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posted by Fnord666 on Thursday June 25 2020, @06:55PM   Printer-friendly
from the bad-company dept.

Huawei on List of 20 Chinese Companies That Pentagon Says Are Controlled by People’s Liberation Army:

The Pentagon put Huawei Technologies and Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology on a list of 20 companies it says are owned or controlled by China's military, opening them up to potential additional U.S. sanctions.

In letters to lawmakers dated June 24, the Pentagon said it was providing a list of "Communist Chinese military companies operating in the United States." The list was first requested in the fiscal 1999 defense policy law.

This list includes "entities owned by, controlled by, or affiliated with China's government, military, or defense industry," Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement.

[...] The companies on the list are:

Aviation Industry Corporation of China
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
China South Industries Group Corporation
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation
China State Shipbuilding Corporation
China North Industries Group Corporation
Huawei Technologies Co.
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.
Inspur Group; Aero Engine Corporation of China
China Railway Construction Corporation
CRRC Corp.; Panda Electronics Group
Dawning Information Industry Co.
China Mobile Communications Group
China General Nuclear Power Corp.
China National Nuclear Power Corp.
China Telecommunications Corp.

Given how inter-connected the world is, how practical would it be to avoid all such Chinese companies?

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  • (Score: 2) by PartTimeZombie on Thursday June 25 2020, @09:40PM (8 children)

    by PartTimeZombie (4827) on Thursday June 25 2020, @09:40PM (#1012640)

    China is nothing like a communist country, and it's participation in international trade is done with the help of international capital.

    Starting Score:    1  point
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    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 2) by arslan on Friday June 26 2020, @01:29AM (7 children)

    by arslan (3462) on Friday June 26 2020, @01:29AM (#1012720)

    "Communist" might not be the right word, but it is a totalitarian regime. Why would democratic nations assume whatever they export, including the companies that exports goods and services should play by the same rules? Trump aside for calling this out, are our politicos and our corporate CEOs really that naive?

    • (Score: 2) by PartTimeZombie on Friday June 26 2020, @01:41AM (5 children)

      by PartTimeZombie (4827) on Friday June 26 2020, @01:41AM (#1012728)

      "Communist" is entirely the wrong word, but the Chinese Communist Party is certainly totalitarian, yes.

      If you can remember back to when China decided to allow foreign investment in the early 1990's, they set rules for that investment, and the western companies desperate to take advantage of a massive new source of cheap labour were well aware of those rules.

      Naivety has absolutely nothing to do with any of it, Greed is the term you're looking for.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26 2020, @01:56AM (2 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26 2020, @01:56AM (#1012737)

        Bean counters run the corporations, so loyalty to the corporation or the country is always put behind the bottom line and filling their own pockets with "bonuses".

        • (Score: 2) by PartTimeZombie on Friday June 26 2020, @03:05AM (1 child)

          by PartTimeZombie (4827) on Friday June 26 2020, @03:05AM (#1012768)

          That is exactly how capitalism is supposed to work.

          If a corporation has access to a huge supply of really cheap labour that improves profits now they have no choice but to go for it, because if they don't their competition will, and they will wind up being absorbed by that competition later.

          The Chinese were well aware of that and took advantage.

          • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26 2020, @05:39AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26 2020, @05:39AM (#1012793)

            True and the government is suppose to provide a bit of control, but haven't - likely because they're in the pockets of those corp. and leeching off the gravy train. Now that someone's pointed it out instead of addressing it, all that's happening is the usual ad hominem and nitpicking on semantics - creating a smokescreen. Funnily enough the sheeple are so engross in their personal hate for the Orange one to actually get their electoral base to think about the issue.

            I'm really curious to see once the Orange idiot leaves office if it is back to business as usual - and back to bed with the Chinese. If it is the west is screwed and Asia will be lost cause as it is none of the Asian countries on their own can halt the Chinese expansion - nor can any of them rally enough of the other Asian countries to give much of a defense. Even if they did, without some of the major Western powers to back them, its just prolonging the inevitable.

      • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26 2020, @11:40PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 26 2020, @11:40PM (#1013038)

        >> "Communist" is entirely the wrong word, but the Chinese Communist Party is certainly totalitarian, yes.

        I don't have any ideological dog in the threads for this post, just had an interesting anecdote that I thought I'd throw out after reading your post.

        My next door neighbor managed to get out of China a little over 10 years ago, and is raising his family here. While I was worried about cars, chasing women and which shift I'd get at the restaurant, he was busting his ass on his family's farm in Southern China. He calls the political situation right now in China "communism 2.0". According to him, president Xi has either a senior advisor, VP-equivalent, whatever, who's relationship is similar to the one between Bush Jr. and Cheney, with Xi's "VP" playing the role of Cheney. The story I was told was that Xi isn't as bright as some others, and as a result our Cheney-analog has a lot of power- and he is dead set on restarting the cultural revolution while simultaneously expanding China's sphere of influence. Apparently he wants to "do it right" this time, in the opinion of my neighbor.

        This Cheney analog's name might sound like "who" or "wu", hell I don't know as I don't know peanut butter from dogshit about China except stuff about a few major events. That having been said, some of the stories I've been told while sharing a beer with my neighbor can be pretty dark. IF they are true, and this guy isn't prone to bullshitting much, then the fucking man-children whining about how bad things are here would have a life-altering experience were they to be stuck in China for a year or two as a Chinese citizen.

        For instance, if these Precious, Outraged, Morally Justified keepers of the Flame of Self-Righteous Indignation were to: Protest on behalf of how the Uyghurs have been treated (very badly), carry a sign saying "Free Tibet" or "I love the Dhali Lama", find spiritual enlightenment through Falun Gong, or simply say on social media that the demands of the Tiananmen Square protesters were justified, then it's unlikely we'd see or hear from them again until their attitudes were readjusted by the State... if we ever did hear from them again. Not to say we don't have our own problems here, but you will not see Chinese people taking over the downtown center of a city, no matter -what- the provocation... Ever. The bottom line is the Chinese state can take Chinese citizens that do these things and fuck'm like tied goats, at noon, on main street, as marching parades pass by, without consequences.

        After re-reading what became a rant: here I said I didn't have ideology to pontificate about- Welp, Post-work margaritas strike again. Once I get going...

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 29 2020, @12:56AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 29 2020, @12:56AM (#1013918)

          For instance, if these Precious, Outraged, Morally Justified keepers of the Flame of Self-Righteous Indignation were to: Protest on behalf of how the Uyghurs have been treated (very badly), carry a sign saying "Free Tibet" or "I love the Dhali Lama", find spiritual enlightenment through Falun Gong, or simply say on social media that the demands of the Tiananmen Square protesters were justified, then it's unlikely we'd see or hear from them again until their attitudes were readjusted by the State... if we ever did hear from them again. Not to say we don't have our own problems here, but you will not see Chinese people taking over the downtown center of a city, no matter -what- the provocation... Ever. The bottom line is the Chinese state can take Chinese citizens that do these things and fuck'm like tied goats, at noon, on main street, as marching parades pass by, without consequences.

          That's not an if. Its been happening for a while already. If doesn't even have to be anything particularly ideological, as an example there was crack down on some of the celebrities doing tax evasion and similar SOP, nab em with no due process, hold em indefinitely until they comply; those that do gets released, forced to do a public press release apologizing how remorseful they are not doing good to the regime, etc.

          They also nab anyone that travels through their jurisdiction that they think slighted them.

    • (Score: 2) by Bot on Friday June 26 2020, @08:10PM

      by Bot (3902) on Friday June 26 2020, @08:10PM (#1012959) Journal

      The more a system deviates from natural law the stronger its enforcement must be.
      But, the system is not the justification for socialism, but the other way round, socialism is the excuse for instating the all seeing eye bureaucracy.

      Account abandoned.