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posted by janrinok on Thursday May 30, @09:52PM   Printer-friendly
from the strange-bedfellows dept.

Nvidia denies pirate e-book sites are "shadow libraries" to shut down lawsuit:

Some of the most infamous so-called shadow libraries have increasingly faced legal pressure to either stop pirating books or risk being shut down or driven to the dark web. Among the biggest targets are Z-Library, which the US Department of Justice has charged with criminal copyright infringement, and Library Genesis (Libgen), which was sued by textbook publishers last fall for allegedly distributing digital copies of copyrighted works "on a massive scale in willful violation" of copyright laws.

But now these shadow libraries and others accused of spurning copyrights have seemingly found an unlikely defender in Nvidia, the AI chipmaker among those profiting most from the recent AI boom.

Nvidia seemed to defend the shadow libraries as a valid source of information online when responding to a lawsuit from book authors over the list of data repositories that were scraped to create the Books3 dataset used to train Nvidia's AI platform NeMo.

That list includes some of the most "notorious" shadow libraries—Bibliotik, Z-Library (Z-Lib), Libgen, Sci-Hub, and Anna's Archive, authors argued. However, Nvidia hopes to invalidate authors' copyright claims partly by denying that any of these controversial websites should even be considered shadow libraries.

"Nvidia denies the characterization of the listed data repositories as 'shadow libraries' and denies that hosting data in or distributing data from the data repositories necessarily violates the US Copyright Act," Nvidia's court filing said.

The chipmaker did not go into further detail to define what counts as a shadow library or what potentially absolves these controversial sites from key copyright concerns raised by various ongoing lawsuits. Instead, Nvidia kept its response brief while also curtly disputing authors' petition for class-action status and defending its AI training methods as fair use.

"Nvidia denies that it has improperly used or copied the alleged works," the court filing said, arguing that "training is a highly transformative process that may include adjusting numerical parameters including 'weights,' and that outputs of an LLM may be based, at least in part, on such 'weights.'"

Nvidia's argument likely depends on the court agreeing that AI models ingesting published works in order to transform those works into weights governing AI outputs is fair use. However, authors have argued that "these weights are entirely and uniquely derived from the protected expression in the training dataset" that has been copied without getting authors' consent or providing authors with compensation.

Some companies, like OpenAI, have already started licensing publishers' content, likely to dodge these copyright questions entirely. Lawyers for The New York Times, which is one of the publishers suing OpenAI, have already suggested that OpenAI's most recent deal to license content from News Corp. "supports the contention" that "publishers should be paid when their work is used for AI," MediaPost reported.

Until this question is settled by courts or lawmakers, companies training AI on the Books3 dataset will likely continue to face lawsuits from rights holders, particularly from those who see AI models as an extension of harms caused by these allegedly illegal shadow libraries. A lawyer for textbook publishers suing Libgen, Matthew Oppenheim, previously told Ars that Libgen is a "thieves' den" of illegal books, and "there is no question" that Libgen's conduct is "massively illegal."

Authors suing Nvidia have taken the next step, linking the chipmaker to shadow libraries by arguing that "these shadow libraries have long been of interest to the AI-training community because they host and distribute vast quantities of unlicensed copyrighted material. For that reason, these shadow libraries also violate the US Copyright Act."

While Nvidia apparently prepares to defend against copyright suits by disputing what a shadow library even is, the websites at the heart of Nvidia's suits may take less issue with the label. Anna, the pseudonymous creator of Anna's Archive, freely uses the term, describing the site as "the world's largest shadow library" while offering to train other so-called pirate archivists.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday May 30, @05:12PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

After years of promising legislation against Big Tech firms such as Apple, the UK has now sped up the process to get Digital Markets Act clone passed before its general election.

Up to now, the UK's progress on its tub-thumping insistence it will control Big Tech has been slow to the point of ridicule. It announced a government department in 2020, but didn't start it until 2021. Then when it was started with at least 60 staff, the UK literally did not give it powers to do anything, not until 2023.

However, also in 2023, the finally active Digital Markets Unit (DMU) did get going with a Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill. While its stated purpose is to lead to establishing codes of conduct for Big Tech firms, it's a step toward emulating the existing Digital Markets Act in the EU.

[...] So far, it's all big talk. How the details will work has yet to be hammered out.

The bill was, though, just one of very many legislative bills making their way through the UK parliamentary system — until this week. On May 22, 2024, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for a General Election, and that immediately changed proceedings.

[...] Bills cannot be carried over from one Parliament to another, so the UK has been picking which it will rush through, and which it will abandon. Consequently, on May 23, Parliament debated and passed the bill.

[...] "We believe overall that this is a good Bill that takes the first steps to regulating the behaviour of the big tech companies, which is long overdue," said Baroness Jones of Whitchurch (Labour).

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday May 30, @12:24PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Four zebrafish are alive and well after nearly a month in space aboard China's Tiangong space station. As part of an experiment testing the development of vertebrates in microgravity, the fish live and swim within a small habitat aboard the station.

While the zebrafish have thus far survived, they are showing some signs of disorientation. The taikonauts aboard Tiangong—Ye Guangfu, Li Cong, and Li Guangsu—have reported instances of swimming upside down, backward, and in circular motions, suggesting that microgravity is having an effect on their spatial awareness.

The zebrafish were launched aboard Shenzhou-18, which carried them, as well as a batch of hornwort, to orbit on April 25, 2024. The aim of the project is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem, studying the effects of both microgravity and radiation on the development and growth of these species.

[...] The zebrafish genome has been fully sequenced, and for these reasons zebrafish are commonly used in scientific experiments on Earth. Seeing how these well-studied creatures behave in such an extreme environment may have a lot to tell us about the life and development of vertebrates across species while exposed to microgravity.

[...] This is not the first time fish have been to space. Starting in 2012, a Japanese research project brought medaka and zebrafish to the International Space Station for study in a similar aquatic habitat. The results of those studies revealed a decrease in bone density in the fish within just ten days. Human astronauts experience similar effects in orbit, though not on such quick time scales, and they can be mitigated somewhat through rigorous exercise routines.

[...] The health and sustainability of animal life in space is a key area of research for human spaceflight efforts. If humans are to travel on long-term space missions, like those required to reach Mars, then understanding the biological implications of space travel is vital. These zebrafish are the latest in a long line of experiments undertaken in this pressing area of research.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday May 30, @07:37AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

The launch of a classified Russian military satellite last week deployed a payload that US government officials say is likely a space weapon.

In a series of statements, US officials said the new military satellite, named Kosmos 2576, appears to be similar to two previous "inspector" spacecraft launched by Russia in 2019 and 2022.

"Just last week, on May 16, Russia launched a satellite into low-Earth orbit that the United States assesses is likely a counter-space weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low-Earth orbit," said Robert Wood, the deputy US ambassador to the United Nations. "Russia deployed this new counter-space weapon into the same orbit as a US government satellite."

Kosmos 2576 is flying in the same orbital plane as a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) spy satellite, meaning it can regularly approach the top-secret US reconnaissance platform. The launch of Kosmos 2576 from Russia's Plesetsk Cosmodrome on a Soyuz rocket was precisely timed to happen when the Earth's rotation brought the launch site underneath the orbital path of the NRO spy satellite, officially designated USA 314.

[...] Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, dismissed the US government's assessment about the purpose of Kosmos 2576 as "fake news." However, in the last few years, Russia has steered satellites into orbits intersecting with the paths of US spy platforms, and demonstrated it can take out an enemy satellite using a range of methods.

[...] These two previous Russian satellites—Kosmos 2542 and Kosmos 2558— continually flew within a few dozen kilometers of two other NRO satellites—USA 245 and USA 326—in low-Earth orbit. In a post on the social media platform X, McDowell wrote that the Russian military craft "shadowed US satellites at a large distance but have not interfered with them."

Because of this, McDowell wrote that he is "highly skeptical" that Kosmos 2576 is an anti-satellite weapon.

But one of these Russian satellites, Kosmos 2542, released a smaller sub-satellite, designated Kosmos 2543, which made its own passes near the USA 245 spacecraft, a KH-11 imaging satellite similar to USA 314. At one point, satellite trackers noticed USA 245 made a slight change to orbit. Its Russian pursuer later made a similar orbit adjustment to keep up.

In 2020, Kosmos 2543 backed off from USA 245. Once well away from the NRO satellite, Kosmos 2543 ejected a mysterious projectile into space at a speed fast enough to damage any target in its sights.

At the time, US Space Command called the event a "non-destructive test of a space-based anti-satellite weapon." The projectile fired from Kosmos 2543 at a relative velocity of some 400 mph (700 km per hour), according to McDowell's analysis of publicly available satellite tracking data.

[...] Most recently, US government officials have claimed Russia is developing a nuclear anti-satellite weapon. Russian officials also denied this. But Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution last month reiterating language from the 1967 Outer Space Treaty banning weapons of mass destruction in orbit.

[...] "The space domain is much more challenging today than it was a number a number of years ago," said Air Force Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, in an event Wednesday hosted by the Atlantic Council. "We looked at it as a very benign environment, where you didn't have to worry about conflicts in space. As a matter of fact, naming space as a warfighting domain was kind of forbidden, but that's changed, and it's been changed based what our adversaries are doing in space."

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Thursday May 30, @02:53AM   Printer-friendly
from the buy-a-tesla-win-a-trip-to-the-ER dept.

Tesla Cybertruck Owner Goes To ER After Being Sliced During Delivery:

The dent got his attention the most. He ran his finger across this damaged area to see if it was indeed a dent or perhaps some kind of residue. As he was rubbing the damaged area of the panel, he felt a sudden sharp pain and jerked his hand away. Due to the angle of his arm, he apparently slit his wrist open on the extremely sharp corner where the side panels and the tailgate meet.

Initially, he thought this was just a superficial cut. So did the Tesla employees who joked, "This thing can be dangerous!" Then they noticed the blood pooling on the ground below him. The service team rushed to get a first aid kit, with which they disinfected and bandaged his wound.

Despite this rather disastrous delivery, bdesign did finalize the paperwork and take the truck home. But by the end of the day, his wound still hadn't begun to close. So he spent the evening in the emergency room.

Unfortunately, 'bdesign' isn't the first owner to get a gash from the Cybertruck. Earlier this month, another owner cut themselves on the door's edge when exiting the vehicle. Of course, this type of door injury is not unheard of. For instance, a Bolt EUV owner had this happen to them on more than one occasion. A Rivian owner injured themselves in a similar manner, gashing their leg on the gear tunnel door.

But the unusually sharp corners of the Cybertruck's exterior and could prove dangerous to both owners and pedestrians. This is a concern that automotive reviewers, safety experts and owners have been pointing out for months. We even saw this as far back as December, when reviewer Jason Cammisa ripped his shirt and cut his arm on the edge of the vehicle's hood.

So this is not a one-off occurrence. Hopefully, it will not become more common as more trucks hit the streets, and we hope 'bdesign' has an easier time with his truck from now on.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Wednesday May 29, @10:07PM   Printer-friendly
from the well-wood-you-believe-it dept.


Silica glass, known for its brittleness, weight, and non-biodegradable nature, faces challenges in finding suitable alternatives.

Transparent wood, made by infusing polymers into wood, shows promise but is hindered by limited availability of wood in China and fire risks associated with its use. This study explores the potential of utilizing bamboo, which has a shorter growth cycle, as a valuable resource for developing flame-retardant, smoke-suppressing, and superhydrophobic transparent bamboo. A 3-layered flame-retardant barrier, composed of a top silane layer, an intermediate layer of SiO2 formed through hydrolysis-condensation of Na2SiO3 on the surface, and an inner layer of Na2SiO3, has been confirmed to be effective in reducing heat release, slowing flame spread, and inhibiting the release of combustible volatiles, toxic smoke, and CO.

Compared to natural bamboo and other congeneric transparent products, the transparent bamboo displays remarkable superiority, with the majority of parameters being notably lower by an entire order of magnitude.

It achieves a long ignition time of 116 s, low total heat release (0.7 MJ/m2), low total smoke production (0.063 m2), and low peak CO concentration (0.008 kg/kg). Moreover, when used as a substrate for perovskite solar cells, the transparent bamboo displays the potential to act as a light management layer, leading to a marked efficiency enhancement of 15.29%. The excellent features of transparent bamboo make it an enticing choice for future advancements in flame-retardant glasses and optical devices.

Bamboo, often referred to as "the second forest", boasts a rapid growth and regeneration rate, allowing it to reach maturity and be utilized as a building material within 4 to 7 years of growth. With an output 4 times higher than wood per acre, bamboo is recognized for its exceptional efficiency. In terms of chemical composition, bamboo shares similarities with wood, mainly consisting of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. Furthermore, the internal hierarchical structure of bamboo closely resembles that of wood, featuring high porosity and permeability because of neatly arranged vertical channels.

This characteristic suggests the potential use of bamboo in the production of transparent composite materials. Transparent bamboo offers 3 distinct advantages over traditional silica glass. Firstly, the abundant and renewable nature of bamboo feedstock aligns with environmental sustainability goals. Secondly, transparent bamboo exhibits high light transmittance and haze, enabling privacy while facilitating the entry of natural light indoors. Lastly, the low density and excellent ability to regulate temperature and humidity from a bamboo template further position it as a promising alternative to conventional glass.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Wednesday May 29, @05:20PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

The competition to produce the world's most advanced chips is fierce, and TSMC's product roadmap promises that the battle for supremacy will be intense. First, its performance-optimized N3P node is coming, set to enter mass production in the second half of 2024 and will be the company's most advanced node for a while.

Next year, however, TSMC will introduce two production nodes that will enter high-volume manufacturing in the second half of 2025, promising to accelerate the advantages of N3P. These nodes are N3X, a 3nm-class process, and N2, a 2nm-class process.

N3X is tailored for high-performance computing applications, with a maximum voltage of 1.2V. According to research compiled by AnandTech, N3X chips can either reduce power consumption by 7% by lowering Vdd from 1.0V to 0.9V, increase performance by 5%, or increase transistor density by around 10%.

N2 uses gate-all-around (GAA) nanosheet transistors – a first for TSMC – and features exceptional low Vdd performance that is designed for mobile and wearable applications. In addition, N2's ultra-thin stacked nanosheets deliver a new level of energy efficient computing for HPC, TSMC says. Backside power rail will also be added to boost performance even further.

N2 technology will come with TSMC NanoFlex, a design-technology co-optimization that provides designers with flexibility in N2 standard cells, with short cells emphasizing small area and greater power efficiency, and tall cells maximizing performance. Customers are able to optimize the combination of short and tall cells within the same design block.

In 2026, TSMC will introduce two more nodes: N2P (2nm-class) and A16 (1.6nm-class).

N2P is expected to deliver a 5% - 10% lower power or a 5% - 10% higher performance compared to the original N2. However, contrary to prior announcements, N2P will not incorporate a backside power delivery network, using conventional power delivery mechanisms instead. This means the integration of such advanced power delivery will shift to future generation nodes, including A16.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Wednesday May 29, @12:34PM   Printer-friendly

Kodak and Polaroid, the two most famous camera companies of the 20th century, had a great partnership for 20+ years. Then in an inexplicable turnabout Kodak decided to destroy Polaroid's business. To this day, every story of why Kodak went to war with Polaroid is wrong.

The real reason can be found in the highly classified world of overhead reconnaissance satellites.

Here's the real story.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Wednesday May 29, @07:48AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

More than 190 nations agreed Friday on a new treaty to combat so-called biopiracy and regulate patents stemming from genetic resources such as medicinal plants, particularly ones whose uses owe a debt to traditional knowledge.

After lengthy negotiations, delegates approved to cheers and applause the "first WIPO Treaty to address the interface between intellectual property, genetic resources and traditional knowledge", the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization said in a statement.

[...] Genetic resources are increasingly used by companies in everything from cosmetics to seeds, medicines, biotechnology and food supplements.

They have enabled considerable progress in health, climate and food security, according to the United Nations.

[...] The treaty text says patent applicants will be required to disclose where the genetic resources used in an invention came from, and the indigenous people who provided the associated traditional knowledge.

The goal is to combat biopiracy by ensuring that an invention is genuinely new, and that the countries and local communities concerned agree with the use of their genetic resources, such as plant species cultivated over time, and the traditional knowledge surrounding them.

While natural genetic resources—such as those found in medicinal plants, agricultural crops and animal breeds—cannot be directly protected as intellectual property, inventions developed using them can be patented.

As it is currently not mandatory to publish the origin of innovations, many developing countries are concerned that patents are being granted that circumvent the rights of indigenous people.

Antony Scott Taubman set up WIPO's traditional knowledge division in 2001 but no longer works with the agency.

"I wouldn't go so far as to say it's revolutionary," he said of the treaty.

"Conceptually what we're looking at here is a recognition that when I apply for a patent, it's not purely a technical step... it recognizes that I have liabilities," he told AFP.

Brazilian ambassador Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota, who has chaired the talks, hailed the new treaty early Friday as a "very carefully balanced outcome" of the talks.

"It constitutes the best possible compromise and a carefully calibrated solution, which seeks to bridge and to balance a variety of interests, some very passionately held and assiduously expressed and defended over the course of decades."

[...] It took years of negotiations to reduce 5,000 pages of documentation on the subject down to the agreement.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Wednesday May 29, @02:55AM   Printer-friendly
from the lies-and-other-statistics dept.

The results showed that "contrary to our research hypothesis, we failed to substantiate any clear benefits for PBMD (Plant-Based Meat Diet) on cardiometabolic health compared with the corresponding ABMD (Animal-Based Meat Diet)", the team said.

However, one finding might be significant for the 9.5 per cent of the population here with diabetes. The study found that the group on ABMD had better glycaemic control.

However, time in range was significantly higher in the ABMD group than in the PBMD group [ABMD median: 94.1% (Q1: 87.2%, Q3: 96.7%); PBMD: 86.5% (81.7%, 89.4%); P = 0.041)]. This is shown in Figure 2, where the PBMD group had higher glucose concentration peaks and a greater proportion of time in range during the full-feeding period. No significant differences were found in other glycemic control and variability-related parameters during this full-feeding period.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Tuesday May 28, @10:09PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

A software maker serving more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the world hosted an application update containing a hidden backdoor that maintained persistent communication with a malicious website, researchers reported Thursday, in the latest episode of a supply-chain attack.

The software, known as the JAVS Viewer 8, is a component of the JAVS Suite 8, an application package courtrooms use to record, play back, and manage audio and video from proceedings. Its maker, Louisville, Kentucky-based Justice AV Solutions, says its products are used in more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the US and 11 other countries. The company has been in business for 35 years.

Researchers from security firm Rapid7 reported that a version of the JAVS Viewer 8 available for download on contained a backdoor that gave an unknown threat actor persistent access to infected devices. The malicious download, planted inside an executable file that installs the JAVS Viewer version 8.3.7, was available no later than April 1, when a post on X (formerly Twitter) reported it. It’s unclear when the backdoored version was removed from the company’s download page. JAVS representatives didn’t immediately respond to questions sent by email.

“Users who have version 8.3.7 of the JAVS Viewer executable installed are at high risk and should take immediate action,” Rapid7 researchers Ipek Solak, Thomas Elkins, Evan McCann, Matthew Smith, Jake McMahon, Tyler McGraw, Ryan Emmons, Stephen Fewer, and John Fenninger wrote. “This version contains a backdoored installer that allows attackers to gain full control of affected systems.”

The installer file was titled JAVS Viewer Setup When executed, it copied the binary file fffmpeg.exe to the file path C:\Program Files (x86)\JAVS\Viewer 8\. To bypass security warnings, the installer was digitally signed, but with a signature issued to an entity called “Vanguard Tech Limited” rather than to “Justice AV Solutions Inc.,” the signing entity used to authenticate legitimate JAVS software.

The researchers said fffmpeg.exe also downloaded the file chrome_installer.exe from the IP address chrome_installer.exe went on to execute a binary and several Python scripts that were responsible for stealing the passwords saved in browsers. fffmpeg.exe is associated with a known malware family called GateDoor/Rustdoor. The exe file was already flagged by 30 endpoint protection engines.

The number of detections had grown to 38 at the time this post went live.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Tuesday May 28, @05:20PM   Printer-friendly
from the future-iron-man dept.

A five-year-old boy who was born without a left hand has become the youngest in the world to get a bionic Hero Arm, making him "feel like a superhero".

The custom-made, 3D printed prosthetic is produced by Bristol-based Open Bionics, which was founded in 2014 and launched four clinics in America in the last year.

Jordan, of Long Island, New York state, is now the youngest ever owner of one of the firm's Hero Arms.

The prosthetic uses special sensors which detect muscular contractions and turn them into bionic hand movements.

Most children with Hero Arms are aged seven years old or above, but the firm said Jordan's size for his age and his high IQ – meaning he was easy to teach how to use the Hero Arm – meant he could have one sooner.

[...] Open Bionics describes itself as the only company in the world making multi-articulating hands small and light enough for children as young as Jordan.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Tuesday May 28, @12:34PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

There's common agreement that generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools can help people save time and boost productivity. But while these technologies make it easy to run code or produce reports quickly, the backend work to build and sustain large language models (LLMs) may need more human labor than the effort saved up front. Plus, many tasks may not necessarily require the firepower of AI when standard automation will do. 

That's the word from Peter Cappelli, management professor at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, who spoke at a recent MIT event. On a cumulative basis, generative AI and LLMs may create more work for people than alleviate tasks. LLMs are complicated to implement, and "it turns out there are many things generative AI could do that we don't really need doing," said Cappelli. 

While AI is hyped as a game-changing technology, "projections from the tech side are often spectacularly wrong," he pointed out. "In fact, most of the technology forecasts about work have been wrong over time." He said the imminent wave of driverless trucks and cars, predicted in 2018, is an example of rosy projections that have yet to come true. 

Broad visions of technology-driven transformation often get tripped up in the gritty details. Proponents of autonomous vehicles promoted what "driverless trucks could do, rather than what needs to be done, and what is required for clearing regulations -- the insurance issues, the software issues, and all those issues." Plus, Cappelli added: "If you look at their actual work, truck drivers do lots of things other than just driving trucks, even on long-haul trucking."

A similar analogy can be drawn to using generative AI for software development and business. Programmers "spend a majority of their time doing things that don't have anything to do with computer programming," he said. "They're talking to people, they're negotiating budgets, and all that kind of stuff. Even on the programming side, not all of that is actually programming."  

The technological possibilities of innovation are intriguing but rollout tends to be slowed by realities on the ground. In the case of generative AI, any labor-saving and productivity benefits may be outweighed by the amount of backend work needed to build and sustain LLMs and algorithms. 

Both generative and operational AI "generate new work," Cappelli pointed out. "People have to manage databases, they have to organize materials, they have to resolve these problems of dueling reports, validity, and those sorts of things. It's going to generate a lot of new tasks, somebody is going to have to do those."

He said operational AI that's been in place for some time is still a work in progress. "Machine learning with numbers has been markedly underused. Some part of this has been database management questions. It takes a lot of effort just to put the data together so you can analyze it. Data is often in different silos in different organizations, which are politically difficult and just technically difficult to put together."  

Cappelli cites several issues in the move toward generative AI and LLMs that must be overcome:

Cappelli suggested the most useful generative AI application in the near term is sifting through data stores and delivering analysis to support decision-making processes. "We are washing data right now that we haven't been able to analyze ourselves," he said. "It's going to be way better at doing that than we are," he said. Along with database management, "somebody's got to worry about guardrails and data pollution issues."

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Tuesday May 28, @07:43AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Splash a few drops of water on a hot pan and if the pan is hot enough, the water will sizzle and the droplets of water seem to roll and float, hovering above the surface.

The temperature at which this phenomenon, called the Leidenfrost effect, occurs is predictable, usually happening above 230 degrees Celsius. The team of Jiangtao Cheng, associate professor in the Virginia Tech Department of Mechanical Engineering, has discovered a method to create the aquatic levitation at a much lower temperature, and the results have been published in Nature Physics.

Alongside first author and Ph.D. student Wenge Huang, Cheng's team collaborated with Oak Ridge National Lab and Dalian University of Technology for sections of the research.

The discovery has great potential in heat transfer applications such as the cooling of industrial machines and surface fouling cleaning for heat exchangers. It also could help prevent damage and even disaster to nuclear machinery.

Currently, there are more than 90 licensed operable nuclear reactors in the U.S. that power tens of millions of homes, anchor local communities, and actually account for half of the country's clean energy electricity production. It requires resources to stabilize and cool those reactors, and heat transfer is crucial for normal operations.

For three centuries, the Leidenfrost effect has been a well-known phenomenon among physicists that establishes the temperature at which water droplets hover on a bed of their own vapor. While it has been widely documented to start at 230 degrees Celsius, Cheng and his team have pushed that limit much lower.

The effect occurs because there are two different states of water living together. If we could see the water at the droplet level, we would observe that not all of a droplet boils at the surface, only part of it. The heat vaporizes the bottom, but the energy doesn't travel through the entire droplet. The liquid portion above the vapor is receiving less energy because much of it is used to boil the bottom. That liquid portion remains intact, and this is what we see floating on its own layer of vapor. This has been referred to since its discovery in the 18th century as the Leidenfrost effect, named for German physician Johann Gottlob Leidenfrost.

That hot temperature is well above the 100 degree Celsius boiling point of water because the heat must be high enough to instantly form a vapor layer. Too low, and the droplets don't hover. Too high, and the heat will vaporize the entire droplet.

The traditional measurement of the Leidenfrost effect assumes that the heated surface is flat, which causes the heat to hit the water droplets uniformly. Working in the Virginia Tech Fluid Physics Lab, Cheng's team has found a way to lower the starting point of the effect by producing a surface covered with micropillars.

"Like the papillae on a lotus leaf, micropillars do more than decorate the surface," said Cheng. "They give the surface new properties."

The micropillars designed by Cheng's team are 0.08 millimeters tall, roughly the same as the width of a human hair. They are arranged in a regular pattern of 0.12 millimeters apart. A droplet of water encompasses 100 or more of them. These tiny pillars press into a water droplet, releasing heat into the interior of the droplet and making it boil more quickly.

Compared to the traditional view that the Leidenfrost effect triggers at 230 degrees Celsius, the fin-array-like micropillars press more heat into the water than a flat surface. This causes microdroplets to levitate and jump off the surface within milliseconds at lower temperatures because the speed of boiling can be controlled by changing the height of the pillars.

When the textured surface was heated, the team discovered that the temperature at which the floating effect was achieved was significantly lower than that of a flat surface, starting at 130 degrees Celsius.

Not only is this a novel discovery for the understanding of the Leidenfrost effect, it is a twist on the limits previously imagined. A 2021 study from Emory University found that the properties of water actually caused the Leidenfrost effect to fail when the temperature of the heated surface lowers to 140 degrees. Using the micropillars created by Cheng's team, the effect is sustainable even 10 degrees below that.

"We thought the micropillars would change the behaviors of this well-known phenomenon, but our results defied even our own imaginations," said Cheng. "The observed bubble-droplet interactions are a big discovery for boiling heat transfer."

The Leidenfrost effect is more than an intriguing phenomenon to watch, it is also a critical point in heat transfer. When water boils, it is most efficiently removing heat from a surface. In applications such as machine cooling, this means that adapting a hot surface to the textured approach presented by Cheng's team gets heat out more quickly, lowering the possibility of damage caused when a machine gets too hot.

"Our research can prevent disasters such as vapor explosions, which pose significant threats to industrial heat transfer equipment," said Huang. "Vapor explosions occur when vapor bubbles within a liquid rapidly expand due to the present of intense heat source nearby. One example of where this risk is particularly pertinent is in nuclear plants, where the surface structure of heat exchangers can influence vapor bubble growth and potentially trigger such explosions. Through our theoretical exploration in the paper, we investigate how surface structure affects the growth mode of vapor bubbles, providing valuable insights into controlling and mitigating the risk of vapor explosions."

More information: Wenge Huang et al, Low-temperature Leidenfrost-like jumping of sessile droplets on microstructured surfaces, Nature Physics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02522-z ,

Journal information: Nature Physics

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Tuesday May 28, @03:10AM   Printer-friendly

Elons New Supercomputer

Another day and Elon wants to do something new. Now he is going to build the worlds largest supercomputer, ready next fall (2025). His AI company is going to be the main customer, but I guess his other ventures from cars to rockets could use some computational power to.

So he is apparently just not going to be bigger then the rest. He is going to build it massively bigger. As in at least four times bigger then then the top computers today.

Renting supercomputing powers from other companies have apparently now become so expensive that it's cheaper and better to just build your own. A Gigafactory of Compute.

The previous one for Tesla, the Tesla Dojo, was apparently not enough.

Musk Plans Largest-ever Supercomputer, Report Says

Musk plans largest-ever supercomputer, report says - Taipei Times:

[...] The planned supercomputer would be "at least four times the size of the biggest GPU clusters that exist today," such as those used by Meta Platforms Inc to train its AI models, Musk was quoted as saying during a presentation to investors this month.

Since OpenAI's generative AI tool ChatGPT exploded on the scene in 2022, the technology has been an area of fierce competition between tech giants Microsoft Corp and Google Inc, as well as Meta and start-ups like Anthropic and Stability AI Inc.

Musk is one of the world's few investors with deep enough pockets to compete with OpenAI, Google or Meta on AI.

His company xAI is developing a chatbot named Grok, which can access social media platform X, also owned by Musk, in real time.

Earlier this year, Musk said training the Grok 2 model took about 20,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, adding that the Grok 3 model and beyond would require 100,000 Nvidia H100 units.

In related news, Tesla shareholders are being urged by a major proxy advisory firm to reject a proposed US$56 billion pay package for Musk, in a blow to the electric-vehicle manufacturer's board.

Glass Lewis & Co made its recommendation in a report released on Saturday, citing the "excessive size" of the pay deal and the dilutive effect upon exercise.

"Mr. Musk's slate of extraordinarily time-consuming projects unrelated to the company was well-documented before the 2018 grant, and only expanded with his high-profile purchase of the company now known as X," Glass Lewis said.

The recommendation to large institutional investors might sway their vote over Musk's pay at the vehicle manufacturer's annual meeting on June 13. If the proposal is rejected, the CEO might make good on threats to develop products outside of Tesla.

Original Submission #1Original Submission #2

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