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posted by mrcoolbp on Wednesday October 21 2015, @06:29PM   Printer-friendly
from the moar-monies dept.

Thanks to all of our wonderful supporters, we have exceeded our financial goal for this period! This period covers the second half of 2015, so we still have a few months before this period is over. Up until now, the only thing we have budgeted for was immediate and expected expenses (hosting, tax preparation, domain registrations, etc.). While we have been luckily staying ahead of these projected expenses by a small margin (about 10% in the first half of the year), it appears we have an opportunity to exceed the goal set for this period. Subsequently, we had the idea of a stretch goal. There are quite a few things that we could use this money for (not for more more servers.)

One of the biggest "expenses" that we rarely discuss is the initial capital outlay that went into the site's startup costs — $3,417 coming out of the personal accounts of our staff. Of course, we aim to reimburse these sizable contributions. Though they have noted that they wished us to first focus on making the site self-sustaining, it appears we are already doing that.

Another possible use for "extra" funds would be to have some money on hand for lawyers. We often talk about how any kind of lawsuit or legal proceedings would be a huge financial burden on us. We do try to avoid any case that may invite that; for example, we are registered for DMCA requests, we take steps so that we are not breaking laws here in the USA (etc.). However, even if we are following the laws/guidelines exactly, that does not rule out the possibility of a lawsuit, so it would be ideal that we had some funds in case such a situation ever arises.

Further down the road we would love to be able to compensate some of our dedicated — and so far entirely volunteer staff — many of whom have been working tirelessly on this site since it went live; taking time away from their lives and families so that we can have this community. This is a "for the future" thing. It would have its own quirks and issues that we would have to figure out. It's a nice-to-have-problem in case we ever do have the extra capital. Surely, having a few paid employees, at least, would help ensure the long-term viability of the site, as well as open up the opportunity to really improve and expand on what we are trying to do here.

For this stretch goal we are aiming for an additional $2,000. This should cover any unexpected costs that come up in the way of taxes for last year (yes, we are still working to finish up the filing for last year) and give us a buffer that we could just leave in the bank for now. If things continue financially in this direction (or even grow), then we can start to use this money to begin to pay back the the startup costs for the site, and keep a few dollars on hand for things that come up in the future.

I also wanted to mention that we are working on getting direct credit card payments possible through Stripe for those that prefer not to use PayPal. Though we don't have a timeline yet, it is in the pipeline.

Once again, I am personally astounded by the support that we have seen since we went live in February of 2014: over a quarter-million comments as well as all the submissions, volunteers, and subscribers — the feeling of being a part of this is hard to describe. So thank you all for being you.


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  • (Score: 2) by hemocyanin on Thursday October 22 2015, @01:37AM

    by hemocyanin (186) on Thursday October 22 2015, @01:37AM (#253032) Journal

    I agree that repaying the $3,417 should be a priority. ... I think that saving money for a legal fund is a waste. If you are lucky, that money will just sit around, if you are not lucky, then the money you will have collected won't even make a dent.

    Starting to pay back the original contributors would be a nice and smart way to use the money.

    $500 for a lawyer might buy just enough time to explain the situation, but won't be enough to get any actual work done. It would be like taking shelter from a hurricane under an umbrella. There's just no point.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 1) by Ethanol-fueled on Thursday October 22 2015, @01:58AM

    by Ethanol-fueled (2792) on Thursday October 22 2015, @01:58AM (#253039) Homepage

    If they haven't already been raided by the law, then they're not gonna be anytime soon. I am in agreement that the original investments should be re-compensated. Raising the morale of the staff will no-doubt have a trickle-down effect and provide motivation for more quickly implement new features.

    Ideally, all staff would receive a regular stipend for their efforts, so we should hope that staff being paid for their trouble will culminate in a positive feedback loop which attracts more subscribers (and more money) to the site.

    Unfortunately I am squeezed for cash at the moment, but in addition to my subscriber dues I'll buy a T-shirt if I can find a woman who's willing to make a Soylent News-themed pornographic video with me -- I could wear the shirt and nothing else on camera, and can buy a bunch of candy-bars with red wrappers and sprinkle them all over the bed. Maybe even she and I eat some of them during the act.

    But which kind of candy bar? Well, we have the appropriately named 100 Grand [] or -- heh -- Zagnut [] from which to choose.

    • (Score: 3, Informative) by hemocyanin on Thursday October 22 2015, @03:10AM

      by hemocyanin (186) on Thursday October 22 2015, @03:10AM (#253068) Journal

      Kit Kat. Halloween sized bars are almost the exact same size as the icon for this site. That said, I feel compelled to encourage you to just buy the shirt.