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How much coffee do you drink each day?

Displaying poll results.
1 cup
  7% 36 votes
2-3 cups
  23% 106 votes
4-5 cups
  13% 60 votes
more than 5 cups
  7% 34 votes
none; I drink tea you uncivilized clod
  30% 138 votes
only one, but I drink from the carafe
  3% 17 votes
other, specify
  15% 69 votes
460 total votes.
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  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by OrugTor on Monday September 14 2015, @03:55PM

    by OrugTor (5147) Subscriber Badge on Monday September 14 2015, @03:55PM (#236283)

    5 cups out of which at most two are caffeinated. I wish the question had been "... caffeinated coffee...".

  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 14 2015, @04:06PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 14 2015, @04:06PM (#236288)

    There are days when I don't drink coffee at all, and days where I drink a lot of it. It always depends on the circumstances.

    • (Score: 2) by DECbot on Monday September 14 2015, @06:44PM

      by DECbot (832) on Monday September 14 2015, @06:44PM (#236379) Journal

      I went for an average. Most days it's only 500mL but up to 1L if get a refill from the break room. Weekends are more like 1.5L to 2L a day if I bother to brew a pot, otherwise it is zero. I've joked about getting a coffee IV, but the most enjoyable part is the flavor and any hot liquid going through a small plastic tube picks up a terrible aftertaste.

      cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
      • (Score: 1) by kramulous on Wednesday September 16 2015, @11:51AM

        by kramulous (255) on Wednesday September 16 2015, @11:51AM (#236929)

        Another enjoyable part of coffee is the act of going and getting it.

        12-14 hours a day, sitting down programming, it is sometimes refreshing to go for a walk around and get the blood pumping at least a little.

        I've been working at home for the last two years on my own project and I really miss going out in the street, waiting in line at a coffee shop and making unfunny jokes with others.

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by splodus on Monday September 14 2015, @04:15PM

    by splodus (4877) on Monday September 14 2015, @04:15PM (#236295)

    A long time ago while I was at Uni I looked after a coffee wholesale business for a guy who was moving out of the area. I knew nothing about coffee, so in a addition to reading about the subject, I drank cups of the various blends every day. Before long I was able to identify the different beans and blends by taste, which of course is a prerequisite if a potential customer is to have any confidence you.

    Anyway, several months down the line the owner of the business sold it, and I had had no reason to drink so much. That's when the headaches started. I quickly realised what the problem was and decided to give up the coffee for a while and get it out of my system.

    The withdrawal was easily as bad as the worst flu I've experienced. The headaches were very bad indeed; painkillers didn't work, not even Codeine and Tramadol. After a couple of weeks most of the symptoms were gone, and I just had a continuous dull headache. I don't remember when that came to an end, it just gradually diminished until I no longer noticed it.

    20 years on, and caffeine still makes me feel odd. I guess it's psychological, although if I have three cups of coffee (or tea, or redbull, for that matter) I get a stomach ache, so not sure what's going on there. So now I mainly drink decaffeinated tea, or redbush.

    I've given up three or four other drugs after similarly long periods of heavy use, and not experienced anything like as bad withdrawal. Maybe I'm just unlucky...?

    • (Score: 2) by hemocyanin on Tuesday September 15 2015, @03:10PM

      by hemocyanin (186) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @03:10PM (#236640) Journal

      Wow. Through most of my life, coffee has had no effect on me. It would not wake me up in the morning -- I could down espresso at night and be to sound asleep 30 minutes later. But it tastes wonderful and I drank a lot of it until around the time I turned 40. It still didn't have any effect whatsoever on my alertness, but my hands started to quaver, which was embarrassing when meeting clients. So I decided to give up coffee. The first day I had a very mild headache which ibuprofen dealt with fine, and I felt a little spacey. The second day, a virtually unnoticeable headache that didn't even call for aspirin. The third day, I was over it. Since then I've been drinking decaf and the occasional real stuff. The quavering in my hands went away.

      It's interesting how massively different an effect caffeine can have. I can't say how many times I've wished it would have given me the boost everyone else seems to get.

      • (Score: 2) by splodus on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:44AM

        by splodus (4877) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:44AM (#239704)

        Yeah I worked with a guy that used to drink huge amounts of coffee, and it was his bedtime drink of choice! He used to buy instant coffee that was marketed as extra-strong (it was called 'Rocket Fuel' as I recall :) There's definitely a difference between people's affinity for it.

        • (Score: 2) by cubancigar11 on Friday September 25 2015, @06:35AM

          by cubancigar11 (330) on Friday September 25 2015, @06:35AM (#241348) Homepage Journal

          As a Good(TM) boy I avoided alcohol, tea and coffee - any drink that can get you addicted - for as long as possible. Then I picked-up the habit of having 1 black coffee every morning with my professor. 2-3 months later black coffee didn't feel bitter anymore. So I started making it stronger. Then even more stronger. 2 years later none of my friends were able to drink my cup of black coffee and vice-versa. I found out that Barista's were better than Starbuck's "Americano".

          Anyway - the habit eventually started declining because I moved to my parent's place for a couple of weeks and they are tea teetotalers. Then I started noticing that whenever I don't have coffee, I sleep at least 2 hours earlier in night.

          Stopped drinking coffee pretty much since that realization. Don't remember any headaches - its been 3 years since then - but occasionally I drink tea now.

          • (Score: 2) by timbim on Sunday October 04 2015, @07:23AM

            by timbim (907) on Sunday October 04 2015, @07:23AM (#245064)

            wow that was a great fucking story dude. about how you were a stuck up prude and lied about how long you stayed with your parents. can you tell it again???

      • (Score: 2) by tangomargarine on Friday September 25 2015, @07:50PM

        by tangomargarine (667) on Friday September 25 2015, @07:50PM (#241638)

        I've seen my former roommate drink energy drinks right before bed, even those 5-hour energy shots a couple times. So weird.

        "Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
    • (Score: 2) by archfeld on Wednesday September 16 2015, @01:20AM

      by archfeld (4650) <> on Wednesday September 16 2015, @01:20AM (#236806) Journal

      I used to drink a couple double mochas a day while at work and none on the weekends and found myself getting headaches on Sundays. Not to preach or anything but I've since given up coffee, but I still drink strong brewed tea but don't seem to suffer the same issue. I've often wondered how the tea I brew compares to coffee in caffeine content, or if there are other components in coffee that might contribute to the issue.

      For the NSA : Explosives, guns, assassination, conspiracy, primers, detonators, initiators, main charge, nuclear charge
      • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:50AM

        by hendrikboom (1125) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:50AM (#239679) Homepage Journal

        A friend tells me that tea and coffee both have the same amount of caffeine -- before they're brewed. But coffee is brewed by a technique that gets a lot more caffeine out of it. Apparently you can get that amount of caffeine out of tea leaves by forcing steam through them (anyone for espresso tea?). Pouring boiling water on tea or putting tea bags in recently boiled water just isn't as effective at getting the caffeine into the water.

        Anybody have actual data?

        -- hendrik

        • (Score: 2) by splodus on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:53AM

          by splodus (4877) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:53AM (#239708)

          I've read that tea and coffee have the same amount of caffeine - if it's all in the brewing that would make sense. I can drink two cups of tea and be okay. Two cups of coffee and I've got the stomach cramps... Three cups of tea and I'm starting to wish I'd left it at two, but it's nothing like as bad coffee. I did find a study about it a long time ago, but a quick search just now and I couldn't find it again (Gah! - should have bookmarked it :)

    • (Score: 5, Interesting) by VLM on Wednesday September 16 2015, @12:38PM

      by VLM (445) on Wednesday September 16 2015, @12:38PM (#236939)

      Maybe I'm just unlucky...?

      Yeah? Something to consider is if I'm cut off from my tea supply the headache feels exactly like a dehydration headache even if I knowingly chug excess water. Possibly you were dehydrated for weeks until you got used to drinking much more water? I've seen this happen to coworkers too. Can't go from having an energy drink on the desk all day to having nothing, gotta have an intermediate step at least of a water bottle.

      • (Score: 2) by splodus on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:39AM

        by splodus (4877) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:39AM (#239701)

        That is a very good point - I never thought about that. It was a bit like a hangover, with the headache. Maybe there's something about the caffeine, for some people, that leaves the body lacking the ability to retain sufficient water? Interesting mate!

        • (Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Wednesday September 23 2015, @03:20AM

          by Grishnakh (2831) on Wednesday September 23 2015, @03:20AM (#240347)

          Normally, caffeine is a diuretic--it makes you pee more.

      • (Score: 1) by TheReaperD on Saturday September 26 2015, @04:56AM

        by TheReaperD (5556) on Saturday September 26 2015, @04:56AM (#241805)
        My withdrawals to tea are much stranger. I don't really get the headaches but, I have a large shift in mood that leaves me anti-social, cranky and mean. It's dramatic enough that my roommates detect it if I have not had tea in 24 hours and order me to drink some. After witnessing the change, my psychiatrist at the time actually wrote me a prescription for caffeinated black tea and put it in my file. (This has led to a few raised eyebrows by future doctors.) What's even odder is that the response is not to the caffeine specifically as any attempts to substitute soda, caffeine pills, etc. have no effect in stopping the shift.
        Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit
        • (Score: 1) by number11 on Monday October 05 2015, @03:50AM

          by number11 (1170) Subscriber Badge on Monday October 05 2015, @03:50AM (#245470)

          My withdrawals to tea are much stranger... the response is not to the caffeine specifically as any attempts to substitute soda, caffeine pills, etc. have no effect in stopping the shift.

          There are a bunch of other alkaloids (besides caffeine) in tea and coffee that likely also affect you, though not as dramatically as caffeine.

    • (Score: 2, Funny) by caffeine on Thursday September 17 2015, @06:49AM

      by caffeine (249) on Thursday September 17 2015, @06:49AM (#237320)

      I drink 6-8 coffees a day. Twice I've gone a month caffeine free to prove that I can do it. Turns out I do not get caffeine headaches.

      My theory is that with enough coffee you can transcend caffeine and then drink as much as you want. At least that is what I tell myself. All you need do is drink lots more coffee and you'll be fine.

      • (Score: 2) by splodus on Tuesday September 22 2015, @03:02AM

        by splodus (4877) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @03:02AM (#239712)

        Ha! I have thought about going back to drinking lots - actually I think you are probably right, (even if you were joking :) It would be interesting to try, but I can't bear the risk that I'd just feel poorly, and then suffer the withdrawal again! Thing is, I came to love it! A nice strong Columbian in the morning, a Viennese blend in the afternoon, any type of Arabica for sipping during the day.... :)

      • (Score: 1) by daaelar on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:13PM

        by daaelar (5403) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:13PM (#239913)

        I have a similar experience, though I drink tea. I used to drink Bawls by the caseload at LAN parties as a teenager. I just finished a month sans caffeine and didn't even get a headache from it, let alone withdrawal symptoms. Then again, I am also able to drink tea anytime without feeling an effect from the caffeine at all. It's quite interesting how different certain chemicals effects can be with different people.

    • (Score: 2) by bzipitidoo on Saturday September 26 2015, @09:49PM

      by bzipitidoo (4388) on Saturday September 26 2015, @09:49PM (#242052) Journal

      Coworker of mine tried to quit coffee. He didn't realize caffeine was addictive and trying to stop might cause headaches. After 2 weeks of splitting headaches which he couldn't understand why he was having, others told him he was probably suffering caffeine withdrawal. He decided quitting wasn't worth the pain and went back to drinking coffee regularly.

      I used not to pay any attention to the amounts of caffeine in various lemon lime sodas. Didn't know it was important, didn't know what it could do. 7 Up, Sprite, Slice, Mountain Dew, Mello Yello, it was all the same to me. Then one afternoon I had a Mountain Dew on an empty stomach. Hadn't eaten anything all day but felt more thirsty than hungry. That drink made me hyperactive, with trembling hands and dilated pupils. I was literally bouncing off the walls. I have never had a Mountain Dew or other caffeinated drink since. Some years later, I gave up sodas. Drink water most of the time now.

      People ought to be better informed what caffeine does. It's not just any old ingredient, like most things on a nutrition label.

    • (Score: 2) by inertnet on Thursday October 01 2015, @12:29PM

      by inertnet (4071) on Thursday October 01 2015, @12:29PM (#243961) Journal

      I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning. Once when I was on vacation I got a headache on the second day without my coffee. Because I hardly ever have headaches I quickly realized it was because of the caffeine withdrawal.

      It was different when I quit smoking about 18 years ago, after 25 years of smoking. At first I tried to quit abruptly, but my mood suffered badly. So I started measuring time between smokes, at first I forced myself to wait at least an hour between smokes and over a couple of months I gradually expanded the time between cigarettes to two hours. Quitting was a lot easier after that, although the withdrawal symptoms always lasted for two weeks after the last cigarette. So every time I tried one, I had to fight the physical urge for another two weeks. About a year after quitting completely, I started getting sensitive to cigarette smoke, I can't stand it anymore. I don't think this is psychological, because I absolutely don't care if anybody wants to smoke, as long as it's not around me. It's not an allergy either, it's more like an oversensitivity. I recognize your reaction to caffeine after having been a heavy user, but for me it's my reaction to smoke. It might explain why former smokers often become the worst complainers, from a smoker's point of view.

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Tramii on Monday September 14 2015, @04:37PM

    by Tramii (920) on Monday September 14 2015, @04:37PM (#236309)

    I don't drink coffee *or* tea, you uncivilized clod!

    • (Score: 2) by Subsentient on Tuesday September 15 2015, @03:49AM

      by Subsentient (1111) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @03:49AM (#236544) Homepage Journal

      Strangely enough, Caffeine puts me to sleep. So yeah, I don't drink any either. Not even caffeinated soda.

      "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -Jiddu Krishnamurti
      • (Score: 2) by mhajicek on Friday September 18 2015, @05:11AM

        by mhajicek (51) on Friday September 18 2015, @05:11AM (#237827)

        You must be ADHD.

        The spacelike surfaces of time foliations can have a cusp at the surface of discontinuity. - P. Hajicek
  • (Score: 2) by Gaaark on Monday September 14 2015, @04:40PM

    by Gaaark (41) on Monday September 14 2015, @04:40PM (#236311) Journal

    ...i'm off caffeine almost completely: along with lactose and gluten, my stomach/system can't seem to take it.

    Only drink caffeine drinks (Monster) when i am REALLY tired and doing monotonous/repetitive stuff that doesn't let my brain entertain itself.

    My guts are sh*t.
    (i CAN tolerate hot/spicy foods, though, which is good. And luckily Rum is made of sugar, and vodka can be made from potatoes!)

    --- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. I have always been here. ---Gaaark 2.0 --
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 17 2015, @02:25PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 17 2015, @02:25PM (#237467)

      I have the same problem. Stir in a teaspoon of psyllium powder into the coffee. I cant drink coke anymore without it.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 20 2015, @05:28AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 20 2015, @05:28AM (#238718)

        I am quite surprised psyllium powder hasn't caught on in a big way.

        Dirt cheap to make, safe, and effective.

        Humans are not designed to absorb it, so its all filler.

        It absorbs water, then won't compact into hard-to-pass turdlets.

        After discovering this stuff, I have not needed laxatives anymore.

        However, I have to drink the stuff when it is very freshly mixed with my tea.

        If I delay, it absorbs its water before consumption and becomes a tasteless gelatinous mess that is difficult to either eat or drink.

        • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:53AM

          by hendrikboom (1125) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:53AM (#239681) Homepage Journal

          My wife uses polyethylene glycol for the same purpose. It doesn't seem to leave gelatinous messes, though.

      • (Score: 1) by Webweasel on Monday September 28 2015, @12:26PM

        by Webweasel (567) on Monday September 28 2015, @12:26PM (#242596) Homepage Journal

        +1 on this, though I get Fybogel (Same stuff, just flavored) on prescription. Can't find just the powder itself in the UK.

        Also taking Colofac (Mebeverine Hydrochloride) for the spasms.

        Both have really helped me out, I can't recommend them enough to sufferers like us.

        However the big change was: giving up milk. Not cheese, cheese seems fine, but stopping drinking milk with tea.

        Since giving up milk, I have not really had a problem since. Seems odd not to be in pain 24/7.

        Do watch out for coffee though, it causes spasms in the large intestine and can worsen the problems we have. 1 a day seems fine for me, but well... It defiantly prompts that first defecation of the day.

        Also, try to stop eating bananas. For whatever reason, they will give me a 3-4 day hell.

        -- Number stations, Russian Military radio. "You are a bad, bad man. Do you have any other virtues?"-Runaway1956
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 14 2015, @04:55PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 14 2015, @04:55PM (#236316)

    90W coffee. Strong, lots of sugar, a little creme. Jose's Vanilla Nut coffee is the best.

    • (Score: 3, Funny) by tangomargarine on Monday September 14 2015, @06:17PM

      by tangomargarine (667) on Monday September 14 2015, @06:17PM (#236363)

      90 watt coffee?

      "Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
      • (Score: 3, Interesting) by DECbot on Monday September 14 2015, @06:36PM

        by DECbot (832) on Monday September 14 2015, @06:36PM (#236374) Journal

        I assumed it was like oil grades, like 30W-10. I'd imagine a 90W would be pretty thick.

        cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
        • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @12:17AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @12:17AM (#236492)

          Yes, 90W as in gear oil.

  • (Score: 4, Funny) by martyb on Monday September 14 2015, @05:00PM

    by martyb (76) on Monday September 14 2015, @05:00PM (#236318) Journal

    This seems apropos: []

    Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
  • (Score: 2) by tangomargarine on Monday September 14 2015, @06:14PM

    by tangomargarine (667) on Monday September 14 2015, @06:14PM (#236359)

    I don't have a taste for either coffee or black/green tea. I use water with those Mio Energy caffeination flavor squirt things.

    Or, crazy idea, some people might drink caffeinated soda. Gasp!

    "Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
  • (Score: 2) by jdavidb on Monday September 14 2015, @06:27PM

    by jdavidb (5690) on Monday September 14 2015, @06:27PM (#236368) Homepage Journal
    I'm a long time caffeinated soda drinker, and I usually start the day with a 12 oz. energy drink.
    ⓋⒶ☮✝🕊 Secession is the right of all sentient beings
  • (Score: 2) by mendax on Monday September 14 2015, @07:17PM

    by mendax (2840) on Monday September 14 2015, @07:17PM (#236391)

    Tea is the drink of civilized people. Coffee is the drink of the devil. It does wake me up but that's because it takes so awful that it shocks my body into a state of alertness. How people can drink that swill black, without something like cream or sugar to ameliorate its awful taste, is beyond me. Self-flagellation or burning oneself regularly with a cigarette lighter would have a similar effect.

    Of course, there is another reason why I drink tea. It's far, far cheaper than coffee, except at Starbucks and places of that ilk.

    It's really quite a simple choice: Life, Death, or Los Angeles.
    • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Ethanol-fueled on Monday September 14 2015, @08:54PM

      by Ethanol-fueled (2792) on Monday September 14 2015, @08:54PM (#236425) Homepage

      The bitter taste is relishing the moment. You know that something that tastes that nasty is about to give you a mean buzz and that's what makes the anticipation of the high better. You're right, it is kind of masochistic -- and some folks like that.

      Cigarettes also taste nasty. And there's plenty of bitterness in a good IPA or Imperial Stout. Anybody who says that pure coffee, cigarettes, IPA, or whisky "taste good" is totally full of it. It's all about the anticipation of the buzz, unless you prefer tea or cider in place of a dark beer.

      • (Score: 3, Insightful) by MostCynical on Monday September 14 2015, @09:40PM

        by MostCynical (2589) on Monday September 14 2015, @09:40PM (#236451) Journal

        Single malts DO taste good.
        So do many blends.

        Many people also like coriander (cilantro).

        People are different, and have different tastes.

        Such is life.

        "I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it." -Batou, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @12:26AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @12:26AM (#236499)

        It has to be brewed correctly to avoid the bitter taste. The water should never be up to boiling point temperature. The best coffee I've ever had comes from making it in a Bodum French Press Coffee Maker, just make sure the water is just under boiling temp.

        • (Score: 2) by slinches on Tuesday September 15 2015, @05:22AM

          by slinches (5049) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @05:22AM (#236561)

          Agree that proper brewing is important, but grinding fresh makes as big of a difference. IMHO, those two factors are even more important than the beans themselves. I'll take fresh ground cheap supermarket brand beans over high end coffee ground a week ago. And at this point, I'd rather go without than drink the bitter, flavorless dreck that comes from our office drip machine.

          By the way, for a french press, you need a really good consistent burr grinder. The cheaper blade grinders will create a lot of fine particles that will get out of the basket and make for a gritty texture and a lot of sediment to clean up. I've been using an Aerobie Aero Press instead. It looks really gimmicky but it operates somewhat similar to a french press except it allows you to use a paper or fine metal screen filter to keep the grit out of your cup even with a cheap hand crank or blade grinder.

      • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Thexalon on Wednesday September 16 2015, @08:37PM

        by Thexalon (636) on Wednesday September 16 2015, @08:37PM (#237108)

        And there's plenty of bitterness in a good IPA or Imperial Stout. Anybody who says that pure coffee, cigarettes, IPA, or whisky "taste good" is totally full of it.

        I would have to thoroughly disagree with that, since I really enjoy the flavor of the better IPAs, stouts, and some whiskeys, and rarely get even close to buzzed.

        Of course, that might have to do with the fact that I don't drink bad versions of any of those. For example, if you drink Jack Daniels, of course you're going to dislike it. But drinking Laphroaigh scotch is a completely different experience.

        "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
    • (Score: 2) by Hartree on Tuesday September 15 2015, @04:37AM

      by Hartree (195) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @04:37AM (#236554)

      "Coffee is the drink of Satan"

      Excellent! I shall inscribe an upside down pentacle around my coffeepot! *muwahahaha!*

      • (Score: 2) by mendax on Tuesday September 15 2015, @06:38PM

        by mendax (2840) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @06:38PM (#236712)

        I should give coffee to my evil black cat instead of water. She is definitely Satan with soft fur. Well, maybe not today. She cuddled up with me in bed this morning and didn't even try to bite me.

        It's really quite a simple choice: Life, Death, or Los Angeles.
      • (Score: 2) by jasassin on Wednesday September 23 2015, @06:14AM

        by jasassin (3566) <> on Wednesday September 23 2015, @06:14AM (#240402) Homepage Journal

        I shall inscribe an upside down pentacle around my coffeepot!

        What the fuck is a pentacle?

        -- GPG Key ID: 0xE6462C68A9A3DB5A
        • (Score: 2) by jasassin on Wednesday September 23 2015, @06:18AM

          by jasassin (3566) <> on Wednesday September 23 2015, @06:18AM (#240403) Homepage Journal

          Never mind. Its a pentagram. Sorry. It reminds me of Obama all of a sudden calling ISIS ISIL.

          You guys do it just to fuck with me don't you?

 GPG Key ID: 0xE6462C68A9A3DB5A
          • (Score: 3, Funny) by Hartree on Wednesday September 23 2015, @07:07AM

            by Hartree (195) on Wednesday September 23 2015, @07:07AM (#240417)

            Of course.

            I'm also the guy that stole all of your right hand gloves and left the others.

        • (Score: 2) by Translation Error on Tuesday September 29 2015, @02:40PM

          by Translation Error (718) on Tuesday September 29 2015, @02:40PM (#243133)
          A pentagram with a circle around it.
    • (Score: 2) by Joe Desertrat on Tuesday September 15 2015, @06:12PM

      by Joe Desertrat (2454) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @06:12PM (#236703)

      I don't know why, perhaps the tannins, but a good percentage of the times I drank ordinary tea I have felt mild to strong nausea. I'll stick with coffee.

      • (Score: 3, Interesting) by VLM on Wednesday September 16 2015, @12:55PM

        by VLM (445) on Wednesday September 16 2015, @12:55PM (#236948)

        Need a better tea. The powder stuff in cheap bags oxidizes and goes rancid therefore tastes awful. People who don't drink looseleaf brewed tea don't believe me when I tell them tea is not bitter and rancid because all they've ever drank is rancid cheap bag stuff.

        Its somewhere between an urban legend and the truth that real tea is little dried grass clipping looking stuff and after a day of packing the real stuff at the factory they sweep the crap and dust off the floor and put it in tea bags. I feel this might be the case... note how you can only buy generic blended tea and the only variation in bags is trademarked artificial flavorings, but looseleaf is available down to incredible detail, I mostly drink chinese black yunan FOP grade in the morning which is kinda expensive but lower grade "real" teas are pretty good too. Someday I will buy some FTGFOP grade just to say I did it, but that stuff is like $10+ per ounce so maybe not today.

        Good tea is pretty cheap. Yes the stuff I drink is like $3 to $4/oz but a pound of that lasts me a hell of a long time and must make enough brewed tea to fill a swimming pool (well, a kiddie pool at least). On the other hand it oxidizes and tastes bad over enough time so you don't want to buy like one years worth at a time either. I guess that you can buy bags as small as one single ounce online but the cost per ounce will be quite a bit higher.

        There's an old beer legend (or is it?) that "Milwaukees Best" brand used to be whatever was at the bottom of returned kegs all mixed together. That's exactly the rep tea bag tea has. Cheap tea isn't real tea.

        • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Saturday September 19 2015, @01:34PM

          by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday September 19 2015, @01:34PM (#238436) Journal

          Jasmine and caravan for me. I never quite figured out how caravan is different from black Russian - but there did seem to be a difference. Anyway, that stuff is both potent, and smooth. If it weren't ten times as expensive as coffee, that's what I would drink. Except - where I live now, there are no tea shops. I've never felt quite comfortable ordering over the internet - I want to smell it before I buy it. Browsing the tea shop was a big part of the enjoyment of tea.

          “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
        • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:01AM

          by hendrikboom (1125) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @02:01AM (#239683) Homepage Journal

          Two teas I drink regularly:

          (1) No 1 flowery broken orange pekoe. That's the grade of tea. The brand I've been able to get recently is al-wazah.

          (2) The other is Constant Comment, from Bigelow. It too is a black tea, scented subtly with orange spice. I import it from the US, since the local supplies in Montreal have dried up in the past thirty years.

          Both teas I keep in metal cans.

    • (Score: 2) by meisterister on Sunday September 20 2015, @05:08AM

      by meisterister (949) on Sunday September 20 2015, @05:08AM (#238707) Journal

      Have you ever tried coffee with an unreasonable amount of cream and sugar? That's the only way I can make it palatable, and it then just tastes like coffee ice cream.

      (May or may not have been) Posted from my K6-2, Athlon XP, or Pentium I/II/III.
      • (Score: 2) by mendax on Sunday September 20 2015, @05:53PM

        by mendax (2840) on Sunday September 20 2015, @05:53PM (#238924)

        That is the only way I can make it drinkable.

        It's really quite a simple choice: Life, Death, or Los Angeles.
    • (Score: 2) by dyingtolive on Thursday September 24 2015, @08:05PM

      by dyingtolive (952) on Thursday September 24 2015, @08:05PM (#241113)

      It's pretty good with a smoke. Back when I lived downtown, I took walks around the neighborhood in the morning with a thermos of coffee and my pipe. It's a fine way to start the day.

      Don't blame me, I voted for moose wang!
  • (Score: 2) by The Archon V2.0 on Monday September 14 2015, @07:50PM

    by The Archon V2.0 (3887) on Monday September 14 2015, @07:50PM (#236403)

    ... it's all vile to me, I can't understand how anyone can get near that stuff.

    Apparently, I got the taste buds that should have been assigned to a Mormon. What's the domain name extension for Kolob? I need to e-mail a bug report.

    • (Score: 2) by ese002 on Monday September 14 2015, @11:10PM

      by ese002 (5306) on Monday September 14 2015, @11:10PM (#236471)

      Likewise.. or at least close.

      Tea isn't vile. It just has little appeal.

      Alcohol isn't vile either but the taste is unappealing and the effect is that it puts me to sleep. Not worth my time. Certainly not worth spending money on.

      Coffee is vile.

      Tobacco is beyond vile. I get rapid onset headaches just breathing second hand smoke.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 14 2015, @09:27PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 14 2015, @09:27PM (#236445)

    i drink ceremonial grade matcha, three to eight cups a day. The caffeine is great, the l-theanine is awesome. Although this stuff is like weak amphetamine, its legal cos hey, traditional preparation. I think i get about a gram of caffeine daily through that tea.Been drinking it for three years now, so far, so good.
    Oh an i spend about 200-300 hundred dollars a month on it. Order from japan n stuff, lol.
    Only thing that worries me is whats gonna happen to my mood if i ever have to stop taking it...

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 16 2015, @08:36PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 16 2015, @08:36PM (#237107)

      No, it's legal cos hey it's just tea.

  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by N3Roaster on Monday September 14 2015, @11:26PM

    by N3Roaster (3860) <> on Monday September 14 2015, @11:26PM (#236477) Homepage Journal

    I drink coffee for a living. Deciding what coffees I want to buy, deciding how those coffees should be roasted, verifying that finished product tastes the way it should, and I try to buy coffees that taste good, roast and brew them in a way that they're pleasing so even if I'm not drinking the coffee for some purpose I'm usually drinking it continuously at work because I enjoy it.

    Fortunately I don't get the bad withdrawal symptoms that some get when they stop as on days off or vacations I tend to not have any and don't substitute an alternative. Drinking too much coffee is, however, a risk (not from a medical perspective, my doctor says I can drink as much coffee as I want, YMMV) and my tolerance in that direction is getting worse with age. I never really got the hang of spitting things out after evaluating them (though I've been trying to remember to do that).

    Fun tidbit: If you ever feel like you've had too much caffeine from coffee or any other source, try eating a banana. You'll be surprised at how quickly you feel better.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @01:41PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @01:41PM (#236618)

      Fun tidbit: If you ever feel like you've had too much caffeine from coffee or any other source,

      That's possible?

      • (Score: 5, Funny) by AnonymousCowardNoMore on Tuesday September 15 2015, @05:25PM

        by AnonymousCowardNoMore (5416) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @05:25PM (#236678)

        Absolutely. According to the Merck Index (15th ed.), caffeine has an oral LD50 for males of between 127 mg/kg (mouse) and 355 mg/kg (rat) or between 137 mg/kg (mouse) and 249 mg/kg (hamster) for females. Subtract a margin of say, 10% and there you have your optimal dose.

        *If you are not a rat, mouse, hamster or rabbit, you'll have to take some risks.

    • (Score: 2) by Hyperturtle on Thursday October 01 2015, @12:19AM

      by Hyperturtle (2824) on Thursday October 01 2015, @12:19AM (#243766)

      So... what gourmet coffee is worth the money?

      I'm looking for smooth with a slight chocolate aroma, with a flavor balance worth drinking black with no adulterants. I'll occasionally add milk or chocolate, maybe a dash of cinnamon -- but by and large, I want a coffee I can make in a french press and drink without adding something to it. It preferably would not make me want to run to the bathroom within 15 minutes of drinking it on an empty stomach.

      Have any ideas?

      • (Score: 2) by N3Roaster on Thursday October 01 2015, @01:31AM

        by N3Roaster (3860) <> on Thursday October 01 2015, @01:31AM (#243788) Homepage Journal

        I generally try to encourage people to support their local roasters. If you've got a good one in your area you won't find anything fresher short of roasting your own (which can be hit or miss on flavor if you subject yourself to the constraints that most home roasters impose on themselves) and they should be able to point you in the right direction if you ask the same question.

        I just spent the last week in Brazil teaching classes at a trade show [] and tasted a couple of coffees from the Cerrado Mineiro region that match what you're describing at a medium to light roast, but unfortunately that's not a flavor profile that's commonly imported to the US from Brazil (most of that seems to be going to Europe or Japan or used for local specialty consumption). You might have an easier time finding something like that from Guatemala, Costa Rica, or Ethiopia (washed Sidama), but you can find coffees like that from a lot of origins. You're most likely to get this with coffees on the darker side of a light roast or the lighter side of a medium roast, so stay away from the really underdeveloped light stuff and stay away from the dark roasts until you're feeling adventurous.

        For price, expect to pay around $12-$16 per pound for something like that, which really isn't that much on a per cup basis. Maybe a little more if you're in a high rent area.

        • (Score: 2) by Hyperturtle on Saturday October 10 2015, @08:31PM

          by Hyperturtle (2824) on Saturday October 10 2015, @08:31PM (#247862)

          I have had coffee from, I believe, Stefani -- it comes from Peru or Bolivia. It had a slight chocolate scent, but not a chocolate taste.

          When mixed with powdered coca leaf and cocoa, it made for quite the stimulating beverage.

          $12 to $16 a pound is reasonable, compared to what various commercial outlets charge per cup.

          I'll check into this! And the costo suggestion from the other respondent as well. Even if the coffee I end up buying is swill, chances are good I will drink it anyway... I don't have to enjoy it to be addicted to it. But I prefer the addiction to be a pleasant one.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 07 2015, @10:09PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 07 2015, @10:09PM (#246628)

        If you have a Costco nearby, Jose's gourmet coffee is available in some really good flavors when the have a roadshow... []

  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by penguinoid on Tuesday September 15 2015, @05:06AM

    by penguinoid (5331) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @05:06AM (#236559)

    As I understand it, there's no benefit to regular caffeine consumption. So I'll drink some only if I need to stay alert for some semi-important reason.

    RIP Slashdot. Killed by greedy bastards.
  • (Score: 2) by Anne Nonymous on Tuesday September 15 2015, @12:27PM

    by Anne Nonymous (712) on Tuesday September 15 2015, @12:27PM (#236604)

    Do you mean actual cups or one of the various units of volume [] called a cup?

    Metric cup
    United States customary cup
    United States "legal" cup
    UK cup
    Japanese cup

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @07:30PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 15 2015, @07:30PM (#236722)

      My coffee mug holds 24oz = 3 US 8oz cups. I make my coffee double strength so I guess that equals 6 cups. By the way, my coffee mug says "coffee makes me poop" and it's true.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 16 2015, @08:35AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 16 2015, @08:35AM (#236899)

      Was kinda thinking of the same. What crazy measure is a cup anyway? 5 litres per day is more like it.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 16 2015, @01:33AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 16 2015, @01:33AM (#236810)

    Crystal Light Energy [] because I believe in me.

  • (Score: 2) by t-3 on Wednesday September 16 2015, @07:52PM

    by t-3 (4907) on Wednesday September 16 2015, @07:52PM (#237088)

    I can't stand caffeine, and I only use it on those rare ocassions when I need to be awake on little to no sleep.

  • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Thursday September 17 2015, @02:36AM

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 17 2015, @02:36AM (#237248) Journal

    I fall out of bed, and brew coffee. Drink two cups, and take the rest to work. When I get to work, I brew another pot. It's usually gone at the end of my shift, when I pour the last cup for the drive home. When I get home, either the wife has a pot brewed, or I make a fresh pot.

    Yes, the wife drinks as much as I do. We buy a lot of coffee.

    Is there life before coffee? I doubt it. Is there life after coffee? I want an IV tube installed into my coffin, so that I can find out. I'm leaving special instructions for the mortician - I gotta have my coffee!

    “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
    • (Score: 2) by penguinoid on Saturday September 19 2015, @03:56AM

      by penguinoid (5331) on Saturday September 19 2015, @03:56AM (#238317)

      I want an IV tube installed into my coffin, so that I can find out. I'm leaving special instructions for the mortician - I gotta have my coffee!

      Odds are pretty good that you can have your mortician substitute coffee for the water in the fluid they replace your blood with. I wonder if anyone's done this before...

      RIP Slashdot. Killed by greedy bastards.
    • (Score: 2, Funny) by Webweasel on Monday September 28 2015, @12:43PM

      by Webweasel (567) on Monday September 28 2015, @12:43PM (#242605) Homepage Journal

      Dad: You kids drank ALL the coffee?!
      *Dexter and Dee-Dee nod yes ashamedly*
      DAD: You kids don't know what coffee MEANS TO US GROWN-UPS! We need it to function! TO LIVE! You kids have YOUTH to keep you going! But us...we have nothing.
      *Mom comes in, and Dad whispers into her ear what happened. She simply sobs*
      DAD: *trying to comfort Mom* I've seen some pretty nasty things in my life...but this. This is just SICK.

      -- Number stations, Russian Military radio. "You are a bad, bad man. Do you have any other virtues?"-Runaway1956
  • (Score: 2) by boltronics on Thursday September 17 2015, @09:29AM

    by boltronics (580) on Thursday September 17 2015, @09:29AM (#237370) Homepage Journal

    I usually just drink water or Soda Stream. Dr Pete's pretty good. It's not as strong as the real stuff, but convenient to make whenever, is cheaper, and better for the environment. Probably slightly healthier I suspect on account of it being weaker, and I don't seem to get pimples from it. I have a machine at home and at work next to my desk, so it's extremely convenient not needing to store stuff in the fridge (so long as you've got a water cooler). It's also great not having to wait in turn at the coffee machine. :)

    Tea and coffee tastes pretty bad to my taste buds, but sometimes I have cinnamon flavoured tea which I can tolerate. I also occasionally have ginger tea.

    It's GNU/Linux dammit!
  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by fliptop on Thursday September 17 2015, @05:23PM

    by fliptop (1666) on Thursday September 17 2015, @05:23PM (#237573) Journal

    I buy the cheapest tagless bags I can (I think it's like $1.50 for 100) and use 16 of them to a gallon w/ 1/2 cup of local honey, and a spritz of fresh lemon in each glass that's poured. Usually drink two glasses a day, in the afternoon or evening. It's has helped alleviate my allergies to pollen. When I first moved here it would take about 1/2 a roll of toilet paper to mow a field because I'd sneeze at least 1000 times. Now I barely sniffle.

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
    • (Score: 1) by Osamabobama on Monday September 28 2015, @09:26PM

      by Osamabobama (5842) on Monday September 28 2015, @09:26PM (#242875)

      Sneezing makes you poop?

      Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02 2015, @01:51PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 02 2015, @01:51PM (#244428)

        Some people blow their nose on toilet paper. It is considerably softer than kleenex type tissue.

  • (Score: 2) by Snow on Thursday September 17 2015, @05:26PM

    by Snow (1601) on Thursday September 17 2015, @05:26PM (#237575) Journal

    ...but I drink about 3 litres of coke per day.

    • (Score: 2) by Alfred on Friday September 18 2015, @09:48PM

      by Alfred (4006) on Friday September 18 2015, @09:48PM (#238152) Journal
      I knew a guy who said that he drank coke because he was "allergic to water." He stuck to his statement after I explained how an ingredient list works.
      • (Score: 2) by Snow on Friday September 18 2015, @10:18PM

        by Snow (1601) on Friday September 18 2015, @10:18PM (#238163) Journal

        I think he may have been pulling your leg...

        • (Score: 2) by Alfred on Monday September 21 2015, @01:55PM

          by Alfred (4006) on Monday September 21 2015, @01:55PM (#239340) Journal
          I saw right through it but I do think he actually believed it. I wonder what he does for work now.
      • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Tuesday September 22 2015, @03:42AM

        by hendrikboom (1125) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @03:42AM (#239728) Homepage Journal

        I know someone like that, too. Something about the flavourless quality fo water makes him throw up.

        Now I don't think *I*'d call it an allergy, since it doesn't seem to involve immune system reactions, but that's what he said. And I don't doubt he'd throw up.

        Tea is OK, apparently. With lots of sugar.

      • (Score: 1) by Istaera on Wednesday September 30 2015, @08:29AM

        by Istaera (113) on Wednesday September 30 2015, @08:29AM (#243431)

        I too once knew someone allergic to water. But in this case, it was something to do with the chlorine in tap water so he drank distilled water.

        I believe there's somebody out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government.
  • (Score: 2) by novak on Friday September 18 2015, @01:32AM

    by novak (4683) on Friday September 18 2015, @01:32AM (#237757) Homepage

    I drank about a pot of coffee per day while in college; it hardly affected me at all. I could and usually did go to bed right after finishing the pot. Usually in the summer I would drink coffee less than once a week, and I never noticed any withdrawal.

    Now I drink much less, I don't even drink coffee weekly anymore. Now that I hardly drink any I can feel the difference a little bit even with only a few cups. It still doesn't really keep me up but it makes me a little more alert.

  • (Score: 1) by elixir on Sunday September 20 2015, @08:31AM

    by elixir (5502) on Sunday September 20 2015, @08:31AM (#238754)

    I do not drink coffee, as I do not like the taste, and to be quite honest I do not even drink much caffeine in general. When I am not drinking kool-aid, sunny d, or any other kid drink that is amazing; I am drinking peppermint and different fruit teas.

    Caffeine has often times lead to migranes and I have just learned to not care much for it.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 20 2015, @03:04PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 20 2015, @03:04PM (#238855)

    Doubled filtered, thank you very much.

  • (Score: 1) by Scandiacus on Monday September 21 2015, @03:40PM

    by Scandiacus (1956) on Monday September 21 2015, @03:40PM (#239387)

    I usually drink 0 to 1.5 cups of coffee per day, depending on how much waking up I need. On days when I've had enough sleep and am doing interesting work, it's usually zero. When I do feel the need for caffeine, I drink it in increments of 1/2 cup (~6 oz per half cup; by "cup" I mean the mug I use at work, not the literal unit of measure). Often I'll substitute Earl Gray tea, which I'll drink in 1 cup increments since it has roughly half the caffeine per unit volume of the coffee I brew.

  • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:42AM

    by hendrikboom (1125) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @01:42AM (#239674) Homepage Journal

    about two per week, one each on Sunday and Monday

  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 22 2015, @10:06AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 22 2015, @10:06AM (#239847)

    I'd love to drink chocolate instead. But it seems a lot more expensive to get a decent chocolate drink.

    I don't consider Hershey[1] and similar crap as chocolate.

    [1] [] []

  • (Score: 1) by SanityCheck on Tuesday September 22 2015, @06:10PM

    by SanityCheck (5190) on Tuesday September 22 2015, @06:10PM (#240082)

    Earl Grey Tea, Hot

    Coffee I love, well good coffee not the too bitter American blends. But I have had to cut back significantly as it was a factor in my Acid Re-flux.

    • (Score: 2, Touché) by Istaera on Wednesday September 30 2015, @08:33AM

      by Istaera (113) on Wednesday September 30 2015, @08:33AM (#243432)

      Tea, Earl Grey, hot.


      I believe there's somebody out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government.
      • (Score: 1) by SanityCheck on Wednesday September 30 2015, @01:05PM

        by SanityCheck (5190) on Wednesday September 30 2015, @01:05PM (#243479)

        Yes of course a computer interface in 24th century would use a tokenizer with comma delimiter, my bad :(

  • (Score: 1) by Gault.Drakkor on Tuesday September 29 2015, @05:54PM

    by Gault.Drakkor (1079) on Tuesday September 29 2015, @05:54PM (#243202)

    Where is the water option?
    Don't drink Coffee. Smells gross perhaps only smelling stale coffee, but for me its the vast majority.
    Don't drink tea. Smells good -doesn't taste like it smells, often too bitter.

    Water is next best option.

  • (Score: 2) by ragequit on Wednesday September 30 2015, @10:43PM

    by ragequit (44) on Wednesday September 30 2015, @10:43PM (#243727) Journal

    1 keurig cup at home. Lavazza is my favorite. Stopped grinding my own 'cause it wakes up my wife. When I get to work I get to piss off my coworkers with the grinder. Philips burr grinder. Lavazza again. by the Kg from Amazon.

    If I drink tea, two bags per cup let it sit till it gets cold then microwave it hot, then throw out the bags.

    The above views are fabricated for your reading pleasure.
  • (Score: 2) by pixeldyne on Friday October 09 2015, @09:17PM

    by pixeldyne (2637) on Friday October 09 2015, @09:17PM (#247595)

    I drink whatever I can find at clients' sites. If coffee, then I fill a quarter of the cup with coffee, quarter boiling water, stir, then fill rest with cold water and drink with pinched nose swiftly followed by a glass of cold water to mask the taste further. If it's tea, and the expiry date wasn't more than 5 years ago, then just standard half tea, half milk.