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EU official: with friends like Trump, who need enemies?

Rejected submission by c0lo at 2018-05-17 12:16:16

In relation with the Iran deal.

On Twitter []

Looking at latest decisions of @realDonaldTrump someone could even think: with friends like that who needs enemies. But frankly, EU should be grateful. Thanks to him we got rid of all illusions. We realise that if you need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of your arm.

The Hill []

"With friends like that who needs enemies," tweeted Donald Tusk, the president of the EU's European Council.
Trump broke with Europe by pulling the United States out of the Iran nuclear agreement last week despite the urgings of Germany, France and Great Britain. Leaders of the three countries, all parties to the agreement, pressed Trump to reconsider his decision.

The Guardian []

At the start of an EU summit in Bulgaria, the European council president offered a withering condemnation of Trump’s White House. He said: “We are witnessing today a new phenomenon: the capricious assertiveness of the American administration. Looking at the latest decisions of President Trump, some could even think, ‘With friends like that, who needs enemies?’”

Trump’s decision to walk away from the nuclear deal with Iran – to which the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China are co-signatories – is being linked by the EU with the US administration’s refusal to exempt the bloc from steel and aluminium tariffs.

It was clear, Tusk suggested, that Washington could no longer be relied upon.

Original Submission