile-ups (at (the (end (of (Lisp (code))))))))
  • Syntactically-significant whitespace (Python, Ruby, Haskell...)
  • Perl sigils: @array, $array[index], %hash, $hash{key}
  • Unnecessary sigils, like $variable in PHP
  • macro!() in Rust
  • Do you have any idea how much I spent on this Space Cadet keyboard, you insensitive clod?!
  • Something even worse...

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posted by janrinok on Saturday August 19 2023, @11:23PM   Printer-friendly

Estrogen can harm aquatic plants and animals when passed into waterways via human and agricultural waste streams. Researchers have now developed a new way of removing the hormone from water, however, using what's known as "smart rust."

Developed by scientists at Germany's University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, smart rust takes the form of spherical iron oxide (aka rust) nanoparticles that are covered in phosphonic acid molecules. The molecules protrude from the surface of the spheres like hairs. By binding different compounds to the ends of those hairs, it's possible to make them adsorb different types of waterborne pollutants.

The iron oxide particles themselves are superparamagnetic, meaning they're attracted to magnets but not to one another. This quality keeps them from clumping together – so they can be thoroughly mixed into tainted water – while also making it possible to subsequently remove them from that water simply by swirling a magnet through the liquid.

[...] Due to the fact that estrogen molecules consist of a large steroid body with a slight negative charge, he coated smart rust particles with two types of molecules. One of these has particularly long "hairs," while the other is positively charged. When combined on the surface of the iron oxide spheres, these molecules form multitudes of estrogen-trapping pockets.

When tested on water spiked with estradiol, which is the most potent type of estrogen, the new form of smart rust successfully removed the hormone from that water. Further research will now explore how well the technology works in real-world conditions, and how many times the particles can be reused.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Saturday August 19 2023, @06:31PM   Printer-friendly
from the modern-inflation dept.

Company that makes rent-setting software for landlords sued for collusion:

Renters filed a lawsuit this week alleging that a company that makes price-setting software for apartments and nine of the nation's biggest property managers formed a cartel to artificially inflate rents in violation of federal law.

The lawsuit was filed days after ProPublica published an investigation raising concerns that the software, sold by Texas-based RealPage, is potentially pushing rent prices above competitive levels, facilitating price-fixing, or both.

The proposed class-action lawsuit was filed in US District Court in San Diego.

In an email, a RealPage representative said that the company "strongly denies the allegations and will vigorously defend against the lawsuit." She declined to comment further, saying the company does not comment on pending litigation.

[...] The lawsuit accused the property managers and RealPage of forming "a cartel to artificially inflate the price of and artificially decrease the supply and output of multifamily residential real estate leases from competitive levels."

RealPage's software uses an algorithm to churn through a trove of data each night to suggest daily prices for available rental units. The software uses not only information about the apartment being priced and the property where it is located, but also private data on what nearby competitors are charging in rents. The software considers actual rents paid to those rivals—not just what they are advertising, the company told ProPublica.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday August 19 2023, @01:47PM   Printer-friendly

YouTube tightens thumbscrew to crack down on ad-blockers:

Google has been testing several ways to combat users who use ad-blockers on its YouTube video streaming site. One of the first tests informed users that ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube. The prompt, which blocks access to the site, offers three options to users to react to it. The two prominent ones are to configure the content blocker to allow ads on YouTube or to subscribe to the paid service YouTube Premium.

A small close icon in the top right corner is the third and less focused option. Users have the option to click on the x-icon to close the prompt and continue using YouTube.

Now, it appears, Google is making this option less attractive to users on the site. Instead of displaying the close icon directly, YouTube is now showing a timer in its place. In other words: users who get the prompt have to wait between 30 to 60 seconds before they can close the entire prompt and start using the site.

The notification appears to hit users of different content blockers, including uBlock Origin. It seems that the majority of users are not getting these prompts, likely because Google is still testing reception and the rate of return.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday August 19 2023, @09:02AM   Printer-friendly

When NASA's Psyche probe launches in October on its mission to a metal asteroid as much as 309 million miles (497 million km) from Earth, it will be carrying a new laser communications system that promises to revolutionize deep space missions.
By relying on old-fashioned X-band radio systems, crewed and robotic missions suffer from bandwidths and transmission speeds that are ridiculously small and slow. A single high resolution image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter can take an hour and a half to send and the data from the New Horizons spacecraft's flyby of Pluto took 16 days to download.

In light of this, NASA has been experimenting with using lasers as a way to not only create much faster direct links between space missions and Earth, but also to free up the Deep Space Network (DSN) of antennas for more important tasks than routine communications.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday August 19 2023, @04:16AM   Printer-friendly

The data collection feature is enabled by default, but you can disable it during installation:

When Intel joined the discrete GPU market almost a year ago, everyone wondered when it would catch up with Nvidia and AMD. As of August 2023, it apparently has, at least in one respect; like its competitors, Intel has introduced a telemetry collection service by default in the latest beta driver for its Arc GPUs. You can opt out of it, but we all know most people just click "yes" to everything during a software installation. Intel's release notes for the drivers don't mention this change to how its drivers work, which is a curious omission.

News of Intel adding telemetry collection to its drivers is a significant change to how its GPU drivers work. Intel has even given this new collation routine a cute name—the Intel Computing Improvement Program. Gee, that sounds pretty wonderful. We want to improve our computing, so let's dive into the details briefly. According to TechPowerUp, which discovered the change, Intel has created a landing page for the program that explains what is collected and what isn't. At a high level, it states, "This program uses information about your computer's performance to make product improvements that may benefit you in the future."

[...] Though this sounds like an egregious overreach regarding the type of data captured, to be fair to Intel, it allows you to opt out of this program. That is apparently not the case with Nvidia, which doesn't even ask for permission at any point during driver installation, according to TechPowerUp. AMD, on the other hand, does give you a choice to opt out like Intel does, regardless of what other options you choose during installation, and even provides an explainer about what it's collecting.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Friday August 18 2023, @11:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the at-least-someone-thought-of-the-children dept.

Thousands of websites belonging to US government agencies, leading universities, and professional organizations have been hijacked over the last half decade and used to push scammy offers and promotions, new research has found. Many of these scams are aimed at children and attempt to trick them into downloading apps, malware, or submitting personal details in exchange for nonexistent rewards in Fortnite and Roblox.

For more than three years, security researcher Zach Edwards has been tracking these website hijackings and scams. He says the activity can be linked back to the activities of affiliate users of one advertising company. The US-registered company acts as a service that sends web traffic to a range of online advertisers, allowing individuals to sign up and use its systems. However, on any given day, Edwards, a senior manager of threat insights at Human Security, uncovers scores of .gov, .org, and .edu domains being compromised.

[...] The schemes and ways people make money are complex, but each of the websites is hijacked in a similar way. Vulnerabilities or weaknesses in a website's backend, or its content management system, are exploited by attackers who upload malicious PDF files to the website. These documents, which Edwards calls “poison PDFs,” are designed to show up in search engines and promote “free Fortnite skins,” generators for Roblox’s in-game currency, or cheap streams of Barbie, Oppenheimer, and other popular films.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Friday August 18 2023, @06:45PM   Printer-friendly
from the bringers-of-the-information-apocalypse dept.

In response to recently enacted state legislation in Iowa, administrators are removing banned books from Mason City school libraries, and officials are using ChatGPT to help them pick the books, according to The Gazette and Popular Science.

The new law behind the ban, signed by Governor Kim Reynolds, is part of a wave of educational reforms that Republican lawmakers believe are necessary to protect students from exposure to damaging and obscene materials. Specifically, Senate File 496 mandates that every book available to students in school libraries be "age appropriate" and devoid of any "descriptions or visual depictions of a sex act," per Iowa Code 702.17.

But banning books is hard work, according to administrators, so they need to rely on machine intelligence to get it done within the three-month window mandated by the law. "It is simply not feasible to read every book and filter for these new requirements," said Bridgette Exman, the assistant superintendent of the school district, in a statement quoted by The Gazette. "Therefore, we are using what we believe is a defensible process to identify books that should be removed from collections at the start of the 23-24 school year."

[...] "There's something ironic about people in charge of education not knowing enough to critically determine which books are good or bad to include in curriculum, only to outsource the decision to a system that can't understand books and can't critically think at all," Dr. Margaret Mitchell, chief ethicist scientist at Hugging Face, told Ars.

Also submitted as:

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posted by mrpg on Friday August 18 2023, @01:59PM   Printer-friendly
from the city-upon-a-hill dept.

If other visual cues are missing, ants build higher nest hills to facilitate homing of foraging nest mates:

Desert ants have outstanding navigational skills. They live in the saltpans of North Africa, an extremely inhospitable environment. To find food for their nest mates, foraging ants have to walk far into the desert. Once they have found food, for example a dead insect, their actual problem begins: How do they find their way back to their nest as quickly as possible in the extremely hot and barren environment? "The desert ant Cataglyphis fortis stands out due its remarkable ability to successfully navigate and forage in even the harshest environments, making it an excellent subject for studying the intricacies of navigation. With an innate navigation mechanism called path integration, these ants use both a sun compass and a step counter to measure the distances they cover. In addition, they possess the ability to learn and utilize visible and olfactory cues. We believe that this extremely harsh habitat has led, during evolution, to a navigation system of unsurpassed precision," said Marilia Freire, the study's lead author, summarizing what is known so far about the amazing orientation skills of these small animals.

The scientists had noticed during previous studies in Tunisia that the nests in the center of the saltpans, where there are hardly any visible landmarks, had high mounds at the nest entrances. In contrast, nest hills near the shrub-covered edges of the saltpans were lower or barely noticeable. So the research team has wondered for some time if these visible differences serve a purpose in helping the ants better find their way home. "It's always hard to tell whether an animal does something on purpose or not. The high nest mounds in the middle of the saltpans could have been a side effect of differences in soil structure or wind conditions. However, crucial for our study was the idea to remove the mounds and to provide some nests with artificial landmarks and others not, and to observe what would happen," Markus Knaden, head of the Project Group Odor-guided Behavior in the Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology, explains the goal of the study.

[...] Experiments in which ants could be tracked with particular accuracy during the last meters to the nest, thanks to a grid painted on the floor, showed that the nest hills are important visual cues. If they were removed, fewer ants found their way back to the nest, while their nest mates simultaneously began to rebuild nest mounds as quickly as possible. If, on the other hand, the scientists placed artificial landmarks in the form of small black cylinders near the nest entrances whose mounds they had previously removed, the ants did not invest in building new ones. Apparently, the cylinders were sufficient for orientation.

In ant nests, labor is divided. Ants that go foraging are usually older and more experienced nest members, while younger ants are busy building. Therefore, there must be some kind of information flow between the two groups. The researchers do not yet know exactly how this is achieved. "One possibility would be that ants in the nest somehow notice that fewer foragers return home, and as a result, hill-building activities at the nest entrance are increased," says Marilia Freire.

Markus Knaden has been studying desert ants for 25 years and is still amazed by their fascinating abilities: "The animals can learn visual and olfactory cues despite their small brains. In addition, they are able to decide which information is useful for their navigation and which is not. All this was already known. However, the fact that they even build their own landmarks for orientation and only choose to invest in this work when other environmental cues are missing is quite surprising."

Journal Reference:
Marilia Freire, Antonio Bollig, Markus Knaden, Absence of visual cues motivates desert ants to build their own landmarks, Curr. Biology, 2023.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Friday August 18 2023, @08:18AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

What’s a plane without an engine? After aerospace company Pratt & Whitney issued a recall on some of its engine models, airline companies in the U.S. and Europe are scrounging for parts, and doing anything they can to prevent canceled flights.

Financial Times reports that after Pratt & Whitney issued a recall on thousands of engines on Airbus aircraft, major airlines like Spirit, JetBlue, Hawaiian Airlines, and Wizz Air were forced to change their schedules dramatically. The outlet says that Wizz Air—a Hungarian airline that serves most of Europe—is temporarily mulling over scrapping some flights while dealing with maintenance issues as the engine recall overworks staff. Spirit Airlines is facing a slump in revenue with seven Airbuses in its fleet being grounded, potentially through the end of the year, while cutting its planned capacity by 5% according to Reuters.

[...] Last month, Pratt & Whitney issued a recall for its Geared Turbofan engines, which are used to power A320neo Airbus jets. Pratt & Whitney said that contaminants were found in the metal used to build the machines. The mishap is affecting around 1,200 engines produced by the company and will require an inspection period that could take as much as two months. The recall is likely to have an impact on the remainder of the busy summer travel season and—if Spirit’s estimates of being grounded throughout the year are correct—could impact the holiday travel window as well.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Friday August 18 2023, @03:33AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Unexpected new insights into how COVID-19 infects cells may help explain why coronaviruses are so good at jumping from species to species and will help scientists better predict how COVID-19 will evolve.

Throughout the pandemic, there has been much discussion of how COVID-19 infiltrates cells by hijacking a protein called ACE2 found on human cells. But the new research from the School of Medicine reveals that ACE2 isn't required for infection. Instead, the virus has other means it can use to infect cells.

[...] "The virus that causes COVID-19 uses ACE2 as the front door to infect cells, but we've found that if the front door is blocked, it can also use the back door or the windows," said researcher Peter Kasson, MD, Ph.D., of UVA's Departments of Molecular Physiology and Biomedical Engineering. "This means the virus can keep spreading as it infects a new species until it adapts to use a particular species' front door. So we have to watch out for new viruses doing the same thing to infect us."

[...] As part of this effort, Kasson and his team wanted to better understand how the virus responsible for COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, can enter human cells. Scientists have known that the virus essentially knocks on the cell's door by binding to ACE2 proteins. These proteins are bountiful on the surfaces of cells lining the nose and lungs.

SARS-CoV-2 can also bind with other proteins, however. Was it possible, the scientists wondered, that it could use those other proteins to infiltrate cells? The answer was yes. ACE-2 was the most efficient route, but it was not the only route. And that suggests that the virus can bind and infect even cells without any ACE-2 receptors at all.

That unexpected finding may help explain why coronaviruses are so adept at species-hopping, Kasson says. And that makes it even more important that scientists keep a close eye on them, he notes.

"Coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2 have already caused one pandemic and several near misses that we know of," he said. "That suggests there are more out there, and we need to learn how they spread and what to watch out for."

Journal Reference:
Marcos Cervantes et al, The ACE2 receptor accelerates but is not biochemically required for SARS-CoV-2 membrane fusion, Chemical Science (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D2SC06967A

Original Submission

posted by Fnord666 on Thursday August 17 2023, @10:49PM   Printer-friendly
from the advancing-the-field-of-neuromarketing dept.

Particularly if it is an expensive premium product:

Researchers at HSE University in Perm have used electroencephalography (EEG) to determine that consumers are willing to pay 10% more for chocolate when they know it to be a premium product. On the other hand, if consumers are aware that a chocolate product is inexpensive, their willingness to pay decreases by 13%. On average, men are willing to pay 8.8 monetary units more for chocolate than women, and men's willingness to pay decreases by 0.3 monetary units with each additional year of age. The study has been published in Food Quality and Preference.

According to 2021 data, Russians eat an average of 39 kilograms of sugar per year, including confectionery, jams and canned fruit and berries. Chocolate bars are the favourite treat of those with a sweet tooth—they are preferred by one in three Russians.

The WTP (willingness to pay) indicator is used to assess purchasing power, which represents the maximum amount that a buyer is willing to pay for a product. Marketers use surveys, focus groups and interviews to determine WTP, but this approach can be expensive, time-consuming, and does not always provide an accurate representation of respondents' preferences.

To obtain a more objective assessment of willingness to pay, HSE University-Perm researchers Daria Semenova, Sofia Kulikova, Yulia Zaripova (Shamgunova) and Mariia Molodchik used electroencephalography to measure neurophysiological brain reactions to chocolate tasting.

[...] The authors believe that collecting more data on brain activity during consumer decision-making will advance the field of neuromarketing, and they hope that future studies will build upon their findings.

Journal Reference:
Daria Semenova, et al., Measuring effects of packaging on willingness-to-pay for chocolate: Evidence from an EEG experiment, Food Quality and Preference, 2023. DOI:

Original Submission

posted by Fnord666 on Thursday August 17 2023, @06:04PM   Printer-friendly
from the beer-town-for-the-office dept.

To improve productivity in the office MS-Office is getting a new UI ... or well it's getting a new default font and some new colours anyway. No more yellow! How this will improve productivity or make people write or calculate or power-point better is probably unclear, it's probably not even the purpose. This seems like change for the sake of change.

Unfortunately they are making the default font a non-serif font again, but they are changing the name cause you can't have a font named "Beer Town" as the default font. Bring back Times New Roman!

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 17 2023, @05:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the you-are-your-future-overlords dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee will be Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when available.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will be confirmed pending confirmation of who will be attending. The SoylentNews PBC board has been invited to attend and clarify some things about the transition in structure. We also plan to work on the future bylaws of SoylentNews.

Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information can be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

Per usual, the community is encouraged to observe and participate and is hereby invited to the meeting. SoylentNews is People!

posted by janrinok on Thursday August 17 2023, @01:12PM   Printer-friendly
from the Yo-mama-is-so-fat-she's-a-Wide-Binary dept.


"Smoking-gun evidence for modified gravity at low acceleration from Gaia observations of wide binary stars"

A new study reports conclusive evidence for the breakdown of standard gravity in the low acceleration limit from a verifiable analysis of the orbital motions of long-period, widely separated, binary stars, usually referred to as wide binaries in astronomy and astrophysics.

The study carried out by Kyu-Hyun Chae, professor of physics and astronomy at Sejong University in Seoul, used up to 26,500 wide binaries within 650 light years (LY) observed by European Space Agency's Gaia space telescope. The study was published in the 1 August 2023 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

[...] Chae explains, "From the start it seemed clear to me that gravity could be most directly and efficiently tested by calculating accelerations because gravitational field itself is an acceleration.

[...] The study finds that when two stars orbit around with each other with accelerations lower than about one nanometer per second squared start to deviate from the prediction by Newton's universal law of gravitation and Einstein's general relativity.

What is intriguing is that this ... was suggested 40 years ago by theoretical physicist Mordehai Milgrom.

Thus, what the wide binary data show are not only the breakdown of Newtonian dynamics but also the manifestation of the external field effect of modified gravity.

Unlike galactic rotation curves in which the observed boosted accelerations can, in principle, be attributed to dark matter in the Newton-Einstein standard gravity, wide binary dynamics cannot be affected by (Dark Matter) even if it existed. (Emphasis and changes are mine)

Wide binary anomalies are a disaster to the standard gravity and cosmology that rely on dark matter and dark energy concepts. Because gravity follows MOND, a large amount of dark matter in galaxies (and even in the universe) are no longer needed. This is also a big surprise to Chae who, like typical scientists, "believed in" dark matter until a few years ago.

I'm not pushing MOND, just pushing back against Dark Matter.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Thursday August 17 2023, @08:24AM   Printer-friendly
from the complaints-department-500-miles-> dept.

The US broadband industry is united in opposition to a requirement that Internet service providers list all of their monthly fees. Five lobby groups representing cable companies, fiber and DSL providers, and mobile operators have repeatedly urged the Federal Communications Commission to eliminate the requirement before new broadband labeling rules take effect.

The trade associations petitioned the FCC in January to change the rules and renewed their call last week in a filing and in a meeting with FCC officials. The requirement that ISPs list all their monthly fees "would add unnecessary complexity and burdens to the label for consumers and providers and could result in some providers having to create many labels for any given plan," the groups said in the filing on Friday.
Comcast submitted its own filing urging the FCC to scrap the rules in June. The calls to weaken the FCC's truth-in-billing rules angered consumer advocates, as we wrote at the time. "The label hasn't even reached consumers yet, but Comcast is already trying to create loopholes. This request would allow the big ISPs to continue hiding the true cost of service and frustrating customers with poor service," Joshua Stager, policy director at media advocacy group Free Press, told Ars.

Congress required the FCC to implement broadband labels with exact prices for Internet service plans in a 2021 law, but gave the FCC some leeway in how to structure the rules. The FCC adopted specific label rules in November 2022.
Latino advocacy group ALLvanza also objected to the data-collection rule on privacy grounds, saying, "Many Latinos are already hesitant and/or unwilling to provide identifying information to companies or the government due to privacy concerns, fear of discrimination, potential immigration status issues, mistrust of institutions, and cultural preferences for privacy."

ISPs could avoid the requirement to collect identifying information from consumers in retail stores by providing hard copies of the label. The FCC defended the compliance plan in a submission to the OMB last month as part of the Paperwork Reduction Act review, saying it needs detailed information to ensure ISPs follow the rules.

Comcast Complains to FCC That Listing All of its Monthly Fees is Too Hard - 20230615

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