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posted by janrinok on Saturday January 27 2018, @03:19AM   Printer-friendly
from the You-fight-like-a-girl dept.

A couple days back, Newsweek reports:

Feminist activists on Sunday are planning to commemorate last year's Women's March, the response to the election of President Donald Trump that was widely regarded as the biggest demonstration in U.S. history.

As they do so, the so-called alt-right—an anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic movement that has struggled to recruit women—is aiming to co-opt this political moment with a series of stunts, including spreading propaganda and a counterdemonstration in Knoxville, Tennessee. This targeting of a feminist event is part of an ongoing pattern of misogynistic behavior in the movement, according to activists and a rights group that spoke to Newsweek.

[...] Trolls from 4chan, an imageboard website that is popular with the alt-right, are planning to post signs at women's studies departments on college campuses Sunday with the hashtag #mybordermychoice, a deliberate perversion of the abortion-rights slogan "my body my choice," according to a series of posts on the site and research conducted by antifascist activists.

[...] Lecia Brooks of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a rights group, told Newsweek that Heimbach [Leader of the Traditionalist Workers' Party] is "no defender of women," referring to altercations involving the opposite sex he has had at demonstrations.

Heimbach replied to that notion by saying legal abortion and illegal immigration were victimizing the unborn and women, and that "women have had their femininity put under attack by a culture that treats them as either sex objects or as mere economic cogs in the capitalist system." Heimbach is a critic of the capitalist system while also being a critic of socialism, and views a "national socialism" system that includes only white non-Jews as an alternative to both. He said the policies of his group were structured to "empower women to their God given honorable place as true equals to men in society through their unique role as mothers and wives." To be clear, he is an ardent critic of contemporary feminism.

Message received, very clear.

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  • (Score: 5, Informative) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @06:25AM (7 children)

    by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Saturday January 27 2018, @06:25AM (#628734) Journal

    What I find really interesting is that aristarchus, absolutely a troll himself, can't tell the difference between a nazi and someone who likes winding up feminists. I mean I would have thought organizing on 4chan would be a dead giveaway.

    "Dead giveaway" you say? 4chan eh? Just winding up feminist, right?

    (I'm sorry to cause this to decent soylentils, but I think the today's hour of head-from-ass extraction have come for TMB.)

    So, Buzz, here, I'll let them speak for themselves []

    Pussy Hats and Pitchforks

    “Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state” — Dr. Joseph Goebbels
    Our ideas as National Socialists are objectively correct, the Left cannot debate us in any meaningful way because their ideas are based on flimsy one-sided emotional appeals and outright lies. They try to “No Platform” our movement because they know that they cannot defeat our ideals of Faith, Family, and Folk. We reject their attempts to silence us, and instead march ever forward for the cause of morality, virtue, and a future for our people.

    As National Socialists, one of our most important values is the cultivation of life. Natural Law and God have created a specific role for both women and men, and both genders must work together to complement one another and work together as a team.
    Feminism and abortion are opposed to life in every way. The gift of having children is a blessing for woman, and the entire nation, and it should be promoted as truly sacred. It is National Socialists and National Socialists alone who truly fight for women, because not only do we support women having children, we also promote policies to provide extensive care, community, support, and dignity for mothers and their families.
    Our nation has killed more unborn children since Roe v. Wade than the German and Russian people lost in both military and civilian deaths in the Second World War. The most dangerous place to be in America is not on the streets of Chicago or New York, but in their mother’s womb. This is unacceptable for any free nation to accept the murder of its children. These abortion policies must be ended.

    This ends here, no longer will the enemies of our people be allowed to parade unopposed, no longer will our children be killed without advocates willing to fight for them. We are the breaking of the new dawn for our people, of a new and healthier world for men, women, and children.

    As the defenders and advocates of women and our children, the Traditionalist Worker Party is taking a stand in Knoxville Tennessee on Sunday January 21st against the proposed feminist march and in support of the March for Life being held the same day. Any movement that doesn’t defend the sanctity of life is not a movement worth having. If we are to build a free nation for our children, we must first secure life for our children.
    All interested comrades should begin vetting with our Knoxville Sign-Up Form.

    We will be assembling at noon on Sunday the 21st and will be active for several hours. All comrades should be in uniform, if possible (or at least solid black with no pre-approved flags, symbols, or accessories), and be prepared for cold weather. Traditionalist Worker Party comrades in good standing are also invited to attend a meeting, cookout, and oath ceremony outside of Knoxville on Saturday the 20th.

    Unless you think the TWP will wear pussy hats (do you?), I must surmise they publicly declare they'll come with pitchforks.

    So, TMB, you reckon a pitchfork is the appropriate implement to wind-up the feminists?
    Just asking, you see, maybe I'll send you one in exchange for some photos of you using it the way you see fit... careful, though, some uses of pitchforks may be frowned upon by the... ummm... "violently imposed monopoly".

    (I'd grin ... but I can't... this is too sad, to say the least. Apologies once again, this is straight from the proud-nazi horse's mouth, no other honest interpretation possible)

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +3  
       Flamebait=1, Interesting=1, Informative=2, Underrated=1, Total=5
    Extra 'Informative' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   5  
  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:51AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:51AM (#628783)

    Holey Fuck! That sounds just like TMB, in his more rational moments! Based on emotion? Check his most recent journal!

  • (Score: 5, Touché) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:05PM (5 children)

    by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:05PM (#628816) Homepage Journal

    And now you're doing it as well?

    Group A are self-proclaimed Nazis and are planning to annoy group B! Group C also want to annoy group B, so they must be Nazis!

    When group C comes from 4chan, particularly a board known for spending all its time trolling, it's a safe bet that they're just trolling a motherfucker or two.

    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:15PM (4 children)

      by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:15PM (#628818) Journal

      Group A are self-proclaimed Nazis and are planning to "annoy" group B using pitchforks. Fullstop.


      • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:51PM (3 children)

        by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Saturday January 27 2018, @12:51PM (#628838) Homepage Journal

        Irrelevant. Doesn't matter if group A are using mean words or double-barrel chainsaws. Does nothing to refute that group C != group A.

        My rights don't end where your fear begins.
        • (Score: 2) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @02:03PM (2 children)

          by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Saturday January 27 2018, @02:03PM (#628853) Journal

          Group C is irrelevant to the problem. Group C equality to group A even more so.


          • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday January 27 2018, @02:15PM (1 child)

            by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Saturday January 27 2018, @02:15PM (#628859) Homepage Journal

            Yes, so why are they explicitly mentioned and lumped in with group A?

            My rights don't end where your fear begins.
            • (Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:42PM

              by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Saturday January 27 2018, @09:42PM (#629164) Journal

              so why are they explicitly mentioned

              Because they were acting together with the neo-nazis against the women's march.
              After all, the para exists in TFA, wasn't invented by aristarchus.

              and lumped in with group A?

              Apart from "lumping" themselves with the real, existing and acting nazi (in contrast with a comment suggesting a denial of nazi existence), the quoted para names them "Trolls from 4chan".

              It is you that build a strawman in pretending aristarchus said they are nazies.

              Mind you, the "4chan trolls are nazies" is undecidable with the information at hand. They may actually be nazi, so far there's no evidence to the contrary.
