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posted by takyon on Monday March 27 2017, @10:48AM   Printer-friendly
from the drupal-gored dept.

Drupal founder Dries Buytaert expelled Larry "Crell" Garfield from the Drupal community (archive) for his involvement in the BDSM community. Garfield claims this was done at the demand of Drupal Security team member Klaus "klausi" Purer and unknown others secretly pressuring Drupal leadership to have him removed for his private sex life.

takyon: From Larry's response:

I am involved in two such communities, specifically the BDSM community and the Gorean (Gor) community. The former is by far the larger of the two and more varied, although I spend more of my time and activity in the Gorean community. It's a small community, and sadly much of what is found online about it is utter crap, just as most in the BDSM community find the "50 Shades" representation of BDSM to be harmfully misleading. The Gorean subculture is inspired by a science-fiction book series written from the 1960s onward to today, and predicated on a strong sense of personal honor, integrity, and community. It also practices consensual Master/slave relationships, and has a strong gender bias toward male-Dom/female-sub relationships, but that is not the cornerstone of Gorean culture. There are other groups that are biased the other way, or have no gender bias. There are even groups in Chicago (where I live) that have regular "fem-dom" parties. To each their own.

It's the same Gor that was adapted into two films, one of which appeared on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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  • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 27 2017, @06:15PM (13 children)

    by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Monday March 27 2017, @06:15PM (#484757) Journal

    And I'm not asking you to. I'm telling you back the hell off and realize most of us feminists are *on your side.* The TERFs and the selfish rich white haters are the classic small but loud group, like Westboro is compared to Christianity in general. If you want to keep (most of) us on your side, you damn well better stop saying half the human race is evil simply for being born female.

    Do you understand that you are becoming a transgender parody of the d00dbr0 cohort, the coding frat-boys?

    I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 1) by kurenai.tsubasa on Monday March 27 2017, @06:46PM (12 children)

    by kurenai.tsubasa (5227) on Monday March 27 2017, @06:46PM (#484772) Journal

    Who was ever on my side? On the side of docile, submissive trans women, I'm sure! lol.

    Half the human race isn't evil for being born one way or another. They're more like poisonous mushrooms, er, skittles, er M&Ms! But we've been over that before, and that's exactly the opinion feminists act on explicitly [], even incorporating it in abusive acts directed at children. Either there's time travel involved here, or the sentiment expressed in that 2014 Slate article is much older.

    So, let me guess. Half the human race are giftpilze, which is why I'm supposed to do the Schrödinger's Rapist Dance or whatever before I dare speak to you, but at the same time, the other half of the human race can't possibly be giftpilze?

    • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 27 2017, @06:58PM

      by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Monday March 27 2017, @06:58PM (#484784) Journal

      That isn't even close to what I said, and either you know it and are being a troll, or you're too hysterical to reason with. I'm really not sure which at this point.

      I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday March 27 2017, @07:03PM (10 children)

      by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Monday March 27 2017, @07:03PM (#484787) Journal

      Christ, you didn't even understand what the fucking article you linked said!

      Let me simplify it: it is true that not all men, indeed very few men, are actually rapists, misogynist murderers, etc. The worst most of them do comes more from ignorance and privilege than actual ill intent. What #yesallwomen means is that this is still widespread enough that virtually all women have or will, at some point, experience at the very least threats.

      Men have threatened to "rape me straight," Kurenai. My sister *was* raped, when she was only 14. You know about the anti-trafficking work I do, and I would not wish some of the nightmares it's generated on my worst enemies. At the same time, most of the men in my life have been nothing but good to me; my brother is an excellent human being, for example, who does charity work and teaches music in central China.

      Do you get it now? It's true that #notallmen, indeed #notevenclosetoallmen, are like this, but #yesallwomen have been affected. Part of it is because the actual virulent men have a very wide reach; rapists tend to be serial for example.

      I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
      • (Score: 1) by kurenai.tsubasa on Monday March 27 2017, @07:31PM (1 child)

        by kurenai.tsubasa (5227) on Monday March 27 2017, @07:31PM (#484817) Journal

        Do you get it now?

        No, I still don't get it, Azuma. Find the individuals who did those things. Why doesn't feminism focus on bringing those individuals to justice instead of overlooking their actions and focusing on collective retribution?

        How do you think holding all assigned males, as a matter of policy in certain places, accountable for those things is going to help, assuming that you wish for a world where those things didn't happen?

        What gives womyn-born-womyn the right to demand that my body be cut up at birth?¹

        What gives womyn-born-womyn the right to get between my doctor and me?

        What gives womyn-born-womyn the right to coerce me into sexual acts? Even if the womyn-born-womyn is personally not the one backing up that coercion with violence, even if the violent end of the bargain is in the hands of another assigned male, the womyn-born-womyn is still complicit with the person who will implement the violence, because she is the person demanding the sexual act.

        The actions of your rape-threatener and your sister's actual rapist give you no rights over me, no matter how you gender me.

        I don't think I will ever get it.

        ¹ Note: I've spotted an AC going around today spamming on this subject. That's not me.

        • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:58AM

          by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:58AM (#484973) Journal

          You're tilting at a straw feminist if you're trying to say I think like that. I find the collective guilt idea reprehensible, and don't personally apply it. There's a post below that may help explain my thinking a bit. But, I don't want any rights over you that aren't already there (and reciprocal) under plain, simple humanism.

          To be clear, anyone using "butbut MUH FEMINISM" to justify some sort of violence done to you or your body or your sexual self is not only evil, they're hypocritical as hell on top of it, because the entire *point* of intersectionality in feminism is that a hell of a lot of problems women have are in part problems along other axes of discrimination such as race, class, geographic location, and yes, gender identity/expression. There is a multiplier effect too; a woman who is also black and living in a Muslim country is going to have more problems, both related to her being female and not, than a white, agnostic/secular woman in the Northeast. Those awful fucking TERFs who harmed you in Michigan are a prime example, and they ought to damn well *know better!*

          I believe I have enough evidence that trans people such as yourself are not simply deluded or making it up; there was a study on brain scans showing MtF brains looked somewhere between the two sexes (statistically speaking; brains are a mosaic and there's no stereotypical male or female brain) and FtM brains looked rather male. This is real. You are valid. And this is another axis in the intersectionality bundle; gender nonconformers are hideously abused, partly because it ticks about half a dozen "violent disgust" boxes in the minds of RWNJs and their massive, overactive amygdalas.

          In short, I'm *on your bloody side,* but like all other humans, I don't like being mischaracterized. If you think it's unfair for the TERFs and the venomous radicals to say all men are evil by nature, don't then turn around and do the opposite.

          I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
      • (Score: 2) by Spamalope on Monday March 27 2017, @08:07PM (6 children)

        by Spamalope (5233) on Monday March 27 2017, @08:07PM (#484843) Homepage

        virtually all women have or will, at some point, experience at the very least threats.

        The same thing can be said about men who've been victims of the 'justice' of removing due process for men. Why is only one gender empowered?

        Fixing the injustice by one group of people with new injustices against another group is no solution. It's no surprise that the second group will resent attempts to silence them. The two groups sharing a gender isn't an excuse, unless they're claiming gender based group membership as a pass.

        I've been reprimanded, lost a raise and was reassigned for turning down a date.

        I overheard three women planning the specifics of false harassment claims to make against a male co-worker because they wanted him replaced with someone 'hotter' (their words) (he was in his 50s, based on the conversation they wanted someone 'dateable' (also their words -shrug-)). They did so a few months later. I went to HR, and was threatened with termination if I ever spoke of it or was involved in any dispute with those three - and the harassment claims were backed up by HR after an 'investigation'.

        Later those three threatened me with harassment charges unless I framed a co-worker. The specific threat would have been a felony, so the risk to me was termination and jail. I already knew the HR director would back them up.

        I've been threatened with harassment charges unless I agreed to a tryst with a co-worker. The genders would have to be revered for the word 'rape' to be thrown around though, wouldn't it?

        My peers have similar experiences.

        How about we stop empowering assholes? Adding gender blinders is not an improvement!

        • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:45AM (5 children)

          by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:45AM (#484964) Journal

          This one's for Kurenai as well as you, and I hope it's a bit of an eye-opener: feminism tends to label its collective demons "the patriarchy," but the word "kyriarchy" would be closer to the truth. And why is this? *Because the "patriarchy* chews up and spits out most of our boys and men too.*

          THIS is what's gotten me kicked out of a fair number of feminist circles, though honestly, if they're not going to be sane and self-aware enough to admit that, I don't *want* to be part of those circles.

          Do you notice who it is who's starting wars? Men. Who mostly dies in those wars? Soldier-wise, men. Who is it that's made nearly all the laws in this country, including the utterly shitty ones that discriminate based on race and money? Men. Who is it who suffers most of the ill effects of these laws? Men, especially poor men and black men?

          What is the difference between the ones starting wars and the soldiers dying in them? The ones making the evil laws and the ones suffering for it? Money and power. NOT gonads or chromosomes. To me, feminism is one particularly important branch of humanism, and it's not one I let get in the way of that basic humanism. And it sucks complete ass that so many self-described feminists do, and no matter how much I tell them they're making things worse for all of us, *they don't listen.*

          What happened to you was unequivocally *wrong,* absolutely wrong, and the women who did this to you have made this entire stupid damn battle of the sexes that much worse for that much longer because of it. If acknowledging this makes me a "bad feminist," then so be it.

          I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @04:42AM (4 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @04:42AM (#485039)

            *Because the "patriarchy* chews up and spits out most of our boys and men too.*

            And feminism helps so much! Yeah right. Understand that men are nothing if they do not contribute to society in a meaningful way, that is and always will be the way of man.

            Do you notice who it is who's starting wars? Men.

            Hahaha, please, you think women are incapable of starting one? War is merely an extension to enforce policy.

            Who mostly dies in those wars? Soldier-wise, men.

            Yes, look at all the women signing up to die in a bloody trench somewhere. Look at all the women who want to die in a burning tank when an AP round penetrates the firing chamber. Look at all the women lining up to board the boat to a cold death at sea.
            Look at the women given a choice not to die horribly by the patriarchy.

            Who is it that's made nearly all the laws in this country, including the utterly shitty ones that discriminate based on race and money? Men

            There were no female legislators, ever since the written history of man.

            Who is it who suffers most of the ill effects of these laws? Men, especially poor men and black men?

            It's as if women are more insulated from this terrible fate by simply marrying upwards!

            What is the difference between the ones starting wars and the soldiers dying in them? The ones making the evil laws and the ones suffering for it? Money and power.

            Sounds like someone who only has a cursory study of history. Understand this, Might makes Right, if you don't, someone else will.

            To me, feminism is one particularly important branch of humanism, and it's not one I let get in the way of that basic humanism.

            You feminists are all the same, only vying for more power for yourselves. Doesn't matter 1st wave to 4th wave, its all a power grab with weaponized empathy, always has been and always will be.

            What happened to you was unequivocally *wrong,* absolutely wrong, and the women who did this to you have made this entire stupid damn battle of the sexes that much worse for that much longer because of it. If acknowledging this makes me a "bad feminist," then so be it.

            Yes, yes you are bad. Please purge all of it. Men and women are not equal and never will be, men would be women too if they could be pregnant and give birth.

            • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday March 28 2017, @06:52AM (3 children)

              by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Tuesday March 28 2017, @06:52AM (#485061) Journal

              O~kay, uh, whoever you are? Chill. Seriously. I got a few Midol left over. Same offer I usually make Uzzard there, except he seems to prefer to medicate his cramps with shitty beer and...hell, I don't know, screwing his cousin or whatever they do where he's from.

              I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @07:39AM (2 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @07:39AM (#485064)

                Done feeling smug? Now, address the statements.

                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @04:25PM (1 child)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2017, @04:25PM (#485266)

                  I'll respond for her point by point:

                          *Because the "patriarchy* chews up and spits out most of our boys and men too.*

                  And feminism helps so much! Yeah right. Understand that men are nothing if they do not contribute to society in a meaningful way, that is and always will be the way of man.

                          Do you notice who it is who's starting wars? Men.

                  Hahaha, please, you think women are incapable of starting one? War is merely an extension to enforce policy.

                          Who mostly dies in those wars? Soldier-wise, men.

                  Yes, look at all the women signing up to die in a bloody trench somewhere. Look at all the women who want to die in a burning tank when an AP round penetrates the firing chamber. Look at all the women lining up to board the boat to a cold death at sea.
                  Look at the women given a choice not to die horribly by the patriarchy.

                          Who is it that's made nearly all the laws in this country, including the utterly shitty ones that discriminate based on race and money? Men

                  There were no female legislators, ever since the written history of man.

                          Who is it who suffers most of the ill effects of these laws? Men, especially poor men and black men?

                  It's as if women are more insulated from this terrible fate by simply marrying upwards

                          What is the difference between the ones starting wars and the soldiers dying in them? The ones making the evil laws and the ones suffering for it? Money and power.

                  Sounds like someone who only has a cursory study of history. Understand this, Might makes Right, if you don't, someone else will.

                          To me, feminism is one particularly important branch of humanism, and it's not one I let get in the way of that basic humanism.

                  You feminists are all the same, only vying for more power for yourselves. Doesn't matter 1st wave to 4th wave, its all a power grab with weaponized empathy, always has been and always will be.

                          What happened to you was unequivocally *wrong,* absolutely wrong, and the women who did this to you have made this entire stupid damn battle of the sexes that much worse for that much longer because of it. If acknowledging this makes me a "bad feminist," then so be it.

                  Yes, yes you are bad. Please purge all of it. Men and women are not equal and never will be, men would be women too if they could be pregnant and give birth.

                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 29 2017, @01:04AM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 29 2017, @01:04AM (#485592)

                    So you don't have anything to refute with, bye Felicia.

      • (Score: 2) by Gaaark on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:58AM

        by Gaaark (41) on Tuesday March 28 2017, @12:58AM (#484974) Journal

        Not my fight, but i had to mod you insightful for the not all men thing.
        Unfortunately, some men

        --- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---