Welcome, new trolls! We're pleased as punch to have you aboard, unfortunately as you may have noticed our moderators are unable to give you the moderations you've been working so hard for. Since we can't really do much about people not moderating more, we're going to be giving out more points so that the ones that do can give you the attention you so desperately crave.
Moderators: Starting a little after midnight UTC tonight, everyone will be getting ten points a day instead of five. The threshold for a mod-bomb, however, is going to remain at five. This change is not so you can pursue an agenda against registered users more effectively but so we can collectively handle the rather large uptick in anonymous trolling recently while still being able to have points remaining for upmodding quality comments. This is not an invitation to go wild downmodding; it's helping you to be able to stick to the "concentrate more on upmodding than downmodding" bit of the guidelines.
Also, this is not a heavily thought-out or permanent change. It is a quick, dirty adjustment that will be reviewed, tweaked, and likely changed before year's end. Questions? Comments?
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday August 28 2017, @12:09AM (1 child)
This is a losing fight. You're not going to win against someone who controls the site itself, especially not someone who claims neutrality but has also on numerous occasions admitted to trolling the site for his own political ends. No, if you actually want to do anything to him, you'll have to do something outside the site, and that can get...questionably legal.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Monday August 28 2017, @01:42AM
A) For my own amusement. I don't have political ends because I don't have political ambitions.
B) Everything I do is way out in the open. Show me any line I've crossed.
C) I'd suggest buying me a beer. That tends to favorably dispose me towards most anyone.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.