I was going to post this to a particular story, but thought this might generate more attention and discussion as a general submission.
Seriously, what is going on with all these troll mods? Just because you disagree with someone, thus earning a "disagree" mod, does not mean that person is a "troll." To steal a definition from Urban Dictionary:
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
Just because you disagree with someone, does not mean they are trying to do the above. Be faster on the "disagree" and slower on the "troll." Under such abuse, it is hard to have a good discussion and, in itself, is trollish behavior by "generally disrupt[ing] normal on-topic discussion." Other than people disciplining themselves, a concerted effort to police such abuses, or making moderation logs public on the bottom of a comment where the score is shown now, I'm unsure of what to do about. As it stands, it is getting increasingly ridiculous to read what discussion is here on any topic remotely controversial, and is expanding outside of even those. It is starting to drive me away from the site, and I'm somewhat confident it is doing the same for others. I'd be interested to see what others think about the depth of the problem, if they even believe it even exists at all, and what solutions you all have for it.
[Ed note. This story is published exactly as received. First off, it bears repeating that complaining about moderations in the comments often leads (rightly) to an off-topic moderation. That is a contributing factor to my decision to run this story. Secondly, moderation is something that I on occasion have found I've fat-fingered and given a different moderation than expected. Thirdly, in the grand scheme of things, a comment's moderation is — relatively speaking — small potatoes. It is NOT a measure of your IQ or value as a human being. or standing in the community. Just accept that stuff happens and that as likely as not, someone will be along to moderate it the other way. Which is a good opportunity to say: PLEASE USE YOUR MOD POINTS! Lastly, if you think a comment was moderated in error, then send the CID (Comment ID) link e.g. "(#876543)" in an email to admin (at) soylentnews (dot) org. Keep in mind however that we are all volunteers here and there most likely will be a delay between when you send out an email and when we can get around to it. --martyb]
[Updated: 20190823_111312 UTC See comment from JR who far more precisely and eloquently expressed the idea I was attempting to. I concur with his assessment. If I want people to upmod a comment of mine that I believe was unfairly downmodded, then I need to be willing to upmod other's mis-modded comments. For perspective, so far this month, anywhere from ~150-~350 mod points were used in any given day. It bears repeating: use your mod points!]
(Score: 2, Interesting) by aristarchus on Friday August 23 2019, @06:26AM (12 children)
I post this here as frist Piste, of the top, so to speak, so that other soylentils will not have to suffer the agony and embarrassment of being modded down, simply because they said something stupid and alt-right that everyone knows is stupid and wrong, and so everyone disagrees with, because it is stupid and wrong.
Mod me down instead! Because you disagree with me, and I am right! You know in your heart that I am correct, and your curmudgeonly retrograde opinion is seriously deficient! Mod me instead! I will return the favor, when you least expect in, in your shower posting about counter-culture Nazis, or how you lost yet another court case, or how you are khallow.
Sad, so sade. SoylentNews weeps for our less intellectually gifted members, but they are ours, so we have no choice but to mod them down.
Godspeed, Soylentils!
(Score: 5, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 23 2019, @07:00AM (8 children)
A lot of talk from one of the worst offenders.
(Score: -1, Informative) by aristarchus on Friday August 23 2019, @07:11AM (6 children)
I will troll mod you, since I disagree. But seriously, Soylentils are not even trying! The Balance is being returned to the force, which means the entire FA is an Imperial Death Troll!!!
(Score: -1, Funny) by aristarchus on Friday August 23 2019, @08:03AM (1 child)
C'mon! Soylentils! You can downmod aristarchus more than this, because you disagree with me! And because I am right! Mod down the truth! Somebody has to do it, or the truth will get out! Mod down the aristarchus because he is correct, much as he downmods you because you are not! It is a fairy balanced falsie equivalency, no? You are disappointing me.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 23 2019, @09:31AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic28JniSYY4 [youtube.com]
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Thursday August 29 2019, @12:53AM (3 children)
Ohhh! The lesser known, but equally coveted, -1 Informative mod! Better than a +5 Troll, almost. Seriously, this says something about SoylentNews, and not something good.
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Thursday August 29 2019, @04:08AM (2 children)
That's a difficult one to get. Most butthurt folks go directly for -1 Troll rather than -1 Overrated.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Friday August 30 2019, @08:34PM (1 child)
And, oh! I got a -1 Funny, as well! Can you keep up, Buzzy?
(Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday August 31 2019, @05:01AM
Indeed I can not. You have bested me, sir.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2) by DeathMonkey on Friday August 23 2019, @03:36PM
A lot of talk from one of the best examples of the victimhood double standard.
All he did was post his own opinion. And look at all those troll mods! I thought that was supposed to be bad.
(Score: 4, Funny) by NPC-131072 on Friday August 23 2019, @02:18PM (2 children)
Hello fren, I also have this problem. The progressive approach is to improve the language [foxnews.com] around moderation. Rather than "troll" we could have "disagreement involved person". Is there any need to suggest that someone sits under a bridge just because you disagree with them and risk offending actual trolls? Those of us on the morally superior left cannot support a potentially upsetting mod like "troll" in 2019, especially if it's routinely used by knuckle-dragging, racist Trumptards to attack the correct point of view.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 23 2019, @02:43PM (1 child)
Hello fren, I always thought troll was racist and body shaming myself.
Since realDonaldTrump has disappeared, I think you're SN's satirist in chief now.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Azuma Hazuki on Saturday August 24 2019, @12:55AM
> Since realDonaldTrump has disappeared, I think you're SN's satirist in chief now.
That's kind of sad. He doesn't have rDT's method acting ability, and his schtick is eye-rollingly simple, to the point of being insulting. Good satire should leave people scratching their head vis-a-vis the applicability of Poe's Law.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...